Union Territory of Chandīgarh

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    • День 1

      Berikut Beberapa Festival yang Ada di Ba

      15 февраля 2019 г., Индия ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Bali adalah tanah yang kaya akan budaya dimana orang Bali merayakan banyak festival dan acara. Beberapa festival mereka ditandai pada kalender Bali dan dirayakan setiap tahun. Lapangan Puputan di Renon, Denpasar adalah tempat di mana anda dapat mengalami parade yang mengesankan. Jika anda adalah seorang pencinta seni, anda tidak boleh melewatkan pertunjukan seni yang terjadi selama seminggu di Pusat Seni Denpasar.

      Pemerintah Provinsi di sini adalah tuan rumah bagi banyak festival yang membuat pengalaman anda jauh lebih menyenangkan dan unik yang dapat anda rasakan disini. Festival-festival ini memainkan peran besar di Bali untuk menarik para turis lokal dan mancanegara.

      Saran Perjalanan: Bus adalah moda transportasi hemat biaya yang ada di seluruh Indonesia. Pesan bus secara online dari https://www.redbus.id/en dan berjalan-jalanlah dengan nyaman ke tujuan yang anda inginkan untuk mengalami festival atau acara yang ada di Indonesia yang indah ini. Pilih dari berbagai jenis bus, harga, jadwal keberangkatan, dan kursi yang terdaftar di situs ini, pilihlah salah satu yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda.

      Festival Kesenian Bali: Festival Seni Bali tahunan berlangsung dari Sabtu kedua Juni hingga Sabtu kedua Juli disetiap tahunnya. Seseorang dapat menyaksikan pawai akbar yang biasanya diadakan di Lapangan Puputan di Renon, Denpasar. Anda juga dapat mengamati jadwal pertunjukan seni yang berlangsung selama berminggu-minggu di Pusat Kesenian Denpasar. Ini benar-benar suguhan budaya bagi wisatawan yang berada di Bali hingga pertengahan Juli. Festival ini dirayakan hingga akhir bulan dan ini adalah waktu yang tepat untuk anda dapat melihat beberapa kesenian yang dilakukan bersama oleh penduduk setempat. Festival ini juga menjadi tuan rumah untuk berbagai karya seni dan prestasi dari komite budaya dari dalam pulau-pulau lain di Indonesia juga. Selama festival inilah Pusat Seni Denpasar menjadi salah satu tempat terbaik untuk mengagumi patung-patung indah arsitektur tradisional Bali. Tempat ini juga berfungsi sebagai lokasi gambar yang sempurna dengan dekorasi daun kelapa yang indah dan berbagai spanduk.

      Festival layang-layang Bali: Festival ini adalah perayaan tahunan yang menggambarkan salah satu ikon budaya Bali, yaitu layang-layang tradisional Bali yang diadakan pada bulan Juli di daerah Padang Galak, Sanur, Bali. Layang-layang tradisional raksasa (dengan lebar 4 meter dan panjang 10 meter) dibuat dan diterbangkan dalam kompetisi antara tim-tim dari banjar di Denpasar. Festival musiman ini memiliki pesan keagamaan dimaksudkan untuk mengirim pesan kepada dewa-dewa Hindu untuk memberikan hasil pertanian yang melimpah. Ini adalah pesta tahunan yang berfungsi sebagai upaya restorasi bentuk seni, yang diantisipasi oleh masyarakat internasional, yang melibatkan rombongan layang-layang desa dari seluruh pulau mengambil bagian dalam menampilkan kreasi tradisional raksasa mereka serta desain kontemporer. Beberapa tim yang terdiri yaitu sekitar 70 hingga 80 orang terbentuk dan layang-layang raksasa dengan warna yang berbeda-beda diterbangkan tinggi di langit yang kemudian merupakan suguhan mata untuk ditonton.

      Nyepi: Bali merayakan Tahun Baru menurut kalender Saka, yang disebut sebagai Nyepi. Ini jatuh pada hari setelah bulan baru pada bulan kesembilan, dan merupakan tahun baru yang dirayakan dengan cara yang unik, dalam keheningan total dan pengasingan! Tujuan utama Hari Raya Nyepi adalah memohon ke hadapan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, untuk menyucikan Bhuana Alit (alam manusia/microcosmos) dan Bhuana Agung/macrocosmos (alam semesta).

      Festival Desa Sanur: Festival ini dianggap sebagai salah satu perayaan budaya & seni termegah di desa ini. Perayaan tahunan ini dimulai dengan berbagai tema dan festival ini adalah minggu-minggu yang diisi dengan berbagai kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan seni, budaya, makanan, olahraga air, dan masih banyak lagi.
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    • День 1–2

      Sukhna Lake

      20 мая 2023 г., Индия ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Celebrating 25 years of love and togetherness in Chandigarh with my amazing parents - a city as beautiful as their journey together.

    • День 1

      Travelling by bus to Bangalore from Gun

      20 февраля 2019 г., Индия ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Commuters willing to travel from Guntur to Bangalore preferably opt for buses, as they are traveller-friendly mode of transportation. Recognised as one of the frequently taken bus route in Southern India, which is serviced by several renowned bus companies. Therefore, I took online bus tickets from https://www.redbus.in/bus-tickets/guntur-to-ban… and travelled at ease from Guntur to Bangalore. This online portal helped to book tickets in an easy way and saved a lot of my time too. I would love to recommend it to me friends and family members as this might help them to get discounts and travel without facing any hassles.

      Guntur is home to the newly formed capital of Amravathi. It is about 30 kilometres away from Andhra Pradesh and also alternatively functions as the financial and administrative capital of the state. It is also home to one of the largest chilli markets and Guntur happens to be one of them. The locals told me that Guntur is one of the most densely populated places of the country. With the rapid industrialisation that is undergoing it is now become a part of the Vishakhapatnam and Guntur industrial corridor. Lying on the banks of the river Krishna, Guntur takes pride in hosting the only Buddhist Pilgrimage in the Southern Part of the country. There are several heritage structures in Guntur making it one of the most preferred tourist destinations of India. The place has also been home to some of the most prominent dynasties making it a must visit destination. Apart from being known for its chilli markets, Guntur is also quite well known in the market for serving as the busiest textile and transportation hub of India.

      Bangalore being the capital city of Karnataka is recognized as a buzzing cosmopolitan city, also as the melting pot of various cultures. The excellent road connectivity and smooth bus system helps people to travel without any hassles. I boarded the bus at 2:30pm from Guntur and reached Bangalore at 5am the next day. The bus ride went on for almost 12 hours. I had opted for an Ac semi sleeper bus that was comfortable and came with clean interiors. The road distance from Guntur to Bangalore is approximately 624 kms and is spotted with many boarding points and stops along its journey. This makes it actually very convenient for folks commuting between the two cities.

      In Bangalore, one shall find a lot of modern architectural works, many historical sites and stories of Indian dynasty as well as a pleasant weather, Bangalore is not only a home to engineers and researchers but is also one of the most attractive destinations for foreign tourists in India. I was visiting Bangalore for the first time, came here for a 2-days trip along with friends. The bus staff ensured safety and comfort of its passengers.

      The bus gave a number of rest stops where most of the commuters refreshed up. The journey by road was a tiring one yet the vehicle simply made everything comfortable.
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    • День 1–2

      Rose Garden

      13 февраля 2021 г., Индия ⋅ 🌫 21 °C

      Exploring Chandigarh's beauty in a day: Rose Garden and Sukhna Lake.

    • День 1

      Top 3 Travel Tours in India

      25 марта 2019 г., Индия ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Taking the road when making arrangements for an excursion is perhaps extraordinary compared to other ways to satisfy your desire for adventure and escape boring times. The solution could be to simply gather up your belongings, illuminate your senses and whiz away is the amazing sort of break you can get from all anxiety. Here is a rundown of acclaimed road journeys in India that you unequivocally need to take to get a genuine break from a tedious life.

      Most advantageous method for set out is to take a bus transport. Buses are perceptive and safe to travel. Booking online bus tickets from https://www.redbus.in/bus-tickets/
      , is easy and quick. With this reality, regardless of whether in the east, west, north or south, India offers a huge number of road connectivity and destinations that create a captivating road trip by bus. Just pick your suitable transport and appreciate the road journey!

      Mumbai to Goa: If you are a crazy seeker of those movie scenes where the roads seemed to be amazing, you will love the real version even more! Buses operate via this route and safe roads passing through many rocky, tricky pathways makes your journey adventurous. Being on the Chiplun-Ratnagiri route, you can also check out the Karnal Bird Sanctuary. The suitable period to take this road trip is during the months of December to January.

      Chennai to Pondicherry:  A stretch of 160kms is covered by luxury buses will make the best of your journey. This is one of the most beautiful roads for travelling by a bus (of your choice). The dynamic reflections of the Sun on the water makes it most magnificent roadway around Chennai and possibly India will leave you feeling thoroughly gratified. Earlier known as Madras, Chennai is one of the fourth largest cities in the country. It is considered to be one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country. Having one of the richest cultural histories of the country, Chennai can very easily balance between heritage and modern lifestyle. One of the other things that Chennai is famous for is its beautiful skyline. Although Chennai is going through rapid modernisation the locals have preserved the old structures with a lot of care. It can be very well said that, Chennai is the only city in the country that has not lost its ancient touch. Chennai is also home to the second largest beach in the world which is the Marina Beach. The perfect time to visit the beach will be during the weekdays as there are less people compared to that on weekends.

      Jaipur to Ranthambore: One shall take the pleasure of alluring views of mustard fields and picturesque villages like Balsi and Lalsot while taking this the roads to Ranthambore. It is one of the most popular road trips in India, as big numbers of people flock to the Ranthambore National Park to spot a tiger or two. The roads are in a decent condition making your journey hassle-free.
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    • День 1

      AT&T Miami internet

      19 февраля 2022 г., Индия ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Choosing one of the best AT&T Miami internet service providers is not an easy task. All individuals are facing confusion because of several options with similar kinds of services and offers. Here, it becomes difficult to differentiate the best one. In case you want to get rid of such an issue by choosing a good internet service provider, you can proceed by choosing Broadband Internet Providers. We have years of experience in providing such services. Now, we are authorized for distributing ATT internet connections as well.
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    • День 1

      Take an UPSRTC bus from Delhi to Haridwa

      12 июня 2018 г., Индия ⋅ ☀️ 39 °C

      Delhi holds a plethora of reputed companies and a heavy population of people. Delhi folks usually seek a required break from the monotonous lifestyle. Apparently, during weekends or public holidays, any traveller simply pack their bags and book bus tickets online and they hit any destination. Likewise, I wanted to visit Haridwar since a long time. Perhaps, I was bored with the city posh lifestyle. I need a break!

      I quickly booked online bus tickets from https://www.redbus.in/online-booking/upsrtc.aspx and boarded the UPSRTC Jan Rath AC bus from Kashmiri Gate. The journey by bus to Haridwar is completed in almost 6 hours. The state owned bus service was pleasant and convenient. My bus left Delhi at 8am and reached Haridwar at 2:30pm, the bus gave one rest stop too.

      I was travelling along with a friend of mine. Both of us enjoyed the bus journey and most of the time we were busy in prattling. We bought some yummy snacks at the rest stop and spent time reading a novel. Bus passed through beautiful broad highways, lush green plantations and many other scenic places. As we approached towards Haridwar, we left behind the busy streets of Delhi; we could feel the simplicity in the air.

      Haridwar is a holy city where large number of pilgrims throng all around the year. Places like Rishikesh, Mussorie, Nainital and many other are easily reachable from Haridwar. Some of them has bus connectivity too!

      Har ki Pauri is the major landmark in Haridwar; the Ganges here attracts several devotees. Some of the major tourist attractions here are Chandi Devi Temple, Shantikunj, Chilla Range and many Ashrams. We had plans of visiting a few of them and then visit Mussorie.

      There are ample amount of accommodations in Haridwar suiting all types of budget. After a tiresome bus journey, you can take rest in any of your preferred hotels in Haridwar. In order to avoid hassles in the new city ensure to book hotels in advance!
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    • День 1


      14 марта 2018 г., Индия ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Naples is a colourful and one of the oldest Italian city. Naples historic centre is a registered UNESCO World Heritage Site and home to archaeological treasures. City is flooded with tourist attractions ranging from byzantine churches, museums, palaces, narrow historic streets, broad promenades and many other sights showcasing long history dating back to eighth century BC. City has so many sights and must visit places scattered all around and also the food scene is very rich in Naples. For better and comfortable experience of travelling in Naples you can hire a car from https://www.car4hires.com/
      and explore as much as you can this beautiful city. Naples is a surprising city packed with spectacular sights and attractions and some of the must see sights of Naples have been listed below.

      Catacombs of San Gennaro are maze of passages and tomb chambers, much like Roman catacombs. These catacombs have more finer paintings and have more magnificent architecture than Roman catacombs. In 5th century basilica was built near these catacombs. The large underground basilica, small crypt of Bishops and frescoes from late second century are also here.

      Naples harbour is a historic gateway to Mediterranean sea and the world. It is divided into separate docks and basins always brimming with activity. It serves as a principal port to southern Italy from ages. You can stroll around the harbour, many ice cream shops and cafes are lined along giving more lively atmosphere to the place.

      You can walk through and visit the extensive ruins of Pompeii, the settlement which was once destroyed by destructive eruption of volcano in 79 A D. Major highlights include the Amphitheatre, the Temple of Apollo and the Temple of Jupiter.

      The former residence of Kings and Viceroys of Naples reflecting long history of French, Spanish, Aragonese, and Austrian rulers. Originally this castle was built in 1279-82 by Charles I of Anjou. Gothic Church of Santa Barrbara is also there. Armoury hall, the Charles V Hall, the Sala della Loggia and southern courtyard are open for public viewing.

      Naples is city rich in experiences and attractions to offer. Many more are there those calls for a must visit such as Naples National Archaeological Museum, Cappella Sansevero, Pallazo Reale, Santa Chiara, Santa Lucia, San Domenico Maggiore, San Martino Monastery and Museum.
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    • День 1

      Jurong bird Park to River Safari Singapo

      12 апреля 2018 г., Индия ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Jurong Bird Park

      This is a must visit place when in Singapore, both for the young and old. There is no bird in this park, which will fail to impress you with its looks. Spanning across 19 hectares of land and located in the West Coast of Singapore, this bird park is considered to be one of the largest in Asia. The park is housed to over 5000 different birds from over 450 different species. The park has some lovely colourful birds. If you want to have an up close and personal encounter with these pretty birds, visiting the Jurong Bird Park should be on top of your bucket list. The Park organises feeding sessions for its visitors. Young or Old you will surely remain entertained thanks to the various shows organised by the keepers of this Park. If you want to cover the entire park in detail, it will easily take you about 6 to 8 hours. You will have to walk a lot though. However, for the seniors, there are trams like what we see in the zoo. I must say you get to see a variety of colourful birds here. The eagles, the hawks and the falcons show their mighty moves during one of the most prominent shows of the park known as the ‘king of the skies’. If all this is not enough for you also get the option of dining out with Penguins and Parrots. If you are travelling to this park along with your kids make sure to attend the ‘Birds of Play’ show. The Park lets you feed these magnificent creatures only during the active time. There is an informative commentary continuously playing over the speakers. You can book your bus tickets through this website http://www.redbus.sg/ for quick ticket booking and awesome discounts!!

      This park is also famous for organising sleep overs with the birds. With a state of the art breeding and research center many newly hatched birds start their journey on this planet through the Jurong Bird Park.

      Bus No. 194 will take you directly to Jurong Bird Park.

      River Safari

      One of the least known places in Singapore is the River Safari. This Safari houses several monkeys and pandas as they gather around the parks waters. There is an adorable red panda here who is quite famous amongst the tourists. This one of a king river themed zoo is spread across 12 hectares of land. It features some of the best fresh water attractions of Asia. The Safari boasts of having 820000 visitors yearly. Home to over 4000 animals of 500 different species the Safari was open for the people in the year 2012. The Park has several animal exhibits. It is considered that the park has around 10 different eco systems of the world including River Nyle as well as River Tundra. The Safari also houses some endangered species of animals. A famous Panda couple here is housed in a enclosure which is climate controlled. The zoo is famous for cultivating its own 86000 square feet of plantation all by itself.

      Bus Nos 927, 138 and 926 will take you to River Safari.
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