• Day 41

    41. Hallain - Peiting

    March 16, 2024 in Germany ⋅ 🌬 11 °C

    Today we have decided to head back into Germany, so we can edge towards home just incase Maddy cannot manage anymore and we need to get home ASAP.

    Instead of sitting on a motorway for hours, we have decided to follow the Romantic Route up through Germany, followed by the Rhine Route afterwards taking us north. We had a fairly long drive today so we put some miles in and went via motorways and still was very scenic and nice seeing the Bavarian Alps from afar. We can do alot of these routes without even getting out so this suits us with Maddy since she is in the early stages of her vestibular attack and we don't want to leave her by herself at the moment .

    We found a nice park up which will do for the night before we head up the Romantic route tomorrow.

    Taking each day as it comes with Maddy, she still is eating and drinking and enjoying going out for short periods of time , so this can only be a bonus.
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