Portugal and Spain 2023

november - december 2023
We're following the coast of Iberia, from the far SE side of Portugal in the Algarve all the way up the Atlantic coast to Galicia in Spain and then East along the Bay of Biscay to Basque country, Then it's down to Madrid, from where we fly home. Läs mer
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  • Dag 23

    Gijon, Spain

    29 november 2023, Spanien ⋅ 🌧 55 °F

    Gijon is just a half hour north of Oviedo, so we took a bus up there for the day. Our friend Matt Gallo used to live there, so we thought we'd check it out. It was rainy, but relatively warm. Like A Corunya, Gijon is situated on a small peninsula with harbors. But Gijon has some pretty nice beaches too. The city then grew south into the mainland. I think it's a little bigger than Madison, but it seems so much bigger with all the high rise apartment buildings. They don't have the luxury of land like we do in the states, so they build up.

    We stopped at a classy cafe attached to a theater near the Paseo de Begona and had vermouth. Matt recommended it. We thought it might be a tad early for drinks but the old lady drinking a beer near the door assuaged our fears. Vermut de la casa is from the barrel and is a fun drink. It's a Sunday afternoon drink in Spain, but also a Wednesday noon drink for us. After that, we just wandered the streets admiring the architecture of many buildings.

    Eventually, you'll stumble on the local mercado in a Spanish city, and it didn't take long for us to find Gijon's. This is a coastal town, so seafood is king. Sea Urchins are a specialty here, but we never did get a chance to try them. But I did see a horror-film worthy sight of a live crab in a plastic bag on a scale at the market. One pincer had pierced the bag. It did not want to be dinner. Look for the video in the link below, if you dare.

    We walked towards a group of buildings we'd seen earlier from the park on the peninsula. They were across the bay. There were 3 buildings that looked like huge ocean liners near the shore. A highly recommended Asturian Sidreria (Cider House) took up the entire first floor of the one in the middle. Sidreria Tierra Astur Poniente did not disappoint. I don't know about the others, but this Cider House ruled. And yes, I've been waiting days to tell that joke.

    Deanne has been doing the foodie research, lucky for me. We ordered the traditional Fabada, which is beans (fava?), blood sausage, chorizo, and a huge blob of pork fat. Enticing, rightr? This was probably peasant food back in the day, but it was the most delicious comfort food ever for a rainy Asturian day. It was like butter! I tepidly sampled the pork fat in the sizzling clay pot and kept going back for more. Deanne would have none of it, but it was amazing. We prepped for that by ordering a kilo of mussels in a vinagrette salsa of chopped onions, tomatos, and spices. The waitress served the cider manually, which was different from the soda doohickey we experienced in Oviedo yesterday. They make a show of extending their arm as far up as they can while pouring it in a glass in their other hand, which is low as they can reach. The cider is tart and only 6 % alcohol, so you don't overdo it sharing one bottle. It only cost about $3.50 we found out later.

    We were day tripping, so we had time for one museum. There's a Roman thermal bath museum and an Asturian culture museum. We chose the latter because we've actually seen a few Roman thermal bath museums in other countries. We hopped on a bus and paid 1.50 each in cash to get across town. It's nice to be able to do that. In Scandinavia, you need an app or a metro pass as they don't use cash in many cities/countries there. For just one or two trips, cash is pretty easy. In Denmark last year, I spent a stressful half hour trying to download an app, get the credit card to work, and pay the local bus driver for a 20 minute bus ride. No cash was accepted. He let us on the bus and a young woman was about to offer to pay for us when the payment finally went through. It was a cell signal issue, but I tried 3 credit cards while troubleshooting. Ahhhh, technology. I love it/hate it.

    The Asturian Peoples museum building itself is a monstrosity. I must be an architecture snob, because the entranceway is the least inviting doorway I've ever seen. Huge metal girders support an overhang 4 stories up. You have to walk through a maze of these metal girders to get to the door. It just looks like it's always closed, under construction, or abandoned. But we got to see it for free. The warehouse like museum contents weren't all that exciting - "Cooking utensils in Asturias throughout the ages." Seriously, there was 3 floors of this. On the last floor, they were highlighting paper towel dispensers.

    But outside there were large grounds of ancient housing types, Ag implements, and cider houses, which was interesting. The best thing about the museum was the "Bagpipe Museum." It's in a separate building and houses a fascinating collection of the pipes. Asturians, like the Galicians, treasure their bagpipes. I'm lucky to have seen a live group playing yesterday on the street in Oviedo. Who knew that dozens of cultures from around the world had variations of the bagpipe? - And not just Celtic cultures either. Take an old goat bladder, stick some flutes in it, attach bellows from the fireplace, and you've got yourself a party.

    We grabbed another bus back to the center and walked a bit more. It had been more than 2 hours since we'd been in a cafe, so we found a cozy one and grabbed some wine and enjoyed our last hour in Gijon. This was near the Alsa bus station, which conveniently whisked us back to Oviedo's station, which is only 4 blocks from our comfy apartment. I can't say Oviedo or Gijon should be on a traveler's Must Sees, but we are thoroughly enjoying these Asturian cities. We've got the time and tourist towns get really old really fast. It's great to just sample the food, drinks, and culture at a leisurely pace. If the entrance to a museum is the worst thing that happened to me today, then I'm doing pretty damn good.

    We've got 2 more nights in Oviedo, and then we're heading to Bilbao for a night. That's Basque country, and we're stoked. Another language I can't understand? I'm in.

    More photos and videos are here. https://photos.app.goo.gl/4xeLSZPnVEkapo7D8

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  • Dag 25–26

    Wow, Bilbao

    1 december 2023, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 54 °F

    We thought about skipping the Basque city of Bilbao altogether to save a day for somewhere else, but boy are we glad we didn't. It's famous for 2 things mostly: The wonderful Gehry designed Guggenheim museum and pintxhos (PEEN shows), the Basque tapas. Pintxos have a long toothpick skewer holding things together and they're not free, like some tapas elsewhere in Spain. But, they are amazing snacks that make for a fun dinner when you go pintxo crawling. For about 2 Euros each, you get some sort of a protein (dried meat, seafood, egg) mixed with something else like a pepper, olive, or whatever creative thing the chef can think of. Usually it's on a slice of bread, but not always. They're amazing and a great value. And they're even better when paired with a vermut or local wine.

    The Basques are a unique culture and language in northern Spain and SW France. They all speak Spanish though, but now we're seeing local signage with all the X's that are in Euaskara, the Basque language. It's a "Sh" sound so when people are talking to me in Euaskara, it sounds like they're shushing me. Maybe they are.

    We only booked one night, so we hit it right away. There's a convenient tram at the Intermodal station (bus and train) that follows the river past the Guggenheim and to the Casco Viejo (old town) and beyond. We got a room right on the main pedestrian street in the Casco and that was fun. There were tourists, but still it was mostly locals out and about at all hours doing their shopping and pintxo crawling.

    Our first stop was the Ribeira Mercado, the old seafood market that had a great renovation about 10 years ago. It's still a working market, but there's a nice food court on top and even a cooking school inside. We grabbed some vermut's and pintxos and even found a gluten free bakery. It's fun to watch the locals shop. Four seafood places might not have people in line and then there's one guy with 20 people waiting. We saw the same thing with a vendor selling only fowl.

    It rained off and on but it was drizzly and not too cold. We walked along the Nervion river down towards the Guggenheim museum. I'm not a huge modern art fan, and was going mostly for the museum building itself. It's pretty cool, both inside and out. Near the front door is a huge statue of a dog by Jeff Koons, called "Puppy." It's latticework, so they plant all sorts of plants and flowers on it year-round. What was supposed to be a temporary exhibit became beloved by the locals. Bilbao purchased it and it's become one of the symbols of the city.

    Like I thought, the building was the best part of the Guggenheim. There was a whole floor of Picasso statues, but I'm not that into him. And there were some other intersting pieces, but just looking up was better.

    Then it was back to the Casco for more tapas. We started to walk through the newer town to get there, but it was mostly drab apartment buildings. This area used to be the industrial heartland of Spain, with the iron industry leading the way. I guess 50 years ago, Bilbao was pretty gritty and polluted. Now, it's been reborn and it's quite nice. We chose instead to walk back on the other side of the river and even took the Calatrava designed pedestrian bridge back over the river.

    From then on it was all pintxos all the time. Prices were right and you had your pick of at least 10-20 pintxos per bar and dozens and dozens of pintxos bars spread throughout the Casco. It's almost all pedestrianized, so that was fun. We found a place that had a Gin and Tonic 2 for 1 special and I opted for it. But when I was asked "what gin?" I said "el especial" which I thought was suggesting whatever was offered for the special. The bartender and 2 Basque women next to me said "Oh yeah, you want this one!" The bartender grabbed a bottle of Nordes Gin, a Galician brand. The women next to me nodded in approval and one gave me a thumbs up. I thought "Oh boy, here we go" but went with it. It's nice trying the local stuff. We paid just a bit more, but it was some of the best gin I've had. After our first sip, Deanne said "flowery!" at the same time I said "floral!" Delicious. I wonder if I can find it back home?

    Some unknown hours later we made it back to our room as the younguns' kept it going all night. In the morning, we walked around a bit more just soaking up the sights. We stored our bags and by noon, it was pintxo time again. We ordered some amazing ones at a place near the Plaza Nueva that were great, including the best Spanish Tortilla I've ever had. It's basically scrambled eggs on potatoes, but this was also smothered with ham and some delicious Basque cheese This was not your run of the mill greasy spoon omelette.

    At another place nearby, we grabbed vermuts and the waiter brought us a free pintxo that looked like a litte flower. I had to ask if it was edible and the lady next to us laughed. Apparently, the specialty there was this flower-like pintxo that is shaved cheese in an edible cone, with quince jam inside. Behind us was a huge TV with a repeating video showing how they made it :) It was so fun, we ordered a wine after and Deanne was like "we're gonna miss the bus." It was close, but 45 minutes later, we ran across the Intermodal station with just minutes to spare and caught our bus to San Sebastian, the other great Basque City of Spain.

    More photos and videos are here. https://photos.app.goo.gl/85wxWoKnGPknJBQ27
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  • Dag 26–30

    San Sebastian, Pais Vasco, Spain

    2 december 2023, Spanien

    What a beautiful city! Even in the winter, San Sebastian is a great place to visit and soak up the charms. We're at the east end of Basque country, not far from the French border. Many older gentlemen here still wear the signature black berets. When do these people work, except in Pintxo bars? People are drinking at all hours of the day, it seems. Slowly, and with food, but still.... People are friendly and the pintxo (PEEN shows), which are basque tapas, are amazing.

    Deanne saw a tourist "Pintxo Bar Crawl" tour advertised for $175 Euros each. What the hell. Do you really need someone to take you to a bar to order simple and delicious seafood apps and great wine? We do this on our own and after 4 wines and 4 tapas each, we have a hard time paying more than $65 Euros for both of us. Most pintxos are in the $2 - $4 range and a glass of good regional wine is slightly cheaper.

    We scored an amazing large 2 BR apartment in the Egia district, which is not in the trendy old town or up and coming Gros district. But it's not far from either and it's convenient to the bus and train station. We're walking a lot, but that's a good thing. There's no need for a bus or metro pass here.

    With 4 days in Sanse (as locals sometimes refer to it), we spent one going to France for the day. See the St. Jean de Luz post for that. The rest of the time we've spent just walking and soaking up the sights while stopping at random Pintxo bars. Today, we went to the Sao Telmo Basque museum. Lucky for us, Tuesday is free for everyone. It gave a good overview of the Basque culture but I need to read up more on the language, Euskara, which is not related to any other language and is the oldest living language in Europe. But they talked about how this was iron country and it seemed to be the most industrialized part of the country. The iron ore deposits and vast forests led to ironworks, charcoal making, ship building, and fishing industries.

    We walked through the old quarter several times, at night and during the day, and it's just lovely. It's full of tourist shops also, but it's still lived in by locals and every other shop is a pintxo bar. But tourist apartment rentals do seem to be common here also. There's a great promenade along the coast at Concha (Kontxa) beach and walking along it is a treat. An Art Deco spa sits right in the middle, at beach level. There's a huge ferris wheel near a plaza. Christmas decorations are up, and people are out and about, rambling along, as the Spanish are wont to do. This walking is officially called the Paseo, and it's one of the best thing about Spanish culture. People just walk here. They walk to talk with friends and happen upon other friends. They walk off the wine, and they walk to and from work or the local tienda.

    We've also spent a fair amount of time in the Gros district, just east of the old town and on another bay that's popular for surfing. Even at this time of year, with temps in the 40's F, people are surfing and we've seen lots of elderly people swimming. Our friend Mo gave us a great recommendation for a Michellin star restaurant called Bar Bergara. They won one a few years ago and again this year. We walked right in the other afternoon and sat at a shared picnic-style table and had several pintxos and wines. Amazing. (Thanks Mo!) Where else can a couple eat a fair amount of seafood and have 2 glasses of wine each for under $41 at a Michellin starred restaurant?

    We've had nothing but good times on this trip, but we are especially loving the Basque Country. Bilbao and San Sebastian have been great and it's some of the best food we've had on the trip. We have been planning on visiting the Rioja wine region. It's become my favorite red wine since our trip here a couple years ago. It doesn't give me a headache (bonus points!) and I've never had a bad one. It's just a great wine. But, tomorrow is Constitution Day in Spain, which is a day off. And it seems a lot of Spaniards are traveling to Logrono, the largest town in the Rioja region. Rooms are sold out or more than twice what they should be and many bodegas are not giving tours in December. Soooo, we're shifting gears and heading to Pamplona. It's a city I've always wanted to see, but we thought that since we're so close to the Rioja region, we should check it out. We're going with the flow and now looking forward to seeing the city made famous to Americans by Ernest Hemingway in "The Sun Also Rises."

    More photos and videos are here. https://photos.app.goo.gl/hviwzo8bebJJ8Kxh7
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  • Dag 28

    St. Jean de Luz, France

    4 december 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

    I went to France for the day. It was RIGHT THERE so I had to. From San Sebastian, we took a bus for about 45 minutes east to the charming Basque resort city of St. Jean de Luz. It's just past the border town of Hendaye. In the a.m., the sun was out, but it was no beach weather. We did, however walk along the long, clean beach after an espresso at a seaside cafe. The buildings were distinct and definitely looked French compared to the neighbors just across the border.

    In the summer, this place is packed, mostly with French tourists. But today it was pleasant and we got right into a nice restaurant for a plat du jour, the set menu of the day. I just love these. Two people can share the 3 courses each and get a great and inexpensive sampling of the regional food. Deanne's fish soup was out of this world - the best fish soup I've had probably. My first course was 3 huge prawns, grilled to perfection. Deanne then had grilled Skate and I opted for "Axoa de Veau." I got the veal part, but was surprised to find a dish of ground up veal in a delicious gravy/broth. It was really good. And for dessert, Deanne got the Panna Cotta and I opted for Goat Cheese with jam. Cheese is a traditional final course in France, and I have rarely done it before, so as a Cheesehead, I felt I should. It's a nice ending to a meal.

    This town is famous as a meeting spot of sorts. First, for being the site where Louis XIV (the Sun King) married the Spanish Maria Theresa. Their arranged marriage brought a lasting peace between Spain and France.

    The second famous meeting was in nearby Hendaye between Hitler and Franco in 1940. Rick Steve says that Franco came off as pompous and HItler thought he was a buffoon. And thus, Spain was not invited to be a Nazi ally, which really would have changed things in Spain and throughout WW2.

    After our big lunch, we walked it off by window shopping and admiring the town, beach, and working fishing port. Direct buses aren't as common after the morning, so we opted for the short train ride on SCNF, the French rail company. At Hendaye, we walked 50 meters and got on the Euska Tren, the Basque rail network that is more like a commuter rail than a long distance rail company. It couldn't have been easier. We bought tickets at the station from machines for each. It took 1 and 1/2 hours to get back, but it was pleasant. The Euska Tren station in San Sebastian is in a different location than the RENFE (Spanish Rail) station, but it was only a block or two farther.

    That allowed us to cross a diffent bridge across the Urumea River in San Sebastian and walk through a huge park behind our apartment. It's called Cristina Enea Parkea, and it's a wonderful oasis of nature right south of our Egia neighborhood. We're happy we have 4 days in San Sebastian so we'd have time to make this day trip. In the summer, rooms are booked here and in St. Jean de Luz weeks and months in advance and cost 3 times more. We prefer a little cold and rain in the off-season to enjoy the charms without any waits.

    More photos and videos are here. https://photos.app.goo.gl/rB9znZmE6xzVmLSf8
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  • Dag 30–32

    Pamplona, Navarra, Spain

    6 december 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

    Pamplona is home of the famous San Fermin festival, the Running of the Bulls. Hemingway made it famous in "The Sun Also Rises." What was once a small regional festival has turned into a worldwide spectacle every summer. We happened to be here on Constitution Day, a national holiday. We were afraid restaurants and bars would be closed, but we were wrong. The streets were full of Spanish familes on holiday and bars and restaurants were packed. It's nothing like during the San Fermin festival, but we were surprised at how many people were out and about.

    We're at a little elevation now. The drive south from San Sebastian was pretty. We climbed through the foothills of the Pyrenees to get here, the capital of the ancient Kingdom of Navarre. And so it's a bit colder. But it wasn't raining on our first day here and we did most of our sightseeing then. We walked along the path that the bulls take, from pens above the Arga River and through the narrow streets of Pamplona, up to the bullring. Lots of shops sold the white pants, shirts, and sashes and bandanas that "mozos" wear when being chased by bulls.

    We were in luck. The bullring is normally only open for the Feria in the summer for about 9 days. The rest of the year it's closed. But they're holding their Christmas market inside and we got to go in and see the ring from the inside. The market was more fun and had more interesting items than the market in the streets of San Sebastian. We walked all over town and had espressos in a cafe. We're 4 weeks into a 5 week trip, so we're slowing down a bit. It's still wonderful to just meander through cobblestone streets and see what a new city looks like. Most shops were closed anyway. That's why we booked a hotel with a sauna and we're making good use of it.

    Today it's rainy and cold all day. I walked around solo after breakfast to explore some more. I invited a guy to share my table at a cafe and he happened to speak English. He was Philipino and was teaching English in Pamplona. He was in his third year teaching and had lived in several cities in Spain. We had a great talk about Spain, travels, and the Phillipines.

    Pamplona is another charming Spanish city, but the weather is taking it out of us. We're laying low and looking forward to taking a train to Madrid tomorrow for our last stop before heading home. Buses are usually much cheaper and faster than trains in the north of Spain, but we found a train that is much faster and worth the extra expense. And it will have a cafe car on it, which I love.

    More photos and videos are here. https://photos.app.goo.gl/AZ3onPxmSAvz2ieN8
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  • Dag 33–37

    Madrid, Spain

    9 december 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

    Madrid was crazy busy. They just had their Constitution Day and the 8th is Feast of the Immaculate Conception, so most Spaniards have the week off I think. And lots of them come to Madrid to check out the lights and the newly opened Christmas markets. That must be why the room here cost 2 1/2 times what we've been paying!

    We've been to Madrid before and just love it, but the crowds and the weather put a damper on things. We went to the Plaza Mayor and could barely walk through the crowds. It was not fun. Luckily, we were staying in the La Latina neighborhood, and there was nothing for tourists there, and that was fine by us. We sampled neighborhood tapas bars and restaurants and walked around soaking up the sights.

    We did go to the Royal Palace for the first time. It was quite impressive. Supposedly, it's the 3rd most beautiful royal palace in Europe, after Versailles in Paris and Schonbrunn in Vienna. The line took 1/2 hour to get in, which isn't bad considering we didn't buy advance tickets.

    We also went back to the Prado art museum. It's hard to pass up. I've been 4 times I think and it never ceases to impress me. It's comprised mostly of the art that the Spanish Royal families collected over the years and that's a lot: Velazquez, Goya, Titian, Rubens, El Greco, etc. But my favorite is probably is "El Bosco" or Hieronymous Bosch. There's a whole room with his stuff, including the famous "Garden of Earthly Delights."

    Then I caught a cold, which really put a damper on things. I was masking up on buses and trains, but tapas bars here are crowded this time of year, and who could pass those up? I spent the last day and a half hanging out in the hotel room waiting for the flight home.

    It was another great trip. We loved seeing the different parts of the Iberian Peninsula. It's not like we planned to follow the coast, but it seemed like a logical thing to do. My favorite part of this trip was seeing the Northern Spain regions of Galicia, Asturias, and the Pais Basco. Their unique cultures and cuisines are fascinating. But, like always, it's good to be home.

    More photos and videos are here.

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