Harrogate Break

oktober 2022
Catching up with family on a short break in this lovely spa town. Les mer
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  • Dag 1

    We've arrived at Harrogate Caravan Park!

    17. oktober 2022, England ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    I can't believe we've actually left Naburn! Our last day off was September 7th! It feels slightly unreal that we now have two whole days off. And the best thing? We're staying in Bertha, our campervan, for the first time since making improvements to her.

    We were organised and set off by 5.15. The traffic was pretty bad as you would expect during rush hour. The 27-mile journey took us an hour.

    Once we got here, check-in was very easy. The office was closed but there was an envelope with our name on it sellotaped to the door. It had all the information we needed and we were soon on pitch and plugged in.

    Gill and Paul arrived in Harrogate earlier so we checked in with them and arranged where and when to meet tomorrow.

    We then prepared a meal and spent the evening watching TV and getting used to our new improved layout.

    We've done a lot of work since we last took Bertha out - new driver and passenger seats, new flooring, a redecorated bathroom, bunting, fairy lights, a reconfigured seating and sleeping area - she feels like a new fan! I'll let you know in the morning if the new bed works!! 😀
    Les mer

  • Dag 2

    The perfect autumn day

    18. oktober 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    We slept well in our new bed and were up early to catch the bus into Harrogate to meet up with Gill and Paul.

    Before going for the bus, we had a chat with the site warden and compared notes about horrible customers!

    We met Gill and Paul in the bus station. It was lovely to see them after so long.

    From the centre of Harrogate, we walked up through town, through Valley Gardens and on to RHS Harlow Carr. It was a beautifully sunny morning. The autumn colours were stunning as we walked and chatted.

    It was the first time any of us had been to Harlow Carr. It didn't disappoint. The gorgeous oranges and reds of the trees were complimented by a surprising array of summer colours in the flowers that were still blooming in the beds.

    We had a really enjoyable walk around the gardens and then paused for a bite to eat at Betty's. We had to queue for about 40 minutes, but it was worth it for a sit down and a fat rascal! 😂🤣

    After completing our tour of the gardens, we walked back to town and had a wander around the profusion of antique and gift shops. I was very taken by a Liberty fabric sewing box but I resisted the temptation to buy! We also popped into the tourist office to pick up some information about Knaresborough ready for tomorrow.

    We then went to Gill and Paul's hotel for a pre-dinner drink and a peruse of their garden photos. They've had them made into a book to show the transformation from when they bought the house to now. Can't wait to see it in reality!

    We had dinner at the Fat Badger. The food was really good. It's a good job as the lighting was so dim, we couldn't see what we were eating!! 😂

    Afterwards, we headed back to site and Gill and Paul made their way to their hotel.

    We did almost 25,000 steps today - and it was an absolute joy!! 😀
    Les mer

  • Dag 3

    Witchcraft in Knaresborough

    19. oktober 2022, England ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    We had another good night's sleep.

    After breakfast, we caught the number 7 bus back to Harrogate to meet up with Gill and Paul. Gill surprised me with the Liberty sewing box I had so admired yesterday. She had gone back to the shop this morning to buy it for me 😀

    We got the next bus to Knaresborough just 13 minutes away. The last time I visited the town was on a school trip in about 1976 so I can't say much of it was very familiar!

    We wandered around the town and commented on the plethora of old independent shops seemingly still doing a roaring trade. It was market day, too, so there was plenty to look at.

    We then went to see the ruins of Knaresborough Castle. We didn't pay to go in as we thought we could see it all from the outside. It's perched on a crag at the top of the Nidder Valley. There were glorious views down to the weir and the River Nidd and also of the impressive railway viaduct.

    Gill and I popped into the tourist office to get some advice on the best way to walk so that we'd see everything. We took the lady at her word and made our way down a huge number of uneven steps to reach the valley floor.

    Once there, we set off to find a rock house and a rock chapel. It was further than we thought so Paul and Mark stopped for a breather while Gill and I carried on. We eventually found them, only to discover that they are only open between 2pm and 4pm on Sundays from April to September! When we met up with the men again, we tried to convince them that they'd missed out on a spectacular sight, but they weren't buying it! 😂

    Heading back towards the viaduct, we stopped for a coffee and a snack at a riverside café. It was warm enough to sit outside - unbelievable for so late in the year!

    After lunch, we continued on to the next bridge and visited Mother Shipton's Cave. The old buildings we passed en route were really pretty. The walk to the cave was through a lovely autumnal forest which they were busy decorating ready for half-term and Halloween next week. Gill said the girls would have loved it! I think ours are too old for all that now 😂🤣

    At the cave, we threw coins into the wishing well and made our wishes 🤞😀. We listened to the story of Old Mother Shipton and looked at the items left by celebrities to be petrified including Agatha Christie's handbag and John Wayne's stetson!

    After our visit, we walked back up into town and caught the bus back to Harrogate. We visited the oldest pub in town, Hales Bar, for a drink and then went to the second oldest, the Old Bell, for another! 😂

    Before the evening turned into something of a pub crawl, we did a search for the best restaurant in Harrogate and headed to the number one result - Orvieta - an Albanian-owned Mediterranean place. We all thoroughly enjoyed our meal. It was the perfect end to a lovely couple of days ❤
    Les mer

  • Dag 4

    Back to work

    20. oktober 2022, England ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

    We were up at 6 after what had been, for me, a terrible night - I had hardly slept! We had to get up so early as we had to be back on our site to sort out some contractors who were due at 8. In the event, they didn't come!! Back to reality!!Les mer