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  • Dia 133


    14 de agosto de 2017, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Another shocking nights sleep - I don't fit the bed so I don't know how Will is coping.
    Too hot and cramped.
    Got up and headed to Westminster for our tour of Parliament. We had hotdogs in the pack behind it while we waited for it to be our tour time.
    We had to go through airport like security before getting into the main hall which is from the 11th century.
    Our tour was at 2:20 - a perfect time if you ask me - it's a solid sleep in but not too late in the day. 👍🏼
    Our tour guide was fantastic- she was engaging, thorough and very funny.
    I didn't do a tour of parliament when I came with mum and dad. I don't think I realized it was an option / we were already jam packed, but todays tour was genuinely so good and I have no regrets spending the money.

    Stop 1.
    Was a new art work that went in last year to marked something to do with woman's rights... I think 150 years of something... I was listening I swear but I had a lot of info thrown at me. It was really cool though - it was a lot of circles that represented law scrolls at its connected by computer to the thame and different scrolls light up depending on the tide - we were told to check it again at the end of the tour to see how it had changed in the 1.5 hours. I thought it was friggen awesome.

    Stop 2.

    Actually never mind - I can't remember everything it was all too much. I can't recall it all.

    Basically we entered a beautiful little gallery lined with paintings and this was the only room we were allowed to take photos in. We then walked to the starting room of the tour.
    She pointed out so many things such as famous monarchs "that's queen Victoria, you might not recognize her because she is young and thin ... most people don't realize she wasn't always old and fat"

    Ok so the detail in this place was mind boggling.
    The gold, patterns, intricate paintings and carvings were sublime.

    We entered the next room the queen spends 10 mins in at the start of every year.
    Next room was I suppose the relaxation area and is where foreign visitors sit - so for instant recently the king of Spain was there.
    Again STUNNING interior design.
    God save the queen was written in Latin and hidden everywhere - even the ventilation grills ... at first it just looks like normally lines but if you look it's actually the latin words.
    I wish I could have taken photos.
    Next room had a big statue of Queen Victoria in it and pictures of a lot of monarchs. She explain the history of how a king got beheaded and England was without a monarch for 11**** years
    Can't remember actual number ...
    The government then offered the crown back.
    Today, The queen has no political power. Influence yes, but no power. The last time a monarch denied a government motion that reached them was in like the 1700's.
    The kingdoms eventual merged to create Britain.

    Next was the queens chambers and House of Lords.
    Red is the royal colour.
    Ok interesting history re the lords and the birth right it use to have - still does but will end eventually due to a compromise reached.
    Go look up the history it's too long to write but it's interesting.

    The their system is cool. I like it. I think the Americans on the tour liked it too. They seemed surprised by it.

    Next was the middle lobby where people can essentially pesters their local member.
    Walk walk walk we saw the "aye" side of the House of Commons and the House of Commons.
    They don't really know why it's green...
    This part of the building wasn't as nice. No royal vibe.
    Parts were bombed.

    They have a lot of funny traditions they still uphold.

    We ended up eventually back in the main hall. The roof is 80% original.
    We checked the artwork and it had indeed changed.

    The hall use to act as a law court and Guy Fawkes was tried in there.

    We walked to Trafalgar Square passing 10 Downing Street on the way and accepting we wouldn't get in so I took a zoomed in photo of the door. Lol We had a drink in a pub. Dude was awesome and let Will sample beers before he made a decision.
    We caught the tube home

    Went to Chinese food. One of the waiters was special for sure and probably the owners som because he was so strange - singing dancing and a bit turrets with his speech volume.
    I connected with the last at the table next to us with our eyes. I then got the giggles.

    We just booked tickets to see the Book of Mormon and I am so friggen excited!!!!!!
    Will agreeing to see a musical is unheard of but the writers are the creators of south park so he is expecting similar content 😂

    Watched the new game of thrones and am keen for the cricket tomorrow but it's a 9am tour so it's bed time for me!
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