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    • Tag 38

      Chandigarh (31.03. - 01.04.)

      1. April 2016 in Indien ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Chandigarh als Zwischenstopp auf dem Weg nach Delhi können wir nur empfehlen. Wir waren zwar eigentlich nur eine Nacht und einen Morgen hier, aber es hat uns sehr gut gefallen. Kleines Kuriosum: Chandigarh ist sowohl die Hauptstadt des Bundesstaats Punjab als auch die von Haryana - liegt aber in keinem dieser beiden, sondern ist sein eigenes Unionsterritorium. Außerdem ist die Stadt nicht mit der Zeit gewachsen, sondern wurde von vornherein komplett durchgeplant: Alle Straßen laufen orthogonal zueinander und teilen die Stadt in 32 gleich große Sektoren ein. Innerhalb der Sektoren fahren fast keine Fahrzeuge, was natürlich sehr angenehm ist.

      Nachdem wir also Indien nachts zugesehen hatten, wie sie trotz echt gutem ersten Innings aus der Cricket-Meisterschaft geflogen sind, gingen wir heute morgen zum Rock Garden. Vor ein paar Jahrzehnten hat sich dort ein verrückter Künstler in einer Hütte verkrochen und Skulpturen gebastelt. Das hat mehrere Jahre lang keiner gemerkt und als es dann doch so weit war, war die Fläche mit seinen Kunstwerken schon so groß, dass man sie nicht mehr abreißen wollte und stattdessen gefördert hat.

      Nunja, viel mehr gibt's aus Chandigarh nicht zu berichten, also ab zum dritten Mal nach Delhi!

      Bilder: Impressionen aus dem Rock Garden, die letzten drei frei nach dem Motto "Ist das Kunst oder kann das weg?"

    • Tag 27


      1. März 2018 in Indien ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Da ich in den Nachtbussen nicht wirklich zum Schlafen komme und mir dadurch viel Schlaf und Energie verloren geht, mache ich auf dem Weg nach Rishikesh zwei Nächte Halt in Chandigarh. Die Anreise dauert somit erstmal nur ca. 6 Stunden, fast angenehm sogar.
      Chandigarh ist ein wenig anders als die üblichen indischen Städte. Zunächst einmal wurde die Stadt von einem Schweizer in den 50er Jahren geplant und dabei in Sektoren errichtet, die in Rechtecken angeordnet sind. Dadurch gibt es kilometerlange Hauptstraßen sowie Ampelkreuzungen und Kreisverkehre. Und darüber hinaus scheint es sogar so als würden sich die Verkehrsteilnehmer an Straßenverkehrsregeln halten. Ganz anders als das Verkehrschaos, welches ich im restlichen Indien bisher erlebt habe. Im Stadtkern gibt es alle möglichen Shops, um sich beispielsweise mit westlicher Kleidung einzudecken. Die Hotelpreise waren vergleichbar hoch und Hostels leider nicht anzufinden. Der Ort an sich ist auch nicht wirklich spannend. Neben dem möglichen Shopping sind eigentlich nur der „Rockgarden“ und der See als Highlight zu betrachten.
      Glücklicherweise war zum Zeitpunkt meines Aufenthaltes allerdings noch das Frühjahrsfest Holi beziehungsweise auch Festival der Farben genannt. Dabei geht es hauptsächlich darum Kreidefarbe auf alles und jeden zu verteilen, auch auf Hunde und Kühe. Während in anderen Städten zu dieser Zeit große Partys gefeiert werden, halte ich mich bewusst zurück. Somit fühle ich mich im ruhigen Chandigarh derzeit ganz wohl. Nichtsdestotrotz scheinen viele Inder jedoch sehr großes Interesse daran gehabt zu haben den großen Weißen auch bunt zu schmücken. Dementsprechend sehe ich dann am Ende des Tages auch aus.

      Auf den Fotos:
      Rock Garden
      3x Holi
      Tandoori Chicken ... super lecker!!

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      16. Mai 2018 in Indien ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      Bus ride to Kuala Lumpur from Singapore

      Singapore is much more than its numerous attractions. It is constantly evolving and reimagining itself within a short span of time. It consists of people who are passionate about thinking and creating new possibilities. Foodies, explorers, collectors, action seekers, culture shapers and socialisers all come together and form a new experience everyday. Situated on the equator Singapore is one of the smallest yet one of the most beautiful island countries which is quite known for its cleanliness and safety. It is also one of the most modern cities of South East Asia known to be flourishing for decades together. Tourism is one of the most effective means of boosting the economy of the country. However, when you are on tour make sure to pay heed to the local laws of Singapore or you may end up paying a severe fine.

      It is a perfect blend of culture, cuisine, arts and architecture. From its ethnicity to the peaceful gardens everything in this city has made my tour worthwhile. State of the art infrastructure, crystal clear beaches, theme parks makes this country one of the preferred choices for families. After spending almost a month here it was time for me to head to my next destination which is the capital city of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. I booked my bus tickets from this website and was quite happy with the experience. As per the website there were about 6 operators plying on this route. The One Travel and Tours, Trans Star Express, Seasons Express, Konsortium, First Coach and KKK Travels were some of them. All these Operators had buses plying right from 12:00 am to 10:00 pm. There were about 25 buses departing in a single day from each Operator. The cost of the tickets start upwards of SGD30 and go up all the way to SGD55 depending upon the class of buses you book.

      There are about 20 to 25 seats in each bus making room for comfortable traffic. I booked my Bus tickets with Star Mart Express like i usually do. The Operator is quite punctual and the buses are equipped with a wide range of amenities. Star Mart Express is an Executive coach Operator. However, if you are a luxury seeker you can book your bus tickets with the One Travel and Tours. A single ticket with this Operator will cost you around SGD53. I would recommend you to book your bus tickets atleast a week in advance in order to avoid last minute rush.

      Kuala Lumpur: The most popular and iconic attractions of Kuala Lumpur are known to define the city as a true tourist destination. The huge Petronaus Twin Towers as well as the Standing Buddha Image found outside Batu Caves are known to be some premiere destinations worth a visit. Kuala Lumpur is known to be full of greenery, lake gardens, homw to popular bird and deer parks that you can freely visit. Make sure to visit the I-City Shah Alam to capture some beautiful pictures of the colourful display of LED lit attractions.

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      Macam-macam Aktifitas Terbaik untuk Dini

      18. Juni 2018 in Indien ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      Dibawah ini adalah daftar dari beberapa hal terbaik yang dapat anda lakukan di Bali tanpa menghabiskan uang bahkan satu sen pun. Mari kita setujui terlebih dahulu dengan fakta bahwa kita semua suka menyimpan anggaran agar tidak terlalu habis ketika berlibur! Saat menulis daftar ini dengan cermat, saya tidak hanya menyertakan beberapa hal gratis yang dapat anda lakukan dan anda tonton disini tetapi juga beberapa hal yang tidak biasa yang anda mungkin belum pernah lihat atau bahkan anda dengar!

      Bali adalah tempat yang sangat hemat biaya yang menjadikannya salah satu faktor tujuan liburan favorit dan juga menawarkan berbagai hal untuk dinikmati tanpa merogoh saku anda lebih dalam. Berkeliling mungkin mengharuskan anda mengurangi sedikit uang perjalanan anda, tetapi perjalanan yang mencakup dari pantai populer hingga ke perbukitan dan lembah yang indah semua ini merupakan bayaran yang pas karena memberikan nilai yang luar biasa bagi para wisatawan yang memiliki anggaran terbatas, karena di setiap akhir perjalanan anda yang penuh dengan pengalaman baru itu tidak mengeluarkan biaya tambahan apapun!

      Saran Perjalanan: Bus adalah moda transportasi yang efektif secara biaya di seluruh Indonesia. Pesan bus secara online dari dan lakukan perjalanan dengan nyaman sampai ke tujuan yang anda inginkan. Pilih dari berbagai jenis bus yang terdaftar di situs ini dan pilih salah satu yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda. Reservasi bus dari situs ini membantu anda untuk menghemat biaya liburan anda, karena mereka memiliki nol biaya pemesanan.

      Berjalan-jalan di Pantai dan Mal: ​​Dapat dikatakan dengan benar bahwa Bali itu indah, berkat banyaknya pantai yang sebagian besar bersifat publik dan mudah diakses. Yang paling terkenal, seperti Tuban, Kuta, Sanur, Legian, Seminyak, dan Nusa Dua memiliki jalan setapak tambahan yang memungkinkan untuk berjalan santai sepanjang waktu, terutama saat matahari terbit dan terbenam yang menakjubkan.

      Di selatan ada beberapa Pusat Perbelanjaan yang dapat mudah diakses dari pantai dan merupakan ide bagus untuk berbelanja langsung setelah seharian di pantai.

      Mendaki dan menjelajah Pegunungan: Jika anda berjiwa petualang, pegunungan Bali bebas untuk didaki tetapi ada gunung yang lebih berat untuk didaki seperti Gunung Agung dan Batukaru, karena merupakan dua gunung tertinggi yang ada di pulau ini, dan biasanya memerlukan izin dari organisasi masyarakat desa setempat atau kehutanan. (Tidak ada biaya untuk menikmati aktifitas ini)

      Jelajahi kreasi Karya Besar: Hentikanlah perjalanan anda di salah satu pasar seni utama di Bali di mana anda dapat melihat kios demi kios berdiri berdampingan menjajakan seni dan kerajinan, serta barang antik dengan berbagai bentuk dan ukuran.

      Lihatlah Ming La Vogue, toko barang antik tertua di kota ini yang terletak di Jalan Pemuda, untuk melihat berbagai barang seni tradisionalnya yang mempesona.

      Bali memiliki sejumlah tempat dimana tarian tradisional Jawa dan pertunjukan drama diadakan, termasuk Wayang Orang Ngesti Pandowo yang berlokasi di Jalan Pemuda, dimana pertunjukan bertema Jawa mingguan sering dilakukan.

      Bali mempunyai sebagian besar kegembiraan modern yang terdiri dari pasar-pasar terbuka, gerai dan arsitektur kuno yang dapat dijelajahi, posisinya antara pantai dan gunung-gunung juga menampilkan beberapa pemandangan yang indah. Pelabuhan internasional Tanjung Mas yang terletak di sisi utara adalah tempat yang dianggap sebagai tempat utama untuk pusat kelautan, ini merupakan inspirasi gagasan perjalanan liburan romantis serta sering masuk dan keluarnya kapal pesiar dan kapal perdagangan.

      Jika anda datang ke Bali pada saat-saat festival diadakan, sangat beruntung bagi anda dapat melihat budaya yang indah dan khas ini dengan diadakannya pawai di jalan-jalan utama di Bali serta tentunya untuk dapat menikmati pemandangan ini, anda dikenakan biaya nol rupiah alias gratis!

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      11. Mai 2018 in Indien ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

      Book any 4 Online Hotels near Thane, Mumbai: Just Relax!

      Thane is a city poised outside Mumbai in the state of Maharashtra. Popularly known as the ‘City of Lakes’ and this place is visited by many tourists every year. There are several hotels near Thane, Mumbai and they can be booked online at within a short span. Henceforth, it is a judicious decision as this hotel booking platform allows you to choose your ideal hotel room within your budget.

      Besides, avail all active discounts without spending any extra money! After all, a comfortable rest place is a necessary requirement of every traveller! There are various types of hotels in Thane, Mumbai ranging from luxury to budget ones. You can choose the one that fits you well. To make the task easier, I have compiled an array of hotels (various types) here that provides convenient accessibility to all places of interest and proximity to public places too. All these hotels comprise of basic amenities and their cordial staff help to make a comfortable stay experience. Easy reachability to bus stop, shops, restaurants and other public locations are given priority, as these are some of the elementary requirements of most travellers or guest staying opting for Hyderabad hotels.

      The list of hotels in Thane has been mentioned here, depending on their ratings, reviews and location. This will be of great help to visitors who will be visiting this amazing place.
      Chakrika Lodging: It is a recommended Business hotel available at an economical rate. Located very close to Railway Station and 10 minutes away from Bus Station. It is an ideal hotel for both business and leisure traveller as it can be reached from Airport in a short time. Guests looking to explore the city can easily access the main commercial, shopping and entertainment hubs from the hotel.

      Midway Park Resort: this hotel carries the legacy of the best budget hotel in this area. Apart from its finest staff and good quality services, the hotel offers a good location creating huge convenience for its guests. The hotel is situated on the main road with a parking facility; where shops, gym, bars, restaurants and retail outlets that could be easily covered by walking.

      Fortune Park Lake City: This hotel is located in the bustling part of Thane that creates easy accessibility for all guests/travellers. The hotel is situated in a favourable location and is close by to all major shops, bus and train stations.

      Sagar Sangam Hotel: this hotel carries the legacy of the best budget hotel in this area. Apart from its finest staff and good quality services, the hotel offers a good location creating huge convenience for its guests. The hotel is situated on the main road with a parking facility; where shops, gym, bars, restaurants and retail outlets that could be easily covered by walking.


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      A Bus tour from Hyderabad to Kurnool

      20. Juni 2018 in Indien ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      The place of Nawabs (royal historical past persons), called Hyderabad, is the capital metropolis of Telangana state. There are numerous distinguished weekend getaways from Hyderabad to offer the visitors an amazing time. With a few locations in the line, where the rich and respectable cultural heritage is highlighted in Hyderabad. The local street cuisine to savour your taste buds and far more, the city has a never-ending record of stunning places that will absolutely make your weekend an excellent one. One of the weekends, I planned to visit Kurnool by bus from Hyderabad. The road distance of 212kms and it took around 5 hours to reach Kurnool. I booked online bus tickets at… that saved a lot of my time. Moreover allowed me to choose from the vast list of bus operators and bus types. Most of the places are well connected by roadways from Hyderabad. I selected the bus that well fitted all my requirements and enriched my bus travel experience.

      I boarded the bus from Chintal pick up point at around 8:30pm and reached Kurnool at 2:00am. I was travelling in an Ac Seater bus that was clean and comfortable. The bus passed through various alluring landscapes, varied topography and broad highways. The bus was punctual, it came with ample leg space and clean interiors. I strongly prefer buses while travelling, as they are easy to access and cost effective.

      Kurnool is location of historical worth with gorgeous surrounding areas. It is a small town in Andhra Pradesh where history left its imprints. I was looking forward to visit all the attractions in Kurnool like the Belum caves, Birla mandir, Oravakallu Rock Garden, Rollapadu Wildlife Sanctuary, Tomb of Abdul Wahab are other major spots. Heard a lot about the Kondareddy Buruz, which is protected by the Ancient Monuments Preservation Act, is also one of the interesting place to visit.

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      25. Mai 2018 in Indien ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Perth is among the most beautiful cities of Australia which offers diverse experiences all at one place. It is known for its pristine beaches, unforgettable sunsets, abundance of natural beauty, relaxed culture and unlimited tourist activities on offer. If you too love shopping as I do you are at right place for unique and interesting shopping. For exploring and enjoying your Perth trip the most make your hotel bookings in advance and also get a car rental. I got it from and had an super convenient and comfortable trip free from hassles. Back to the Perth shopping scenes, Perth is not particularly big on malls as other cities of Australia but it has large number of markets, shopping centres and many more opportunities. Perth shopping scene except main malls includes village inner markets, summer night markets, weekend markets and a lot more. Some of the best addresses for shopping in Perth are listed below.

      KING STREET – Luxury Shopping
      This popular cobbled street is home of major luxury brands and also known as “West End” locally. Here you will find the major brands such as Gucci, Prada, Chanel and many more. Fascinating European style architecture dating back to 19th century adds up to the charm of street. Buy a classic piece of jewellery from Tiffany store or a latest Mac gadget or Apple store here everyone will find one or the other thing of your choice.

      Located at a prime location in Urban, Fermantle markets are must visit when travelling to Perth. It is home to nearly 150 stalls selling handmade wooden toys, trinklets, hand painted wares and many other offerings. It is perfect all in one stop specially for Christmas shopping. Many activities for kids such as animal petting zoo and others are also available for kids.

      A great place for enjoying shopping and good food at on place in Perth. You can stroll around the market while buying or just window shopping the souvenirs such as t-shirts, key chains, Aussie mementos all at bargain prices. There is also an excellent parking place. Many food stalls offering delicious delights are also a great stop. All kind of tourist shopping is available here making it a tourist pick spot.

    • Tag 89


      17. Juli 2019 in Indien ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Die Planstadt Chandigarh wurde nach der Teilung Indiens nach Plänen des schweizerisch-französischen Architekten Le Corbusier als neue Hauptstadt des indischen Teils des Punjab errichtet.

      Mir hat es nicht so gefallen, mit dem Schachbrettmuster und all den Sektoren...Weiterlesen

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      20. Juni 2018 in Indien ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

      Best Hotels for a night stay in Langkawi

      These hotels are the perfect options for people who are looking to stay just for a night and are on tight budgets. Though the rooms have been priced economically, these hotels offer cosy guest rooms, extend warm hospitality and top notch facilities so that you can complete your stay without any hassles. These hotels are situated at strategic locations just kilometres away from duty free shops and iconic landmarks. The prime location makes it even more easily to reach here as there are several buses plying on these routes. Travelling by cab is not only costly but also a hassle as I experienced that the cabbies here tend to overcharge. There are also plenty of dining options where you can have a sumptuous meal at unbelievable prices. If you are looking for a quick accommodation but a comfortable one these hotels should be your best choices.

      These buses have their own tracking system and there is no need to wait at the bus stop either. You can travel carefree without your wallets thanks to which will let you book your bus tickets online.

      Langkawi Sea View Hotel

      This is a 3 star hotel situated in Kuah which is just 18 kms away from the Langkawi International Airport. The room has sophisticated decor and furnished with all essential comforts. The room also features a private balcony and a viewing deck that offers magnificent views of calm and serene waters. The room is equipped with a safety deposit box and laptop charging stations. A stay in this hotel will set you back by just RM167. It houses more than 143 guest rooms and suites, a huge indoor pool, a 24 hours fitness centre for the gymming enthusiasts and a conference centre for guests who are out on a business trip. The hotel is at a 25-minute distance from the airport so I highly recommend you to reach here by bus instead of paying higher fares for Cabs. It is a 3 star hotel featuring fully furnished rooms. The hotel also features the Kingfisher Café where you can indulge in some local and international favourites. If you are in the city on a corporate visit the hotel is also known to offer meetings and events packages for corporate affairs or seminars. The floors have rustic timber giving you a rich feel the moment you enter the room. The entire hotel has been specifically designed to enable natural light to reach all parts of the room.

      BellaVista Waterfront Resort

      The hotel is just 15.8 kms away from the Langkawi International Airport, which is a lot of distance, and travelling by Cab will set you back by around RM200 not forgetting surge pricing by Cab Aggregators. The funny part being your travel expense will be much more than your stay here, which is just RM167. The hotel houses more than 275 guest rooms, 2 restaurants and an outdoor pool. Looking at all the above, I highly recommend you to travel by bus.

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      5 Hotels to Stay in Kanyakumari

      20. Februar 2018 in Indien ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      5 Hotels to Stay in Kanyakumari: the sea is near you!

      Tourists and explorers prefer to visit Kanyakumari, as it is a noteworthy place for art and culture. The flawless shorelines of Kanyakumari help you to witness the mesmerising dawn and charming dusks. There are travellers who seek to experience the sea all throughout their trip, while planning a trip to this amazing place, it is recommendable to look at… and pick up an ideal place to take rest. Since, this portal allow users to choose their convenient hotel room from anywhere and anytime. In addition, they offer great discounts too! Besides, you may opt to stay near the sea without burning a hole in your pocket. Of course, it will create an incredible stay experience in Kanyakumari!

      Kanyakumari is also called as ‘Cape Comorin;’ located near the Western Ghats and bordered by Lakshadweep Sea creates an alluring setting for all holidaymakers. This is recognized as a beautiful city in the state of Tamil Nadu frequented by thousands of visitors across the year.
      Here is a compilation of hotels in Kanyakumari that can be booked online comes with all basic amenities satisfying the guest requirements at all times. Beach being an interesting location, there are many hotels around the seaside in Kanyakumari apart from hotels being located in the main city and surrounding shopping areas. You can walk to the beach from your hotel or simply relish a few bites at the restaurants near from the sea beach. Gazing out of your hotel window will make you experience astonishing views of the blue waters and the cool breeze shall soothe your senses! Isn’t that a super feeling!

      Hence, let us take a look list of hotels poised in Kanyakumari:

      1. Melody Park: Opting for this hotel will help you to explore the natural wonders of Kanyakumari. The hotel is located near to the sea beach and surrounded by many eating-places too.

      2. Hotel Srimaniya: This hotel makes one feel the warmth and get a fine view of the blue sea from the rooms. The hotel is designed with all basic services to cater the requirements of the professionals, business people, family and individuals.

      3. Hotel Balaji: This is a budget stay located close to the temple and sea beach. There are many restaurants surrounding the hotel area. They offer all essential amenities and there are many religious places in the vicinity.

      4. Hotel Temple Citi: Situated close to the seaside, offers easy accessibility to all other travel hubs and places of interests. Suitable stay option close to the sea, for ones looking for an easy transportation to visit various places around the city.

      5. Gopinivas Grand: Just a 2mins walk from the beach, this hotel is an ideal choice for all beach lovers visiting Kanyakumari. They offer best value for money with a satisfactory stay facility. The hotel rooms are available at a reasonable rate and caters ample accessibility from all places of interest around the city.

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Chandigarh, চন্ডীগড়, চন্ডিগড়, Čandígarh, ચંડીગઢ, צ'אנדיגאר, चंडीगढ़, IXC, チャンディーガル, ჩანდიგარჰი, Čandigarchas, ചണ്ഢീഗഡ്, ਚੰਡੀਗੜ੍ਹ, Czandigarh, Чандигарх, Чандигар, சண்டிகர், చండీగఢ్, 昌迪加尔

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