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  • Gün 22

    Victoria - State of Disaster!

    3 Ağustos 2020, Avustralya ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    Bit of a day off. We went to Benalla to get our drugs (fill our scripts). We bought a box of masks as we're going to need plenty. The only person we saw not wearing a mask was a bloke on a bike.
    Janette decided I needed some water resistant sneakers for the farm, so on to the shoe shop. Didn't find any sneakers but bought a pair of walking shoes. Did get the sneakers at the sportswear shop though.
    We wanted to get some more lucerne, so up to Wangaratta. Lucerne makes working cattle a lot easier. Janette says it's like chocolate to them.
    Probably, the main reason to head out today was to get some corn bread from the Milawa bakery. By the time we got there, they were sold out. We bought a couple of packs of rolls out their freezer.
    Premier Dan has imposed level 3+ restrictions on regional Victorians. He told us not to panic buy - “you'll be able to get what you need, maybe not what you want, but there's no need to panic”. Sorry Dan - we didn't go to a supermarket today but we heard they were packed!
    We won't panic buy but we're going to panic dine. All restaurants will be take-away only from midnight Wednesday. So, Wednesday night, Janette's sister Bev, Kathy and Pete and us are booked into Martinis, Wangaratta for dinner. They won't open for take-away - in fact they have said to us previously that if there is another lock-down, there's a good chance they won't reopen. We're hoping it isn't a last supper.
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