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  • Día 2

    Charleston Walking Tour

    20 de marzo de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

    We blacked all light out the room with the blinds and curtains, and put on some white noise to ensure a full night's sleep. When we did get up, we got to appreciate the full character of our hotel in the light of day. We had a very light breakfast, since we had an early lunch reservation. With some coffee in us, we made a brief appearance at the hotel gym (complete with two peloton bikes), before getting ready for the day and heading out for lunch.

    We arrived a few minutes early, so we spent a little time walking around and generally enjoying some sunshine and the abundance of green foliage. Lunch was at The Obstinate Daughter, where we each had one of the specials, and an it's-almost-noon beer.

    The main event of the day was a walking tour of Charleston. Some of the highlights included:
    * The Miracles of the Mills house - The historical house survived major fires, shelling during the war and a 7.3 magnitude earthquake. Ultimately, it finally succumbed to a termite infestation.

    Another major stop was Dock street theater in the French quarter. We got to pop inside, and our guide shared some information about the significance of the Kings crest hung above the stage (the wealthy planter-class would only attend plays held at theaters sanctioned by King Charles. Many notable people were affiliated with the theater, including John Wilkes Booth's alcoholic father, Junius Booth. He famously beat another man with a fire poker, and had to be locked in a room (where a friend snuck him alcohol via a straw through the door's keyhole).

    We saw the Old Exchange and Provost Dungeon, one of the sites where the U.S. constitution was ratified (just around the corner from where slaves were being sold...). The dungeon in the basement was previously used to hold enemies of the king.

    As we walked around, we saw plenty of "houses of negotiated affection". We made a stop at rainbow row, a cluster pastel-colored Georgian style homes, before walking down to The Battery to look out at fort Sumter to hear about naval battles against the British naval fleet and the start of the civil war.

    When the tour concluded, we walked around just a bit more, before it was cheese and wine hour at the hotel.

    Dinner was shortly after, at Leon's Oyster Shop (kind of reminded me of Parson's Chicken in Chicago). We had a half dozen oysters each, and a fried platter of clam strips, catfish, shrimp, and hush puppies.
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  • Día 1

    Never without incident

    19 de marzo de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 61 °F

    By now we've learned to expect a wave of anxiety on the initial travel day of vacation. We were beginning to believe that today might be an exception... By the time we got up, we had news that Caty had safely arrived in Paris to spend spring break with her Dad, which was a major relief. Our flight wasn't until mid afternoon, so we followed our normal Sunday morning routine, coffee and dog walking, followed by some last minute packing.

    We flew out of Milwaukee, so after another good dog walk, it was an easy drive and we arrived with lots of time to spare. About an hour before boarding, we began to wonder why our dogsitter hadn't checked in with us confirming her arrival. As our plane began boarding, we started stressing, and sent some panicked texts/calls to the sitter. When she didn't immediately respond, we quickly devolved into assuming the dogsitter had died in a car crash or had spontaneously combust. Laura's mom graciously offered to head over as backup, which held us over as we took to the skies and lost cellular signal.

    The flight to Charlotte didn't take too long, but I'm sure it felt like an eternity for Laura as she ruminated on the circumstances, and let her imagination run wild with thoughts of the dogs being all alone for days at a time. Wish me luck convincing her to take further vacations sans doggos.

    Luckily, when we landed we were greeted by text messages by both the sitter and Laura's mom, with some bonus pup pics to assure us that the dogs were indeed alive and not at all in distress. We breathed a sigh of relief, and caught the next quick flight down to Charleston.

    We arrived slightly later than anticipated, and following the world's slowest cab ride to our hotel, quickly got ready for our 8:45pm (so late for us!) dinner at Chez Nous. Our hotel is quite charming, but we had to rush through the welcoming to throw some different clothes on and head back out. We'll give it full appreciation in the morning.

    The restaurant was also beyond charming, and we were very excited about the prospect of some drinks and good food. We both enjoyed some white wine, bruschetta with peas and mint, a chickpea cake served over salad, chicken thigh in lemon sauce, and grouper over a vanilla saffron sauce (the highlight of the meal).
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  • Día 7

    Great Stirrup Cay (just kidding)

    23 de diciembre de 2022, Bahamas ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

    We had great plans to be one of the very first folks off the boat for today's stop -- the Norwegian Cruise Line's very own island, the Great Stirrup Cay. Room service was delivered to the room bright and early at 7:30 ship time (6:30 eastern). We slammed down the coffee, Caty wolfed down a croissant or two, we packed our bags, and headed straight for the tender line to catch a ride to shore. We made it onto the tender, and spent a good 20m waiting for it to be filled to capacity... before we were informed that the winds had picked up too strong for us to be able to safely disembark/re-embark and that we needed to return to the ship.

    Plans shot, we mentally prepared ourselves to spend another day on the ship instead of on a private island as originally planned.

    We took advantage of the confusion to rush the gym while few folks were at it (as we have a lot of food/drink to burn off). Following a good session, Laura took a nap while Caty and I enjoyed some screen time, and then we had fancy lunch at the ship's tapas restaurant. Laura had scallops and then red shrimp, while I had blue crab over toast and then lamb skewers wrapped in bacon in an onion sauce. Caty didn't join us, and instead hit the buffet for more pasta.

    The rest of the day was spent soaking on the sun deck, in the hot tub, and at other leisure points around the ship. We were determined to make the most of the 75° weather given that we know it's below 0° at home...

    As has become a routine, once cocktail time arrived we met our good friends (the bartenders) at the Haven cocktail lounge before dinner for an aperitif or two. At dinner, we each had a selection of our favorites. While we didn't match the gluttony levels of some of our fellow guests this past week, I'll definitely be cutting back on red meat in January...

    Tomorrow, we arrive back at port at a reasonable hour. Our bags are packed, so we'll have an easy morning of coffee and breakfast before we disembark and catch a shuttle to the airport. We're thankful to have spent the past week enjoying the warm temperatures, good food, and some lazy days... but are ready to go back home and spend Christmas day with our pups.
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  • Día 6

    Sailing North

    22 de diciembre de 2022, North Atlantic Ocean ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

    Another day at sea today, with ocean all around as far as we can see. Laura and Caty let me sleep in past 9 today, which was great since I've been nursing a head cold.

    The majority of the day was spent doing our own things. Caty hit the waterslides and watched a "battle of the cakemasters" on a lower deck. Laura spent some time on a sun deck reading her book, and I generally lounged around in our room.

    Laura and I forced ourselves to another session at the gym in the afternoon (cardio is much harder when the ship is swaying), had a subsequent power nap, and then rallied for a quick negroni/French 75 at the cocktail bar before dinner. We chatted with a couple at the bar (I'm such a talker) about kids/dogs/work until we realized that we had better get to dinner or we'd miss our show. I had a fantastic pork tomahawk that was one of the highlight meals of the trip. Laura had trout and Caty had ravioli.

    Our 7:30 show was called "Malevo". Part rhythmic dance, part tango dance sessions, part nunchuck/ball twirling, with S&M undercurrents. While the performers were all very talented, it felt very mashed together. While we didn't enjoy it as much as the previous show, it wasn't a bad way to spend the evening.

    We're aiming to be some of the first off the boat tomorrow, so we went back to the room to call it a night.
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  • Día 5

    Tortola, British Virgin Islands

    21 de diciembre de 2022, Islas Vírgenes Británicas ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    The main excursion for the day was snorkeling around several islands near Tourtula. The boat ride out was pretty choppy, so we were excited to hop in the water and see some fishies. In total, our excursion had three spots, the highlight being "Norman" island (aka treasure island, like the story/film). We had fond thoughts of our doggie as we explored the caves. The last stop was a beach, where Laura and I soaked up the sun beams while Caty swam around. My flip flops didn't make it back onto the boat, unfortunately, so it was a sad walk down the pier to get back on our ship.

    Back on the ship we had a more low-key afternoon. Caty went off to do water slides and a ropes course, while Laura and I did a gym session. She also spent an hour listening to me snore.

    We had a few drinks and then it was time for dinner at our main "Haven" restaurant before calling it an early night.
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  • Día 4

    St Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

    20 de diciembre de 2022, Islas Vírgenes de EE.UU ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    We slept in a bit today (which means 7:30 Caty/Laura time). Once again we were scheduled to arrive a little early, so we hit breakfast, packed our bags, and hopped off the boat at our first opportunity. We were hopeful that we'd get to walk around and see some cool stuff, but we found that the area immediately outside the ship was one big tourist trap with trinket/jewelry shops. We walked around for a bit, and then decided to write it off and get back on the boat to wait for our scheduled excursion.

    After a short wait, we hopped on a safari bus and climbed up the island to take in a view of the bay dotted with sailboats and yachts. Shortly thereafter we went to the north side of the island where we spent two hours at the beach.

    Laura and Caty were thrilled to see some sea turtles, while I spent my time chilling in the shade and then walking along the water with Laura.

    After some time at the beach, we hopped back on the bus to wind our way back up to the very top of the island, where we got a scenic view of the island, and several other adjacent U.S./British Virgin Islands.

    Back on the boat, Caty hit the water slides again while Laura and I enjoyed cocktail hour, and devoured some mixed nuts while we waited for dinner time to arrive. We had reservations at the seafood restaurant on the ship, which Laura and I both enjoyed immensely.

    After dinner, we made the briefest of appearances at the ship's casino (we won't be going home rich), before calling it a night since we have an early scheduled arrival and snorkeling excursion scheduled for tomorrow.
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  • Día 3

    Exploring Puerto Plata

    19 de diciembre de 2022, República Dominicana ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

    Shortly after we woke up, the captain informed us that we had arrived ahead of schedule, so we hustled to have some breakfast and oack up for the excursion of the day -- a tour of the Puerto Plata. After we disembarked, I looked down and realized I had packed and been wearing mismatched shoes for the past several days, which explains why my run on the treadmill felt much more off than the gentle sway of the boat could explain. Putting my vanity aside, we boarded a bus and set off on the tour.

    The first stop was at Macroix Rum house, where we learned the history of the family, followed by a tasting session. While Laura and I felt it was a bit early to start drinking in earnest, many of our fellow guests didn't not share our trepidation. I sipped an 8yr rum that I liked, but we passed on the majority of flavored rums. Caty sniffed one and decided it was not her jam, which was confirmed after dipping a finger in another.

    The next stop was the estate of Gregorio Luperón, a general of the Dominican Republic in the 1800s. We learned a bit about the history of the country and his life (the kitchen downstairs also acted as a restaurant to make money) before we were herded back onto the bus.

    Stop #2 was the Rainbow shop, where we saw larimar stones/minerals, which can only be found off the coast of the Dominican Republic and is made into jewelry. Caty scored some souvenir earrings from the adjacent store.

    Stop #3 took us to Umbrella street, the origin of the name being self-evident with all the rainbow umbrellas suspended overhead. We popped into a local coffee shop for some liquid chocolate (Caty was thrilled), and Laura grabbed some Empanadas from a nearby vendor for her and Caty while we waited for the group to finish. We then walked over to Pink Street, again whose name was self-evident with 100% pink walls. The street took us to a local cigar shop, which smelled heavenly with all the drying tobacco leaves. We heard an overview of the cigar making process, and its importance to the country's economy.

    The penultimate stop was the Amber museum, featuring a collection of amber pieces with various insects or small critters suspended within. Interestingly the museum had ties to Jurassic Park. The movie used one of their pieces in the film, and the film crew liked it so much they asked to keep it. The museum allowed them to in exchange for the rights to copy the logo and use JP intellectual property as part of the museums branding.

    Finally, we bussed over to Fortaleza San Felipe, a fort used to protect the island against pirates and corsairs. We opted to walk along the beach. We wish we had more time to spend in the ocean -- it was like bath water.

    While the sights were interesting, in all honesty the excursion wasn't a winner, as spending the day in a bus with some of our more boorish passengers detracted from the experience. We took it as a lesson learned for how we'd organize the rest of our trip.

    The day wasn't a total loss -- once we got back on the boat Caty went down the water slide "at least 40 times" while Laura and I had lunch, napped and then exercise. Caty had dinner at the buffet (I enjoyed some cocktails at the bar), and then we all went down to the theater for the highlight of the day. Our show was Choir of Man -- a men's choir set in a local pub. The group was talented, and the set had some very funny moments. We were all thrilled with it. Following the show Laura and I had a late dinner, and went back to the room to catch a bit of the Packers game before calling it a night.
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  • Día 2

    Sailing south

    18 de diciembre de 2022, North Atlantic Ocean ⋅ 🌧 75 °F

    Slept like the dead for nearly a full 12 hours, replenishing a big deficit from the past week. We had coffee (and hot cocoa for Caty) delivered to the room. Laura and caty spent some time out on the balcony and then got some breakfast while I continued to snooze. When I finally crawled out of bed, we dropped Caty off at the pool and went to secure me some breakfast. The buffet was PACKED, so we didn't stay long -- we'll probably leverage other eating venues on the rest of the trip.

    We caught the world cup final, initially at the Haven bar, then back in the room. Though none of us are really soccer players, it was fun to watch (and hear our fellow passengers roar from the pool deck when someone scored or missed. The boat seemed to prefer Argentina over France, as did we, which was nice since they won in what was a wild game.

    After lunch, Caty said all the time in the hot tub this morning had wiped her out, and no more twisting of arms was needed to land on napping as the next activity. Post nap, Laura and I walked around the boat to see all the restaurants/bars/entertainment venues, followed by a session at the gym. Caty did a ropes course and Zipline on the deck of the boat.

    We went to a jazz show at 6pm, which we all enjoyed, and then attended cocktail hour with the captain and crew. We had a glass of champagne,m and went down 11 floors to dinner, a habachi-style restaurant. It was much like the one back in Madison, without any fire. Their schtick was singing/karaoke. We decide to experience it, rather than participate directly.
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  • Día 1

    All aboard

    17 de diciembre de 2022, North Atlantic Ocean ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

    3am rolls around prrrrretty early, especially when you did the same thing the day before to ensure you got back from a work trip in time to fly out with the fam for vacation

    We were all packed up, so it was only a matter of wrenching ourselves out of bed and loading up the car... and tending to the dogs. Laura, as per uuusch, was extremely worried about the dogs, and woke up extra early to mother them a bit and ensure all was set for our absence. We'll miss them, but the dog sitter will take good care of them while we're gone.

    The flights and shuttle to Cape Canaveral were largely uneventful. Laura couldn't sleep until the dog sitter confirmed her arrival (she breathed a huge sigh of relief when the text came through), and I couldn't sleep because, you know, planes.

    When we arrived, check in was smooth and painless. We dropped our bags, watched the briefest of safety demonstrations, and hit the bar/pool.

    By good fortune, there was a SpaceX rocket launch scheduled two hours after we boarded, and at just 10m away we caught it from the boat. We had some drinks at the bar to kill some time, and then had a short nap before dinner. We sprung for the "Haven" package, meaning we had access to the more exclusive restaurant. Caty had steak and lobster, which made her day.

    Fully at sea, the rocking motion of the sea set in and Caty started to feel dizzy. While we had reservations for a late night comedy show, between Caty feeling a bit off and the general exhaustion, we decided to call it a night. The beds are heavenly, and I'm stoked for a big snooze.
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  • Día 14

    Chasing waterfalls

    3 de agosto de 2022, Polinesia francés ⋅ 🌧 77 °F

    One last day in Tahiti, and we're determined to make use of the time. Recognizing that we've seen very little of this island, we decided to rent a small car and make the loop to do some sightseeing.

    We packed up our bag strategically so that we could have easy access to different sets of clothes for dinner and the flight back, checked out, and hit the road.

    We stopped first at the Arohoho Blowhole to watch the waves crash and hear the air come rushing out the lava tube opening. The sign warned caution, the rush of air could be startling, and Laura did indeed jump when a particularly loud expulsion happened suddenly.

    From there, we pulled off to see a handful of serene waterfalls as we made our way south to Tahiti Iti. We ate lunch at a small family restaurant, and backtracked to Tahiti Nui where we continued our clockwise loop around the island. Our final stop was at the Vaipahi water gardens, where we toured the grounds and did a mini hike.

    We went back to the hotel to lay at the pool for just a little while longer, and then showered at the spa before going to dinner at Le Lotus to enjoy some signature dishes from a two-star Michelin chef. We ate over the water, and delighted in watching a school of fish at play just below us.

    We have a long night (and day) of flying in front of us. It's been a wonderful two weeks in French Polynesia. Sad to leave it behind, but ready to return to our day-to-day lives... and start planning sabbatical #3!
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