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  • Day 20

    Post natal depression

    August 1, 2020 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

    Yesterday we thought that the cow that lost the twins was looking a bit sad. We were worried that she might develop mastitis. We decided to get her into the yards, milk her out and, of course, give her a jab of penicillin. Don't ever say you're not feeling well when you're here - you'll be in the head bale with a needle in your bum before you can say "what’s happening?"
    Anyway, we got her in, Janette milked her and I jabbed her. We'll milk her out again tomorrow.
    We're going to a friend's 60th tonight. She can't have a party, so a few of us are going to the Northo (North Eastern Hotel). What do you buy a sixty year old who has everything? A bottle of Moet, of course! That meant we had to go into Benalla to buy the Moet and, while there, stock up on groceries. As we were leaving for town, the optometrist phoned to tell Janette her new glasses were ready, so we collected them too.
    This all took us to near enough lunch time so fish and potato cakes for the trip back which was to be via Moorngag.
    Now Moorngag has a cemetery and a winery. Janette's mum and uncle are buried there - in the cemetery, not the winery. I would like to be able to say that we went to the cemetery and decided that, as we were there, we would visit the winery. I would be lying if I said that - but you all knew that anyway. No, we went to the winery to buy some more of their 2006 Merlot at $2 per bottle. YES 50 bottles for $100!
    While we were there we thought we should check on Paula and Lex, just to make sure they hadn't washed away with all the rain this year. When we talked to Lex about his wishes years ago he was adamant that he didn't want to be cremated. I promised that I would scatter him around the farm wherever he chose. No he wanted to be buried! But, he didn't want to be buried in Benalla Cemetery - “it's so wet there that you'd float back up”. So, Moorngag it was. When the funeral procession got to Moorngag and we carried him to his grave, there were pumps trying to get the water out of the hole so we could put him in it...
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