Heading to Belluno

Dropped Kamala off at her hotel and repacked my bag.
Hung out at the bus station for a bit—I like to get there early—and then took the bus to Calazola and then a train to Belluno.
When I gotRead more
Dropped Kamala off at her hotel and repacked my bag.
Hung out at the bus station for a bit—I like to get there early—and then took the bus to Calazola and then a train to Belluno.
When I gotRead more
Stayed here just for one night. Should have finished the hike in la Pisa and taken the bus here, but oh well. Such is life.
Went through my luggage last night and pack and repacked, but I no longerRead more
Ich habe gestern ja noch gar nicht non meiner Unterkunft berichtet: der Knaller! Also: ein Bed & Breakfast für 28,- die Nacht., eigentlich unglaublich. Aber als ich ankam musste der Ehemann erst nochRead more
Most of the town was closed today. Grateful for this:
You might also know this place by the following names:
Piazza Piloni Giorgio
Spacious 😍
Traveler Just reading a New York Times article about the dolomites: it highlights the great food throughout the region. Looks like it was a Great Hotel. You’re almost at the end of your travels; are you looking forward to home? We miss you.💕🥰💕
Traveler I read that article just this evening and it’s kinda bs! The AV1 has very very few flat areas!!! But it did get right the amazing food! I’m looking forward to coming home. I miss ya and the dogs😘
Traveler Based on the photos you sent I wondered about the "running " in those mountains🤔💋💋💋