South Georgia Islands, Dec 25, 2022

Very early start to avoid traffic jam
The day visit to Algonquin Provincial Park is about 650 kms round trip, driving along the HW60, including a quick visit to Opeongo Lake for possible sighting ofRead more
OnRoute is always our favourite rest stops
On Sunday Oct 1st the day passes were sold out, imagine the “people mountain people sea” everywhere in the park, every parking lot putting up “lot full” sign…
Our favourite location for photo ops and picnic during camping trips
Opeongo Lake is known for frequent moose sightings as well as grey jays
Well we didn’t see any
Visitor Centre is always the popular place for its maps, souvenirs, movies and of course food and drinks
Looks like the Lookout Trail is the most crowded trail for its popularity among day-pass holders
Feels like I am full of artistic elements after the visit. Our day trip pretty much ended here.
Art Centre near the west gate is also very popular for its nice scenery is such small area. It can beRead more
OnRoute again on our way back