Lingkungan Oebobo Dua

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      Kupang, West Timor, Indonesia

      17. Mai 2023 in Indonesien

      Kupang is an Indonesian provincial capital located on Timor Island. It is a multiethnic city whose economy relies most heavily on the service sector and government spending.
      The 1st picture is the Tirosa monument, one of a number of monuments in the city. The 3 men represent 3 main islands of the province.
      The next 2 pictures are at the waterfront. The 2nd is the waterfront esplanade with the lighthouse in the background, and the 3rd looks along the beach in front of the esplanade at low tide.
      The next 4 pictures capture a bit of the Dutch history here, thanks to the Dutch East India company. The 4th picture is a graveyard that tends to get overgrown during the wet season which just ended. The 5th and 6th pictures are the old Dutch church from the colonial days, albeit renovated. They did maintain the original design. In the 6th picture, look at the columns. One of the designs looks like stick figures. I'm told this is a traditional art form showing the resurrection.
      The 8th picture is in a downtown night market. This market was mostly street food vendors. The 9th picture is of what I'm told are a small species related to tuna that are a staple for much of the population.
      The last picture is the entrance to Kristal Cave. It is a small cave with a lake inside. Access is by climbing down the native rock surface, partially using ropes. Sadly, my knee wasn't up to it.

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