Australian moments.

February 2018 - June 2024
An open-ended adventure by Angharad Read more
  • 39footprints
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  • NYE

    January 31, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Started the celebrations at Wills where the boys played beer pong.

    Got a taxi to the city and went to the NYE in the park (Victoria Park) festival -My first festival 🤗

    Packed with people
    Terrible music but great atmosphere
    We were VIP so we got seats and a semi private toilet which was worth every cent.

    I had a terrific night - I deank 2+ bottles of wine soooo 🍷 🍷 🍷 i was bouncing hahaha
    Had a little (big) dance by myself.

    The fireworks weren’t the best but still pleased to see some.
    Got me my New Years kiss 💋

    We walked to the star and had a little gamble.
    Reached 9000+ of my 10000 steps for the day already by 2am.

    Caught a taxi home - so many of the drivers were being wankers asking for ridiculous amounts of money to get to West Ryde $150 - Will kept telling them to piss off.
    Taxi number 4 put the meter on for us - it cost $50 to get Home - we tipped him $20 just for being honest.
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  • Jessicas confirmation

    June 15, 2018 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 12 °C


    Started work at 7:30 this morning so I'm buggered.
    Currently in the preschool room which I hate. I like the age group I just don't agree with the centre policy/philosophy and dislike a bunch of the current kids.

    Anywho, got through work, packed then headed to the airport. There was an AFL and NRL game on at Moore park so traffic was horrid.

    I just yapped to dad the whole drive, I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm ridiculous and spend 99% of my time whinging (he's not wrong 😅) but I like our forced time together when he can't walk away lol.

    Off to Brisbane for Jessica's confirmation. I don't really know what that means because I thought that was catholic thing, which she isn't, so I guess I'll see on Sunday what the go is.

    Had already checked in so walked straight in except for the random drug test I often get picked for - my lady was super happy and chatty though which was nice and different.

    Ate the entire food court then went to gate.

    Ran into Kate who I use to look after at Beecroft (the kid that ate poo) - she is huge now! So cool to see her.

    I hate flying.
    Uneventful flight other than being stressed about crashing.
    Guy next to me (a manly man) was reading some self love and forgiveness rubbish novel thing haha

    It off plane and found the fam.
    Jessica still annoying. A Typical teen.
    Egocentric AF.

    When we got home she made me look at photos of her friends.

    She also need to learn not to interrupt conversations.
    Still. Excited to be here and she is happy I'm here :)


    Got up and went to Jessica's ice skating practice. 3.5 hours later.....
    bloody hell what a waste of my time.
    I spent the time freezing my tits off, talked to Barry and watched Jessica fake and illness that Barry said she would cause she does every lesson - she had supposed cramps and then they had an awkward discussion about how she was on her period.
    Obviously faking so I told her to get in with it lol.
    When Barry went to get neurofen she was dancing...
    learn to act better.
    She then had her syncro class. Boringggg lol
    Terrible music and not overly talented classmates.
    I think my dance training made it all the more frustrating to watch them not grasp the most basic of choreography.
    They did off ice practice too which was essentially just time mucking around.

    Jessica wanted to stay back and do a free skate session but I was having non of it - off home we went.
    Solid 20 mins drive

    Watched a bunch of a show called riverdale. Freaking loved it.
    8 episodes in a row 🙊🙊🙊
    Had red rooster for tea.

    Then went to bed cause the day was gone hahaha


    Watched more riverdale in the morning and played rummi with Noeline and Jessica. I was the overall winner.

    Wasted time until it was time to get ready to go to Jessica's school church.
    My sweater wasn't flattering but oh well. 25 and still can't dress myself. I'm sure I'll read this age 50 and still be the same.

    Jessica is obsessed with Cheryl blossom from
    Riverdale so her hair was styled like hers..

    When we got there jessica showed me a few parts of her school, now much really and got a few snaps before it got dark (5pm at present)
    They had freaking golf putting holes to practice with.
    I'm never seen anything more 'private school'ish.

    Eventually went in for the ceremony. 5 girls were getting confirmed

    Jessica forgot to mention I had a role to play 😖😖

    I giggled as the bishop dude put on his hat with a cane.
    Sermon wasn't the best, bit wishy washy for my liking. I'm writing this weeks after cause I'm lazy and i can't remember it so I can't have been very impactuous. Nothing like the royal wedding dude.

    Jessica did a reading.
    Me and Annette had to present her to the church then when it was her turn (she was 4th so we had tome to watch others) we had to go up the front and place a hand on her shoulder while she confirmed her beliefs to the church. I was actually felt very proud of her.
    She got a candle and a prayer book as a gift.
    We all did communion (not Noeline and Barry) and quite frankly the wine was delicious! Like genuinely enjoyable alcohol.
    Danger danger.

    After the proceedings were done we all went and had a dinner.
    Deliciousssss. They have boarders so there are chefs on hand and oh my. 🤤🤤🤤

    Went home and watched another Riverdale before jessica went to bed.
    I stayed up chatting to Annette and Barry. Annette's fidget is so distracting.
    I learnt that jessica got diagnosed with asperges last year which explains EVERYTHING like why is genuinely the most socially useless person who does not understand social cues.
    Annette asked if I was too bahhahaahhha
    I said very possible.
    I'm very pleased because it means she isn't a terrible person but someone who just doesn't understand and needs more time to develop the social skills others have.

    Bowline whipped out the family bible I didn't know existed and we flipped through it.
    When Mitch and Des where up Mitch pointed out the words in big bold letters "property of ***** do not remove from church" Hahahahahah trust the family heirloom to be stolen HAHAA
    Annette goes "I always stand back when mum touches it in case it bursts into flames"
    Nana dowse wrote all the names out of past people in the fam.
    I think it dated back to early/mid 1800's.
    Pretty cool.
    It's meant to go to eldest daughter so technically Phyllis should have got it not nana but oh well.

    The bed is so deliciously comfortable.


    jessica went to school so I took my time getting out of bed.
    I noticed Katy perry tickets on the table and long story short is
    Annette went to sell them - I mentioned I was interested - I booked flights back up in July and am now taking jessica to Katy perry woohoo!
    They drove me to the airport and I fart assess around until my flight.
    Made it home safe and sound.

    Good weekend. Love seeing family, especially those ones.
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  • Parents 30th wedding anniversary

    July 5, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Mum, dad, Will and I went to the barvarian bier cafe In parramatta.
    Just a casual night out but wonderful achievement ❤️

    Mum wore a beautiful hair clip and I was their chauffeur for the evening. 🙊🤗

  • Kiama

    October 20, 2018 in Australia ⋅ 🌧 22 °C


    Finished work then got on our way. It took about 3 hours to get to Kiama. We check in and we’re lucky to find a park cause there was a wedding.
    Checked in and I liked our room but Will was a bit annoyed cause he thought he booked a hearbour view.
    I was happy regardless.
    We were tired so we watched some telly then went to bed


    6 years together today. #dreamteam.

    Was up and ready to go by 10:30.
    We decided to walk towards the blow hole and get brekkie on the way.
    Found a place with pancakes - winners!
    Will ordered a coffee and I impulsively did too then quickly regretted it lol.

    Walked up the hill to the blow hole and unfortunately the waves/wind was going the wrong way so it wasn’t really working. Hope to visit before we leave tomorrow.

    Because of this Will suggested we visit the little blow hole instead.
    So we began walking - we walked for ages and eventually had to start climbing over rocks.
    I love looking in rockpools but they were empty.
    Along the way we found a dog. He had run down the hill to say hi and his mum said around 40 times.
    “MAX, COME!”

    ... max was never gonna come. He jumped in the water pool before I lead him back up hahaha

    The views were beautiful.
    My knee gave way at one point but on i trouped.

    So glad Will was there cause he had to guide me up and down some rocks and help me find grooves for my hands etc.

    Long story short:
    Beautiful fun walk but we actually couldn’t reach the blow hole so we turned back. (Well maybe could have but we walked for 2 hours and got like 1/3 of the way haha

    Back was quicker cause we climbed up the hill I send max the dog up then walked back via roads.

    We were super thirsty and sweaty so we walked to woolies to buy water and deodorant (we smelly) then went back to the hotel.

    Did a great poop then we decided to visit Carrington waterfall.
    It took us about 40 minutes and we saw a few dead wombats on the way.
    I started to STRESS cause my car. Alastair has no balls the whole journey was uphill and it wasn’t until it was struggling did I realise we had no petrol. Only 2 bars and it was NOT looking good.
    I suggested maybe to turn back but Will reckoned we would make it so we kept going.
    When we got to the water full we took our shoes off and had to walk through water to get to rocks on the other side.
    I giggle cause when we were traveling every second person was scared to go to Australia cause everything can kill you and there we were walking through the bush bare foot 😂😅😅
    We sat and looked at the top of the waterfall a while. Unfortunately the lookout was closed so we couldn’t get a better view.

    Water was so cold.
    Lucky it was shallow cause sections were super slippery. We left and my stress returned.
    It started to rain AT LEAST WE THOUGHT IT DID BUT IT WAS ACTUALLY 10000000 bugs.

    The scenery reminded us of Wales.
    Very lovely.

    On our way there we got overtaken by some dickhead going like 150km and Will made comment I hope they crash then 5 minutes later we come round a corner and the same car was stopped there in the moddle of the road and Will lets out this massive “ YES!!!” Hahahah
    They didn’t crash they were just checking their phones for directions I think but why a fantastical horrendous reaction 😂😂😂

    We made it to a petrol station, JUST.
    It was quite literally the SLOWEST pump ever. It took 5 minutes to reach $20 worth.
    So we put in that much then left - we will fill up somewhere else tomorrow.

    Went home and showered cause we still smelly. Heh.
    Got easy for dinner and I was outrageously overdressed, so awkward when we walked in.
    Resturant was called silica and I had the best lamb ive ever had. A coriander disaster though were I ate the entire plant and fished it back out of my mouth. Super classy harry.
    Brownie was great too.
    People outside on the beach were playing drunk frisbee. Bottle in hand. Bless haha
    Went home and chilled out in the air con.
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  • Invictus games

    October 26, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Event 1: Swimming.

    Bought a hoodie cause I’m super pumped.
    It’s all held at Sydney Olympic Park.
    Jess got us free tickets through Legacy so cheering.
    It was open seating so first in, best dressed.
    We sat in front of the finish line, very happy with our spot.

    As we showed up I became quite emotional. I just felt so proud.
    Of everyone, not just the Australians.
    A man was being present a medal. He only has 1 arm. He had lost the 3 other limbs.
    I was so proud and honored.
    The music they played didn’t help the tear jerking.

    It was great to watch and a well run event.
    The dance and karaoke cams were cringe worthy but they had time to fill in..

    I think it’s 17 nations all up.
    A few what I consider randoms but I prefer odd places rather than the usual USA, UK, France etc.
    Estonia, Romania, Afghanistan, Jordon, Georgia, Iraq and the Ukraine were there too.

    I didn’t feel the needs to go for the Aussies. I went for everyone or the most handicapped.
    There were 4 classes - they could have done a better job explaining the differences cause I had to google it.
    It was groups A,B,C & D.
    A was for people will problems with 3 limbs and/or spine issues
    B was 2 affected limbs and/or spine issues
    C was 1 affected limb and/or visual impairment etc
    D was for minor physical injury or mental health disorders such as PTSD.

    We saw the freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke. We left before the butterfly because as enjoyable as it was it became quite repetitive and the same athletes kept coming back.

    I felt like we could leave because the 1 limbed guy competed in the breaststroke - he was up against an Australian.
    I was super impressed when he opted to fling himself off the dive board rather than just start in the water.
    The crowd was obvs going for the Aussie but I wanted the other guy to win (from UK)
    The UK man was winning the whole time but it was a verrrrrryyyy close finish. It was within a seconds difference but my dude one. He pulled himself out of the pool rather than swimming to the edge. Dude got no time to treat himself as handicapped.
    I was so pleased for him.
    His team came over and he started to cry. I saw him mouth “I’m stoked”
    Then they hugged him.
    My eyes stung.
    He dragged himself away rather than use a wheelchair.

    Me and Will couldn’t help but giggle at the medal ceremonies - they had different people for present for each event.

    Who would you prefer?
    The CEO of Land Rover or Mark Donaldson - a victorian cross recipient.

    Like honestly 😂😂
    I’d feel ripped off .

    We left once the dude got his medal.

    I liked the atmosphere. Once finished the race the competitors would swim back down the pool to cheer home the other competitors in the next lane - no matter what county they were from.

    Event 2: Athletics.

    Not as good as the swimming. Not nearly as efficient - lotsss of time wasting.
    However they had the big screen explaining each races competitors disabilities.

    We basically only saw people do the 100m and a dew shot out throws.

    We did see 100m done by people without arms, people in the 3 wheeled race chairs and one girl had a a blade runner leg.

    There was heaps of false starts but no one ever got penalized.

    One race was super awkies cause they false started and so the alarm went off but one dude might have had a hearing problem so he just kept sprinting - it took people waving flags at him to run onto the track for him to stop. He ran about 80m before he realized 😅😅😅😅
    Awkward walk back to the line for him.
    David Beckham was somewhere there which is cool. Didn’t see him though - it was a good turn out.
    Will was cranky and had to work early the next day and as I was cold and had see what I came for me left.

    Event 3: Closing ceremony.

    So Jess had this ridiculous idea to bring Jaxon.
    Anyone who has met him knows that that is stupid but as it was a free ticket I kept my gob shut.
    We chased Jaxon everywhere around Olympic Park trying to find the legacy people - we found them eventually but not where they said they would be..

    Jax was screaming in the line ... alas.

    We did eventually make it to our seats.

    Long story short:
    - good turn out.
    - Prince Harry and Megan were there. So was the beckhams and the prime minister (Scott Morrison for the moment - might change next week 😅🙄😂)
    We all stood up and cheered as the athletes walked in - Jax like clapping at first but it was 8 and he was tired and got over it fast.
    The lady behind us was wonderful - she took him of us and danced with him for a bit.
    Jax threw a cup at a person, shook peoples seats, screamed etc etc.
    not his fault - he is 2 - shouldn’t have come..

    Anywho - Colin Hay performed “I come from a land down under” so I’m really pleased to have seen that.

    The premier - Gladys blah blah got up to do a speech and Jaxon was fucking screaming his lungs out. I have never heard such an echo - I was so embarrassed. Jess was just getting angry at him which wasn’t helpful and telling him to be quite. I gelt bad for everyone around us.
    I suggested we leave.
    She took her time accepting that Jaxon wouldn’t “behave”
    She kept saying he was naughty.
    Now, while a total pain in the ass and frequently naughty, screaming cause it’s past bed time, while your mother tried to muzzle you in a packed stadium with LOUD music is not being naughty. IMO.

    Drove home. Only saw 20 mins of a 1.5hr show.

    I watched Prince Harry’s speech on the Telly when home.
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  • Christmas

    December 25, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Celebrated at Jess’.

    Had a wonderful feed and everyone played along and wore there stupid bon bon hats.

    We did secret Santa this year. I got Helen and gave bet matching pajamas for her and Harvey haha.
    Jess got me and she got me ‘cards against muggles’ and AWESOME Harry Potter pj pants from peter Alexander.
    Also a bootle and towel - SPOILT.
    Jaxon was wonderfully well behaved today - he got a big digger truck thing and spent a lot of time in it.

    Will stole the remote and kept trying to ram me with it - asshole. 😂

    During jaxons nap all the adults crashed out too.

    Enjoyed a swim with Jax, helen, jess and Will in the pool and used water guns to play.

    I decorated the pavlova and did a kickass job.

    Dad and Bill love having “men” time.

    Lovely day.
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  • NYE

    December 31, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Started celebrations at Wills where the boys played beer pong.

    Caught a taxi to Victoria Park where we went to my first festival - NYE in the Park.

    Packed with people.
    Terrible music but great atmosphere
    We got VIP tickets so we got our own section with seats and a semi probated bathroom which was worth every extra cent.
    I drank 2+ bottles of wine so I had a terrific night - I was bouncing.

    Had a boogie with myself 💃🏻

    Fireworks weren’t the best but still pleased I saw some.
    Got my New Years kiss 💋

    Walked to the star for a quick gamble.
    Got 9000+ of my 10000 steps for the day before 2am.
    Lost all our money as expected then went home.
    All the taxis were trying to rip everyone off - Sill kept telling them to fuck off when they said $150.
    Taxi attempt number 4 was successful.
    It cost us $50 to get home - we tipped him $20 just for being honest.
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  • Harbour cruise high tea

    January 12, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    Standard morning of the whole house being awake before me and me rushing last minute to organise myself.
    Didn’t have any shoes to wear so had to borrow Helens who is a size up from me but it worked out ok.
    We left around 10:15 and drove down to West Ryde station. I hadn’t had breakfast yet so I bought a cookie and nuts from the vending machine but there was also an unclaimed milky way in the bottom - winning.
    I was wearing a dress and was so uncomfortable. Ovaries have expanded to stomach walls and are trying to escape. Literally couldn’t even suck my tummy in a cm I was so ovary bloated.
    We did some shopping first, I bought a nice jumpsuit form H&M. They don’t normally sit well but I was happy with this one. Thinking of wearing it to Jarrods wedding later in the year.

    We took Helen to honey bardette ** and it was uncomfortable talking about how Bill would react. Hahahaha

    We dordled around a lot with no real aim but blah blah blah eventually it was time to get on the boat at 2:30.
    We had a designated table which was on the edge so we got a better view than most people did of the harbor. The windows were actually super scratched up though so it wasn’t clear through the glass.

    It was a combined tour boat thing so the other half of a boat had an audio guide as we went past things which played on our speakers as well. It pointed out things like Luna park, Kirribilli house, garden island, and lots of convict related locations, stories and facts.
    We got to pick a flavor of tea each. I went with peppermint because it’s suppose to help bloating. It was delicious. I’ve decided I’m getting a teapot. Angharad, if next time you read this you haven’t got a teapot - get a teapot.
    We got a moscato as we walked in too which was nice. Pleased it wasn’t shitty champagne.

    The tray thingy with food was nice enough. Solid high tea food. It doesn’t look like much but it’s very filling.
    Me Helen and Jess just chatted about crap and giggled when thinking about Bill alone with Jaxon all day.
    This morning Bill had this deluded idea he would take Jax out - Jax would have a babychino quietly while Bill read the paper. hahahahahaah An unlikely tale.
    Jax needs enclosed play areas and both eyes in him at all times.
    Gonna read the paper.... honestly 😂🤦🏼‍♀️

    The Harbour really is beautiful. I hope tourists utilize it cause it really is Sydney’s beast feature. I’m very Proud of it. Jess loved talking about the navy as we went past garden island. I was shattered by the end.
    We caught the train back home.
    Bill survived Jax. Jax is a bit sick which would have helped - far more docile haha
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  • Blue mountain hike

    January 15, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    So the day plans started out because I wanted to buy a tea pot from a place in the blue mountains and conned Sachin into driving me by saying we could go for a hike after.
    Well not really con because I’m happy to hike but yay.

    We/he 😏 drove the 1.5 hours to get there and I was so sad, my brain had made up the awesomeness. I had been there before for a high tea with Helen, Sue, Jess, Jax and mum and remembered wanting to buy all the teapots.
    Once we asked for help the worker did point out some awesome ones though.
    I wanted a bright, colourful one but have gone for a white one with an octopus for a handle haha can’t wait to hear what Will thinks hahahah

    Drove to the start of the hike - had a little troubles finding the entrance but we got there.
    We walked one way and found the Katoomba Falls which were very nice. It had a lot of people just enjoying the water with there shoes off cause today was about 35° HOT HOT HOT. Lotssss of sweat.

    We enjoyed the lookouts then found a new route which took us down so many stairs. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds.
    This route was much cooler as the canopy protected us from the sun.
    We just kept going down never ending stairs.
    Eventually found another waterfall.
    The ground was kinda muddy and Sachin mentioned leeched so I was like a ninja through the wet sections


    The next waterfall was much bigger. Sach is a bad bad man and ignored the sign and went over the barrier to take photos. To be fair, lovely photos haha

    And so began the walk back up 😪😪😪😪

    My legs were better than expected considering the shakes I had on the way down. No knee pain woohoo.
    It was just the heart rate an cardio aspect but I did well. good practice for me and Will for EBC I think.
    Sachin’s improvement is mind boggling. The thought of him going on a hike last time I seen him (62kg) ago was laughable.
    He kept up with me. Proud!
    Finally made it back up where we sat the. Headed to the car completely dripping. I was at least.
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