Phillipine Phiesta Pham

April - May 2024
4 Friends travel the Phillipines on an adventure for relaxation as much as exploration! Read more
  • 37footprints
  • 2countries
  • 17days
  • 314photos
  • 13videos
  • 14.1kkilometers
  • 13.6kkilometers
  • 54sea miles
  • 98kilometers
  • 57kilometers
  • 5kilometers
  • 2sea miles
  • 2kilometers
  • 1kilometers
  • 0kilometers
  • Day 1

    The gang is back!

    April 19 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Waiting for a red-eye flight which was meant to depart at 0030hrs, it's only delayed by 30 mins, though. We are all clearly looking forward to the 8ish hour flight ahead!

  • Day 1

    Manila layover

    April 19 on the Philippines ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    But first, coffee... and doughnuts!

    Cebu Pacific is not a great flight at all. Seats that had no recline ability, no in-flight entertainment, and they rejected our debit cards 😢

    Lined up in border security line for 20 mins only to be told we had to fill out a QR code form as well. It wasn't super busy, so not so bad.

    5 hours to kill , what to do 🤔

    Walk to the nearest mall - they are done differently here, lots of art installations.
    Capped off with some Japanese lunch, not a bad way to spend a layover 😋
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  • Day 1

    Busuanga Airport

    April 19 on the Philippines ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    A short 1 hour flight from Manila, and we touch down in our first destination, the island of Busuanga!
    Lilly was not thrilled about this flight as the plane was much smaller, 2x2 seats across, and propellers instead of jet engines.
    These seats also did not recline, but Jay managed a nap almost immediately.
    Upon landing, the airport was bustling with locals outside trying to gwt some business taxiing passengers to their accomodations.
    Luckily, we had pre-arranged transport, and Jays name was written in neat writing on a whiteboard. It would have been a very overwhelming experience trying to get a ride otherwise...
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  • Day 1

    Firesky Glamping Ocam Ocam & dinner

    April 19 on the Philippines ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    FireSky yurt glamping tent - right on the beach! So beautiful to watch the sunset from the hammock

  • Day 2

    Black Island

    April 20 on the Philippines ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    Black island was almost deserted of tourists, apart from a few boats of a couple of people and the locals.
    Beautiful location, we rented a day hut for 150 pesos and paid our 200 peso each island tax and set off to find the crystal cave.

    It was very cool, also deserted, and had some ladder access. See the pictures and videos. The lagoon is stunning and refreshing!

    We then headed into the water for our first snorkel adventure. The reef is mostly a green colour, but there were lots of fish to look at, a few crabs, and we got stung by jellyfish 🪼

    We swam around to another little beach, but on the way back, the tide came rolling in, and we really struggled to swim against the waves, but luckily, no one drowned. Jay even did a cliff jump!

    Back on dry land, they had a hockey puck pool table, very fun. Also, 3 coconuts and a beer for under $5, and we were ready to head off to the next island.
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  • Day 2

    Debotunay Island

    April 20 on the Philippines ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    A short 25-minute journey across the ocean of choppy water, what was once dry was now drenched.

    We pulled up to a beautiful little island beach, across the way a small fishing village with that beach covered in boats.
    Here at Debotunay, there were at least 2 families worth that had come across on their 5 boats to have a picnic and sing karaoke on their portable machines.

    The water is so blue just off the beach, pictures don't do it justice. This was simply an afternoon to soak in the rays, read a book (or in Esther's case, 2 books), go for a dip and unintentionally, catch a few performances of local karaoke talent.
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  • Day 3


    April 21 on the Philippines ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    No tours are booked today, but the roosters still woke us at 5am, so we had breakfast at 7am.
    It really is a lovely spot 😍, sitting on the beach front, eating breakfast with your friends looking out at the calm waters.
    As we are on the west coast of the island, the sunlight doesn't peak over the mountain until around 830, so it's quite a mild temperature at this time.

    The day continued with reading books on lounge chairs, doing in the water for a dip and some Frisbee.
    Before long, all this hard work had made us hungry, so we went on a hunt for some lunch at 1pm.

    Our destination was closed, the next was too expensive, and they claimed to not take card payments, so we ended up in the other direction at the restaurant. we got our first dinner.
    Of all the beaches and islands, we actually bunped into a semi famous person who started chatting to us. He of course as we discovered later, owned the fancy place(The Beachhouse) at the end of the beach, but he was being pretty helpful trying to come up with alternatives to get to see Coron Island. Alas, the hassle, time, and money are too much to bother.

    Jess received a confirmation email for a dinner reservation at The Beachhouse for 530pm, which ironically stated it would take card payments.
    It is a lovely venue, but wow, the service was something else. We were eating by no later than 830pm, that right it took almost 2.5 hours to get the food ready. We think it's possibly because they don't do food prep as they don't know how many people to expect that night, bit wow. So we got pretty tipsy with cocktails while we waited, which was also quite slow.
    Admittedly, the food was well presented and mostly pretty tasty.
    At the end, we were presented with a $340 bill, and the card payments would not go through...
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  • Day 4

    Another day in paradise

    April 22 on the Philippines ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    As the name suggests, another relaxing day. Mostly in part due to insufficient cash and also poor planning, but with us embarking on our next leg to El Nido, where there is going to be far more to do and see, why not enjoy the serenity and slow pace one more day?

    We have our routine down now; wake up call by the roosters 🐓 at 5am, snooze until breakfast time, enjoy the view a mere few steps from our yurt, and then reading books on the lounge chairs until lunch.
    As we had a terrible experience at the Beachhouse and its super overpriced, in addition to having debt collectors after us from the unpaid bill last night, we ended up back at ye ol reliable H Nice. Of course, we had an entourage of dogs at our feet and were super pleased to try the special of the day, pork burger and fries 🍟 🍔 😋

    After lunch, we walked further than ever before, to the other end of the beach. We discovered a whole other world; a milk bar where we found yummy frozen treats called Ice Candy, which is basically frozen yoghurt as an icypole. Continuing on, more huts and the rest of the tourist population were down this end. And at the very end, a beautiful viewpoint overlooking the Cove (it was a tough 6 minute hill in the heat but well worth the effort)!

    Later, we decided to finally use the see-through kayaks to go out to the double storey floating bamboo platoon. Jay had to walk it, though, as one of the kayaks had a crack in it, and Lilly was not even keen to try to make it, so she sat it out, and Jay walked. It was very shallow and mostly scratchy sea grass. However, then it became quite rocky and corally. The water is crystal clear, but it's still hard to navigate and easy to roll an ankle.
    The platoon was pretty cool. It's also apparently a floating restaurant, but at the time, we were the only ones on there. Downstairs is a sitting booth, and some fishing equipment and upstairs is where the diving board is. This is crazy because up until about 4 metres from the platoon, it was knee-high water and then suddenly an underwater cliff down to at least 8m 😅.

    After a few bombs, we decided it was time to head back before sunset, not wanting to get stuck on the water in low light. Jay was very apprehensive to swim back with the reef very sharp, so he and Jess tried to get into the kayak as a test, but it kept sinking into the water. Several attempts FAILED, and a new plan was hatched. Esther and Jess headed back while Jay stayed on the platoon watching the fish below, and Jess returned with the cracked kayak towed behind her. She took the cracked one, and they both made it back before Jess was sunk!

    Dinner was at a new place we discovered on our walk and it was the type of restaurant that was again run out of someone's house, and we never knew if the food was taking a while or never coming. It was all pretty tasty regardless, and we were lucky enough to learn how dogs mate and get stuck together for a period after.

    Back at the yurt, we packed and organised for the morning taxi ride... (After the platoon incident, the debt collectors came, and after 2 failed attempts with a card, we had a successful payment)!

    All in all, it was a relaxing day!
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  • Day 5

    Lio Airport and the Jeepney Ride

    April 23 on the Philippines ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    We had to wake up with the rossters this morning in order to catch a 550am taxi to take us to the airport for an 8am flight.

    The Firesky Glamping were nice enough to prepare us breakfast the night before, and we all had chia pudding - well, Jay had 2 servings as Jess was adamant she was not hungry 😋
    The 1 hour taxi ride, a strong iced coffee each, and we were ready to depart.

    A very quick 23-minute flight, and we are in El Nido! Some might say it was a rather Swift flight ✈️ 😉

    Marco picked us up in his "Jeep," but it was, in fact, a Jeepney!! We are all about the experiences here 🙌.
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