Nisí Chrysí

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    • Dia 7

      Chrissi Island

      16 de julho de 2019, Grécia

      We woke up early, brought some water and some brunch. We walked to the boat and Daniel was asking Arianne if she had the paper, which I assumed was LSD. We arrived to the island, it was a wonderful place, there was a Rastafarian looking guy halfway through. We settled our things and enjoyed the beach for a while. Arianne then took her tab, just half. I did the same as well as Beana. After awhile Daniel also took his, we started to trip soon as I got these immense feelings, stronger and different than any of the drugs I’ve tried so far. The birds were flying in slow motion and I was just laughing so hard. At one point, I asked Daniel if this was it and he just laughed hard, I guess it was just starting. Somewhere along the line, I took the second half of the tab. The trip was wonderful, eating cherry tomatoes and trying cola was so fun. Everyone had their own thing going on, I was quite Zen, in lotus position and with gian mudras on both hands. They said I was like that for hours. Time was irrelevant, it was the longest day ever yet somehow I found myself at sunset and then it was night, suddenly we were the only ones left on the island. It was an amazing night with stars, and I felt really connected with Mother Nature and the Universe. I had lots of introspection. Daniel approached me while I was chilling on one of the benches, he told me to listen to this song titled Mykonos, which was so ironic because I was supposed to be on that island instead I was on this other island tripping balls. Hearing music for the first time on acid, it was a life changing experience, it sounded ethereal and just too beautiful, I then proceeded to replay the song an innumerable number of times, Daniel approached me again and was surprised I was listening still to the same song. The night went on, I smoked some weed from Arianne, I couldn’t sleep until sunrise.Leia mais

    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Nisí Chrysí, Nisi Chrysi, Χρυσή

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