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      Bandung H3+ #544

      15 oktober 2022, Indonesië ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

      I would like to start with the fact that I am so fortunate to be able to visit hash clubs all over the world. For the past 10 days I enjoyed Pan Asia Hash in Pangandaran, and a few days here in Bandung. Bandung is actually a hash megacenter, as you can hash at least 5 days a week. There are so many clubs, as shown

      Bandung H3
      Bandung H3 2
      Bandung H3 +
      Bandung H3 (Monday & Saturday)
      Pelita H3
      Pola H3

      I enjoyed trails with the Pola H3 on Wednesday, Bandung H3 2 on Friday, and Bandung H3 + today. All were amazing trails, with friendly hashers, but today was just one of those special days.

      Start was at 1400, so I jumped in a taxi to the start and made it just in time, but hardly anyone was there yet. On the way, the skies dropped a couple of showers, but when I arrived it was ok. As the pack arrived over the next 45 minutes, we had a point where for about 10 minutes it poured like hell. We all thought the trail had been washed away, but we were soon to find out that the paper held up quite well. OK, back to the start. With all the rain, my expectations for the day were quite low, even the hares thought we might have to just go out and wander around and come back. But the paper held up, and we had what I called, one of the best trails I have run in a long time.

      First off, there were many runners. The Bandung H3 + is a younger crowd, mostly expat, and enthusiastic runners. So I was happy for that and took off in pursuit. We had over 35 hashers in the circle, but we had a solid pack of a dozen runners having a ball running in an off and on drizzle of rain. The local hashers may have run this area many times, but I was loving the new twists and turns, slippery spots, and dirt paths. It was the quintessential old city trail, where you are inside the city, but running through all the hidden shiggy, dirt tracks, and stairs that have been constructed over many decades. If I had a go-pro, I would have liked to record this one, and show it as an example of how amazing hashing really is. I love being out in the farmer’s fields and rice paddies, but I also really enjoy running those back allies and stairs of the old world.

      Drenched from the rain the entire trail, and with all sorts of slippery spots, trail was such a blast to navigate. The pack of runners continuously circulated from first to worst and back again, as we explored many check points. Finishing in just over 8 Kms, the end popped up by total surprise for me, which is another sign of an amazing trail. I took the opportunity to thank the hares in circle for this spectacular day . . . I don’t like the trend of everyone just saying it was a SHITTY TRAIL and abuse the hares. I always thank the hares, no matter what, but on those special occasions, I like to really say thank you. Sorry, no trail photos this time.

      Circle was a rousing affair, lasting over an hour. Everyone stayed engaged, so the RA was doing a great job. And yes, when they appreciate my songs and ask for more, that is always a special circle. Dinner followed, and I got to talk to many of the pack. It was a tremendous and awesome day on the hash . . . but tomorrow it will be time to make a move. Catching the train at 6 am, for Jakarta. On On.
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