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    • Day 9

      Road to Singkil

      March 8, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      We left Berastagi on time to go to our next destination, the harbour village Singkil. Due to an accident we arrived two hours late at our first stop the Sipiso Piso waterfall (210 meters high). After a quick lunch we hit the road and arrived at our final destination Singkil at 6.20 PM. After a quick stroll to the harbour we're now laying in our bed hoping the best for tomorrows boat journey to Tailana Island.

      Pünktlich am 9.00 simmer mit üsem Privatchauffeur und sinnere Frau z Berastagi abgfahre. Wegeme Unfall simmer denn mit 2 Stund Verspötig am Sipiso Piso Wasserfall (210 Meter höch) ahcho. Nocheme churze Touristetürli und Zmittag hemmer üs if di lang Witerfahrt gmacht. Am 18.20 simmer denn endli im Hafestädtli Singkil ahcho. Nochdemer üses meh als eifache Zimmer bezoge hend und en churze Erkundigsspaziergang zum Hafe gmacht hend, liggemer jetzt im Bett und hoffet dass morn alles rund lauft mit üsere Bootstour Richtig Insel Tailana.
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    • Day 53

      Singkil, Sumatra, Insonesia

      February 2, 2020 in Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Yesterday evening we left Tuktuk at 22:00 with Joe and his son Christian. Joe has a restaurant near Tuktuk and we joined him for BBQ and sometimes for breakfast. We talked a lot and at some point he offered to drive us to Singkil at the coast. Since we like Joe and in addition it was much cheaper than offered by the professionals we went with him and his son. It took us 9 hours for 250km, you can imagine the condition of the road, in addition there where almost no straight parts, curve after curve. I managed to sleep, so I woke up 20 minutes before we arrived at the coast. We were told to search for a captain called Aslan, he would leave with his boat at 9 am direction Haloban, a village on the Banyak islands. Finally we found the captain and his boat. During the next two hours at lot of people arrived and brought rice cooker, fridges (a lot of), rice, water, drinks, packets, steel, cable, gas, and, and, and... Everything was properly stored in and on the boat, a place for sitting on the floor was prepared and off we went. We were round about 15 passengers and like usually we were well integrated after a short time. It was a wonderful experience to be part of this temporary traveler family. After 5 hours at 14:00 we arrived at ou first stop in xxx, I will write more about that in the next entry.Read more

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