
5月 - 6月 2019
Neil Tomba will be cycling across the United States where, along the way, he intends to engage in conversations about faith & Jesus with individuals from all walks of life. A book and documentary film will follow. もっと詳しく
  • 43足跡
  • 1
  • 36日間
  • 412写真
  • 0動画
  • 4.3千キロ
  • 日24

    Day 23 Cave-in-Rock, Il - Hardinsburg, K

    2019年6月18日, アメリカ ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

    Day 23 Cave-in-Rock, Illinois - Hardinsburg, KY Lake House

    Miles 104
    Turtle rescued from the road - 1
    Designated 1 Mile marker for the small country road - 6

    We had our overnight accommodations at Cave-In-Rock State Park. As Vela has noted, it is not Cave-in-the-Rock, but its just Cave-in-Rock. Interesting. It felt good to be in the room by 7pm. Good Rest time. Wednesday will be our day off. Time to get caught up. Sleep. Emails. Paying Bills.

    Glenn had mentioned that we needed to send out a Constant Contact letter update about our progress with #ConversationsCoasttoCoast and also a brief blurb about the Camino merger with Avant Ministries. so, I started work on the email. And also I needed to finish my blog, however, my photos from my phone were not linking up to my MacBook Pro. So, I gave up on my blog and continued with my CC letter. At 9pm, I called it quits and went to bed.

    During the middle of the night, Glenn got up to bring the large big grey box that is attached to the front, and bring it in from the downpour of rain. It had been thunder and lightning. I didn't hear a thing through the night. You sleep really good when you are tired.

    I woke up at 4:00 or 4:30am to finish my letter and to finish try to finish my blog. I figured out that I needed to send my photos in an email format and then download them and finally attaching them to the blog. Yeah, I figured that out.

    Glenn had most of the van packed up by 6:30am. It started to rain as we were packing up. The plan was to have luggage out by the van at 6:15, and packed up and leaving by 6:45, and we would have b'fast down at the local diner at 7:00am. Glenn had the door shut to the van at 6:40am. Yeah, 5 minutes early.

    Then we needed to wait for Neil. Each morning, Neil and the camera crew videotape a short snippet. I'm not sure if it is for Facebook, or for the church on Sunday or for the documentary. And I"m not sure what the topic is. I assume it is probably what he is feeling at the time, or looking at the challenges for the day's ride would be, or if it is a recap of the folks he had conversations with. Normally we are doing last minute packing while the film crew is having a short interview with Neil.

    We drove to Cave-in-Rock restaurant called Rose Kozy Kitchen. The one and only restaurant in town. Once we got there, there was a big round table with about 5 men laughing loudly. And I saw 2 other tables full. Neil asked if we could just go across the ferry and get a McDonald's at the next time. Jeff and I walked outside to check our internet and see what other options we had. I knew there were no other options. This is rural America. And crossing over to Kentucky, the closest town was 35 minutes away. And was there a McDonald's there? And how long would we have to wait for the ferry?

    Everyone ordered at the restaurant. And we waited. I walked outside to take some photos of this quaint little town. I noticed old brightly painted bicycles that were at the intersections. Most of them had fresh flowers in the baskets. I talked with Millie who was watering the flowers. She told me that she was from this small town of 350, grew up here, moved away, and has now retired. She loved it here. She volunteers on the board. Watering can in her hand, she was going around to each bicycle to water the roses and daisies.

    I started talking with an elderly lady in the restaurant and she expounded on the fact that each of the brightly painted bicycles represented a disease. To fight for the disease. Red would be heart disease. Yellow would be for liver disease and Purple would be for Alzheimer disease.

    The breakfast wasn't all that good. And even last night, we were all laughing about the cheese slices that were placed on the omelets. That just doesn't work. Glenn was up at the register counter and one of the older men was standing in line. Glenn said "Hey, you go ahead, don't wait for me!" and the man's response was "I don't have to pay. I own the ferry here in town." Glenn immediately struck up a conversation with him and then proceeded to introduce him to Neil. This would make a great conversation.

    Unfortunately, the camera crew guys had just ordered and were now on the clock. Neil met Lonnie and they walked over to his office. How cool is that? Glenn meets the owner of the Ferry that goes across the Ohio River from Illinois to Kentucky. I didn't even know there were Ferry operating still in the US besides those to like Galveston Island or maybe the North Carolina islands, etc.

    Neil was finished and ready to go. We got the next ferry. As the #CC2C were riding the ferry they talked with a guy that mentioned going to the Tabernacle just 1 mile off the road, was well worth it. It was a tough ride, with several steep hill and curves but we enjoyed the special location and learning the history of the place. Great photo op

    Source: Aunt Jane's Underground Tabernacle

    The Aunt Jane Underdown Tabernacle located on Aunt Jane Tabernacle Road about 12 miles from Marion on Highway 91 North.
    This shed is the only other one in the county beside the Hurricane Camp meeting shed at Hurricane Church.

    Jane Underdown, or Aunt Jane as everyone called her left the denominational church in 1905 after hearing a message of holiness from a Church of God minister. She started inviting circuit riding Church of God ministers to hold services in her home.

    Every summer the traveling evangelists would come to her house and she would conduct services there. The Shed grew out of a need for the group to have a place to worship. The shed was built in 1927, with hand-cut and hand-hewn posts, hand-sawed boards for pews, pulpit and platform with a tin roof. Two outhouses served as toilet facilities, lanterns hung on posts and shaded coal oil lamps sat on post stands and the pulpit.

    This shed represented hard work and sacrifice on the part of poor but dedicated people. People came from miles around on foot, horseback, buggies, and wagons. There was lots of singing, shouting and long services. The meetings were always held in the last two weeks of July. On the last Sunday of the revival, there would be tables set up under the trees and a covered dish dinner would close the services for that year.

    Services aren't held here every year now, but periodically they will be held for several nights.

    We continued along the route. We were in Amish country. I also noticed a sign for Tobacco at a store in Marion, KY. Going all along these back roads, you see beautifully manicured lawns, cows grazing on the open field and corn stalks coming out of the ground. The bicycle team stopped at a local Amish farm that had a store. We could not take photos of the Amish people, but we could take photos of their home and property.

    Inside the store, it was filled with essential items for the community. There was linen, washrags, calendars, German Bibles, baby blankets, crayons, grammar books, and even nursing bars. I noticed the simple dresses and shirts were hanging out on the clothesline.

    We passed a lumber mill and at one point on the gravel road, we approached a horse and buggy. He didn't stop. The scenery kept changing as the cyclists would go through deep forest and then break out into sprawling farmland.

    For lunch, we stopped in Clay, Kentucky. Again, one restaurant in town. This was a pretty cool restaurant as the decor was all about the University of Kentucky and their sports stuff and about bears and wooden animals. Glenn and I shared a meal and for dessert, we shared a peach ice cream waffle cone. The waitress was great and she sure had that southern accent going on. I just remember that the sweet tea was very very sweet. Wes kept asking for 1/2 sweet tea and 1/2 regular and then it would say, "No, let's go with 3/4 regular and 1/4 sweet". Still pretty sweet.

    As we pulled out of one gas station in Sebree, KY for a potty stop, we were told to "hold back". The code word for: "Don't get in our way while we are filming". The cyclists were having a conversation with a man who was a former minister, now divorced and with 3 children. Since we were not moving, I took the opportunity to write some stuff in my log book, gas milage, and places we ate and the places we stopped. I also get a file in my "notes" of the people we talk to.

    Our next stop was to meet at the Gas station in Utica - one of Neil's college buddies. I think his name was Jim. Again the film crew was filming the exchange. Of course, he was wearing his LSU shirt. And he had some fudge to give us. I didn't hear much of the conversation, as this was time for me to stretch my legs - I try to walk a bit while the Van is stopped. Plus it was a good time for a "potty break".

    I struck up a conversation with Angela who was sitting in the convenience store/restaurant looking out the window wondering what the commotion was all about. After taking a look at the dirty bathroom, I decided to "hold it to the next stop", I talked with her about #ConversationsCoasttoCoast. Soon her husband or friend sat down with pizza in his hand and started talking to me. He explained the unfortunate importance of this current intersection. KKK involvement. Hmmm, very interesting. I asked if Neil had time, would he mind talking to him. He said sure.

    I talked with Jon, the film/documentary guy and he thought that would be interesting to do. Next thing I knew, Steve was in the parking lot with us and was very adamant about the KKK. Neil walked up to Steve and the conversation started. The conversation started about the KKK and how it is still very much alive here in the south. He then talked about how he was abused in the Catholic church back when he was young that he had to swear NOT to tell anyone. So, you can imagine the trauma, hurt and difficult past he has had to carry with him all these 40+ years. It was very painful to hear.

    After this conversation was finished, we continued down the road. The cyclists wanted to get in 100 miles for the day. Again the rolling hills and curvey lanes.

    It was 6:30pm, we were still miles from our Lake House. I looked up on the map and thought, "Man, I need to find a place for these cyclists to eat! And to eat now". Fortunately, Fordsville was about 10 miles ahead. And fortunately, I had cell phone coverage and googled "restaurants in Fordsville". The Diner came up. What, another small town diner? Great! I called to double check they were opened. And I reserved a table for 9.

    I then radioed this information to Wes, who passed it on to the 2 cyclists. Once we parked at the Diner, Glenn loaded the 3 bicycles, they asked for several beach towels to wipe the dripping sweat off of them. They quickly changed their clothes and walked into the diner to order. I told Vela Glenn and I would go to the local Dollar Store and get a few breakfast supplies items. Knowing that we had about 1/2 hour drive to the Lake House and that it would be dark once we arrived, this was a great option.

    Glenn filled up with gasoline and I walked across the street to the Dollar Store. Bread, Milk, Eggs, Butter, Bacon. Done.

    I got back to the Diner and the rest of the group's food hadn't even been served. Interesting. But I guess that is part of the experience of the diner. Slow and take your time.

    We arrived in Hardinsburg, Kentucky at the Lake House, where we have Wednesday as our Day Off. Everyone settled into their room. I think we all took showers, even if you were not riding a bike.

    This has been a long Blog entry. And again Glenn normally proofreads them, but with all the stuff that goes on each day, Glenn isn't doing that. So I apologize in advance if the wording isn't correct.

  • 日25

    Day 24 Rest Day at Lake House

    2019年6月19日, アメリカ ⋅ 🌧 77 °F

    Day 24
    REST DAY in Hardinsburg, KY
    Mileage - 0

    Woke up at 8:30
    Breakfast at 9:00 cold cereal
    Started working on yesterday's blog at 9:30
    Finished the blog at 12noon
    Had to call Apple Support for help with syncing my photos from my iphone to MacBookPro
    Got disconnected 2 times
    Fixed a grilled cheese sandwich
    Took at nap from 1:30pm - 5:15pm - BEST NAP ever!
    Had dinner - the guys grilled out steak baked potatoes salad and hot chocolate chip cookies
    talked to my friend, Mary, from Moody, to see if she could help us pick up Sarah tomorrow
    did a load of wash
    packing up
    staying in a large VRBO on Lake Rough River

  • 日26

    Day 25 Lake house, Ky - Harrodsburg, Ky

    2019年6月20日, アメリカ ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

    Lake House, KY - Harrodsburg, KY
    Miles - 100
    Cemeteries spotted - too many to count

    The day started off as usual. I woke up especially early. I was showered and out of the bathroom by 4:45. Again I wanted to make sure Caroline had plenty of time to get ready, Glenn was still sleeping til about 5am and then he got ready and started to get the van ready

    I had a bowl of cereal while Vela made scrambled eggs and bacon. Glenn at one point was distracted and couldn’t find his cereal bowl as he was packing. We finally found it. We were all completely ready before 7am Jeff turned the security code on the house and out we all went. We had to empty the trash, start the dishwasher and take the sheet off the bed and put the towels in the hamper.

    This was a miserable morning as it was just beginning to rain and things were damp. We were ready by 7, however, Neil did his normal morning video thing out on the porch overlooking the lake. The bikers left and then we followed after Glenn tied stuff down. He has to make sure the blue tub has everything closed and tied down with bungee cords.

    We met up with everyone at a local gas station. It was good to leave the house having had breakfast and let the cyclists have their first good ride.

    I radioed ahead to Wes to let him know it was 11 o'clock and that the next town that was on the map was just around the corner and that would be a good time to stop and have lunch. Neil had a radio interview with Kirby Anderson at 12noon. This would be perfect. Vela and Jeff were returning back from picking up Sarah who had flown in from Dallas to be a part of #ConversationsCoasttoCoast team. Then we realized we had change time zones and we were in the Eastern Daylight Standard time zone. Now it is 10 o’clock in the morning.

    Neil was a little bummed but there’s really nothing else you could do except go ahead and take it the advantage of the time in this small town. Brooks‘s general store and Restaurant. The original owner was Miss Ella Mae. She would feed people who were working at the railway station. The restaurant was loaded with old artifacts such as decorations like the inside of Cracker Barrel Restaurant. Glenn and I shared a meatloaf and mashed potatoes dinner. Neil talk to a young family. Then it was time after lunch for the Kirby Anderson Interview. And wouldn't you know it, it was 12noon and a train comes barreling down the track and blows his whistle. I never asked Neil had the interview went.

    So, here I am sitting outside this old mom and pop restaurant in a town in Kentucky I don't even know the name, and along comes two women cyclists in their mid-50s. We wave them down. They stop and introduce themselves as Lynn and Cindy. They started off in San Diego around 4 May and are traveling to Virginia. We found out that they did Route 66 and even rode on I-40. They had a couple of flats during that stretch. They do not have a large support group like Neil has. I think there’s just one couple that will go ahead and we’ll set up camp. They travel about 50 miles a day. They're camping along the way. Lynn and Cindy did not want to be interviewed yet they briefly stated they’ve had some tough recent years. I am wondering if they had experienced death, disappointments or what? that made them want to ride their bicycles across the country?

    After lunch, we continued following the cyclists through the beautiful green corn hillside one after another. The wind was blowing and the corn stocks were gently swaying in the breeze. At one point, the photographer Jon and his assistant Christine were with us in the Chuckwagon 16. Jon was sitting and had the camera rolling. He asked us some pointed questions such as what had been the most rewarding day for us and what was the most challenging day. Good question.

    Vela had connected up with the family from Northwest Bible church they happen to be vacationing or having a family reunion in the area so they had been texting Vela and knew the route that we’re going to take. At 3:00pm and a perfect time for a quick afternoon break, we roll into this small town and on the corner of the church parking lot, stands a whole family holding up posters and signs! Wow, what a greeting. Neil interviewed them and asked specific questions as to why is it important to have conversations, etc. This was the Smith family. They have been coming to Northwest for the past 4 years. They also give us pointers as to what we would be seeing on our way to Shakertown. Several large buildings that housed whiskey or bourbon.

    We continued on. The weather was great. Some rolling hills. Plenty to see. We come across an old estate of the Abraham Lincoln family. Mordecai and Lincoln‘s relatives, that was a Homestead then we eventually came to Abraham Lincoln‘s Homestead State Park. Golf course and all. This was a good place for a potty break and some more filming.

    We googled locations to eat in Harrodsburg and came up with a Mexican Casa Grande restaurant. I had a taco salad and Glenn had Fajitas. Before our meal was up, Neil started a conversation. This time it was with the owner, her husband and her father. It was just getting dark as we rolled into Shakertown. Too bad it was so late. Definitely, a neat place to visit again. On my bucket list. The men were in one house and the women in another. Very simple. But comfortable. We had all the bicycles stored in the "women's dorm"

    This was one of our longest days so far. Not getting to our place where we would spend the night until well after 9pm, and then in bed by 10pm. I realized that I had been up since 4:45am. It was a good day as for conversations and sharing. Besides the young family Neil visited with over lunch, Neil was also able to have a conversation with the owner of the restaurant for lunch and also the owner at the Casa Grande. Each of them had their own experiences and challenges. Each had their own story. I think there might have been another conversation, but its not coming to me right off. The scenery was beautiful with lots of farmlands, cattle, and open fields. I think I saw lots of corn growing and cattle grazing!

    It started off rainy but ended up with bright clear blue skies.

  • 日27

    Day 26 Harrodsburg, KY - Natural Bridge

    2019年6月21日, アメリカ ⋅ ☀️ 59 °F

    Day 26 Harrodsburg, KY - Natural Bridge Resort State Park, KY
    Miles - approx 100
    People that waved to us - 245

    Good morning. I woke up this morning and noticed that Sarah was not in her bed in the room. The sheets, covers, and pillows were not there. I found out later she’s didn't even try to go to sleep because I was snoring so loud by the time she was ready to go to bed, what's the use? She just took the bedding and went to the adjacent room and slept on the wooden floor. I got some laughs when Vela mentioned she could hear my snoring through from the second story. I had some ear plugs I gave Sarah. I did my part.

    I got up at 5 o’clock to take a shower and get ready for the day. I loaded the bicycles from the "living room" of the house and brought them out to the front parking lot area in plenty of time after I had some quiet time and reading. Glenn drove up in the "Chuckwagon" and everyone pitched in to load the bicycles and suitcases and we were heading out by 6:45 and headed back into town to McDonald’s for breakfast. Glenn and I shared a pancake breakfast plus I had a Frappuccino all the while Glenn is re-adjusting the bins. He even tried to get ice from McDonald's and they didn't sell him any. We stopped at a convenience store to buy some ice in town before heading out for the day.

    The weather was just beautiful today clear blue sky. Perfect to take photos. Its the day with white puffy clouds as we drove through the countryside. We rode through large farmlands dotted with old wooden barns. On most of the homes and barns, there would be the traditional "Pennsylvanian and/or Amish" looking quilt symbol on the side of the barn. I also noticed that some homes had the Star of David hanging on one small end of the house or barn. I need to look up the reference for this tradition.

    I was counting how many people would wave to us in the van. My count was over 250 and then Wes radioed back to me and said I should be counting how many people we saw mowing their yard either by a push mower or riding lawn mower. Glenn's reply that we would do that tomorrow since it would be a Saturday (however Saturday was raining and hardly anyone was outside).

    We did stop to talk to one man that was repairing his fence by the side of the road. He mentioned that a car lost control several days ago and drove into his wire fence. He immediately told us about a "Biker's Stop" just up the hill. Sure enough along the side of the road in a vacant acre, was a covered shed and porta potty. There was free water, fresh fruit, and cookies (some were homemade) and bike supplies. This was on the Bike 76 route.

    We ate lunch at a restaurant called Cook-Out in Richmond. It is a local chain in the Kentucky area famous for hamburgers and chicken. Glenn and I shared a chicken sandwich, onion rings, and a peach milkshake.

    Richmond, Kentucky which is the home for eastern Kentucky State University. Neil was having a conversation here on campus and had gone ahead of us. Vela decided she needed to walk around a bit, so I looked up on the "letterboxing" web site to see if there was a letterbox near by. Sure enough, one at a cemetery a few blocks away. Very clever clues.

    Once Neil finished his interview, filming, and conversation, we were on the road again. We used our cell phone to reconnect back up with Vela on the other side of this beautiful campus. Neil had another interview as we were leaving Richmond.

    The area was beautiful. Forest and green! Steep rolling hills. I don't know how the bikers do it. Again I'm amazed how they keep going mile after mile after mile.

    As we approached the Natural Bridge Resort State Park we ate dinner at the Red River Bar-B-Que Restaurant. Very good food. Immediately when we arrive at a dinner location, we try to have the 3 cyclists order and get their food first, since it is important and part of recovery to eat within the first 45 minutes of getting off your bike. Glenn and I were tieing stuff down and had to order last. We shared a dinner plate.

    Neil was having a conversation with 3 or 4 motorcyclists. Harley Davidson folks. And as he was talking, I was outside of this old restaurant just sitting and enjoying the weather and engaging with a few folks. And with all the camera crew and sound equipment out, you get a lot of questions asked. One family started asking questions and I was explaining what we were doing. They got really excited about the whole concept. Then Glenn started to talk with the adult son and found out that he graduated from Ben Lippen High School. Same school Glenn graduated from. Small world, Big Family. Unbelievable. Divine appointment. Small school but different location. Glenn attended the boarding school back in the '70s when it was located in Ashville, NC, now the school is located in Columbia, South Carolina. This particular family had come to Kentucky to attend Jack Layman's grandson's wedding. Jack with Glenn's headmaster back in the day.

    We are staying at the National Bridge Resort State Park. Glenn and I stayed here back in 2002 when we were following Ellen and the Women's Concert Choir and I was hosting the Alumni dinners prior to the concerts. I did not walk the trail to view the bridge.

    Jonathan Edwards met us here as he drove down from Indiana for a few days to see how the #ConversationsCoasttoCoast really works.

    A funny story on Vela. I got a knock on my door. Vela. She comes busting in and says "now this is a cold room! Our room is so hot!" She explained that she even called the front desk to complain about the temperature in the room and the guy on the other end said: "Lady, just calm down!" Vela has a great way of expressing herself. I've probably mentioned this in a previous post, Vela has the same EXACT laugh as our good friend Kathy. Now that's a compliment. And every time I smile when I hear her laugh as it reminds me of Kathy.

    There were a few wrong turns for the day. And even Wes slipped and skinned up his elbow. We were being told to "hold back" for the shooting, so we didn't see the mishap. Wes is ok. There were times when the cyclists were riding on gravel - not the idea road condition. Again the scenery was beautiful. Lots of trees. Green.

    Good night.

    Again, several more conversations. And several more ways to see how God puts us at the right spot at the right time.

    Normally Glenn proof-reads my blogs, but with our crazy schedule, he does not have time. So please enjoy reading, but don't look for those grammatical errors.

  • 日28

    Day 27 Natural Bridge Park - Jenny Wille

    2019年6月22日, アメリカ ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

    Day 27 Natural Bridge Resort State Park - Jenny Willey State Park (Prestonsburg, KY)
    Miles - I think 100
    Mobile Homes counted - 86
    Wrong turns - maybe 2
    Shetland ponies - 3
    Turtles - 3

    This morning I was up by 5:00am, took a shower and got ready. We noticed that it was kinda overcast and as soon as I opened the hotel room we saw fog out in the parking lot. There was a layer of dew everywhere, but it was not too sticky. When we went out to the van, there wasn't too much water. I quickly got "the junk drawer" out and got my whiteboard and wrote "Day 27". I was getting ready for my daily photo.

    Breakfast was at 7am. Glenn went up to the restaurant and grabbed breakfast really quick. I think we have the "Guatemala mindset" that we don't leave the van unattended, especially when we have bicycles.

    We drove out of Natural Bridge Resort State Park for about 15 minutes. There was a steep incline and this would not have been good for the cyclists from the get-go, so once we got them on the road, they started their journey. And it started to rain. We handed off the rain jackets several times to Wes and Caroline.

    Neal rode on ahead of everybody, so most of the day I was watching from the front seat only Wes and Caroline. There were several times, Jeff radioed to us and let us know when not to turn and when to turn. I understand now that the camera crew was with Neil and film him ALL day. That's fine. It is different than what we have been used to.

    Most of the day we were weaving in and out of the turnpike that goes towards Prestonsburg. These were small winding roads. Small farming communities. And lots of mobile homes. Some that looked like they have been abandoned for years. One mobile home looked like it was built in the 70's - that bright yellow and brown trim home.

    Today, we didn't see a lot of folks out in the yard like yesterday - and that is because it was raining most of the day.

    We needed a potty stop and there wasn't a gas station or hotel anywhere, however, we stumbled upon a Dollar Store. It was kinda junky. One bathroom was out of commission, so we all waited in line for the men's room. I chatted with Jeff and we decided that it might be best to get some picnic supplies. I loaded up the yellow cart with bread, ham and turkey meat. We didn't need chips or other sweets - we have those from previous purchases.

    While we were in the parking lot of the Dollar Store, Neil was complaining that he was very very hungry. Then the next thing I see, he is stuffing a blue marshmallow chocolate cake treat in his mouth. You know that type of treat that is chocolate cake and white cream filling in the middle and its a spongey type thing covering it. Then I look, he is throwing part of it over to Sarah. And Sarah throws it back. He is being a goofball. I think he was totally hungry or totally exhausted.

    Once we get on the bikes and Neil is way ahead of the others, then we get a radio call that the camera car needed some water. We thought that was strange since we had just stopped for a break. Later to learn that Neil had thrown up that cupcake. It got the best of him.

    For lunch, we stopped in Salyersville as there was a Wendy's, Taco Bell and Subway all at the same intersection. Vela wanted Subway and Caroline wanted Wendys.

    Jonathan Edwards has driven down from Indiana and was tracking us to this stop. However, because of all the detours we had to make, especially with the construction, we didn't connect with him until nearly Salyersville. He did pull off and was able to watch Neal chat with a couple at the convenience store.

    Later, Jon met up with us at Wendy's. After an exceptionally long time for lunch, I started talking to a lady with her two grandchildren and she was asking about the #ConversationsCoasttoCoast. I explained a little bit about it and also encouraged her to be sure and follow Neil and his journey. However, at the same time, Neil was asking the support crew to do something, maybe to drive behind or ahead. I'm not sure since I wasn't in on the conversation. It was only just 20 miles up the road to Jenny Willey State Park.

    We followed behind and stopped at a national battlefield. Then we continued on to the state park. Tonight, the Tombas and the Stewarts are staying at the Quality Inn in town so everyone would have a bed to sleep in and we wouldn't have to share a bed. This Quality Inn is not the best one around. The Tomba's had to switch rooms already since their room was full of flies. Our room was ok,

    We helped Vela and Neil by taking them to the laundromat. It was just down the street from the restaurant we ate at. I had macaroni and cheese, Glenn had a salad. Very good. It was a noisy place. Jon Edwards joined us and was able to visit with Wes and with Jon the photographer.

    Believe it or not, Glenn let Wes drive the van back to the State Park and the rest of the crew would meet us for Breakfast at McDonald's at 6:45am. I asked Glenn if that was ok since he has always been the guy to make sure there everything was in its right place. We shall see.

  • 日29

    Day 28 Jenny Wiley Park - St Paul, VA

    2019年6月23日, アメリカ ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

    Day 28 Jenny Wiley State Park, Prestonsberg, KY - St. Paul, VA
    Miles - 91
    Churches - United Methodist, First Baptist, Alliance, Free-Will Baptist and Old Regular Baptist

    Never again. It was a 1 start Hotel. I called the front desk at 10pm and asked if it is normal for the guests to be so loud outside our door. The reply was "I'll tell them to be quiet, otherwise I'll have to call the police!" Wow, it must be a normal occurrence. Even at 1am, I was awoken and could hear loud talking. I was pretty tired, so that didn't keep me awake.

    I did wake up at 3:45, and since I knew we had internet, I got up and finished yesterday's blog. I finished it in time, before Glenn and I left with Jon and Neil to head to McDonald's. We met the rest of the crew at 7am for breakfast. I walked through the parking lot to get a few items at Wal-mart.

    Glenn had pancakes at McDonald's, and by the time I walked back from Wal-Mart, he was already out getting the bikes ready, the coolers and water bottles prepared. He organized the snacks and food items too.

    The camera crew were in McDonald's downloading files and stuff and because they didn't do the normal "interview" with Neil, we had to leave and follow the cyclists from the get-go. We quickly waved and hugged Jonathan Edwards "good-bye". About 20 minutes later, we get a honk, and Jon goes driving by. He decided to drive to NC to visit his daughter.

    It was very foggy this morning. We had new cyclists join us. Matt, who is the Tomba's son-in-law. He has fresh legs. He is a good climber. We followed behind Caroline and Neil. We traveled down the main pike and then off some back roads. At one time, the cyclists were climbing up and up pass mobile homes after mobile homes with barking dogs and junk cars in the front yard. It is just my stereotype image of the Kentucky backcountry. Once they reached the top, the pavement changed and we were in a middle-class community with 3 car garages and manicured lawn dotted with swimming pools and trampolines.

    At times the riders were under a canopy of trees. Other times 2 vicious dogs came out and attacked Neil. He fought back with his water bottle. One trek, they were riding up and up and up to a pass and down into a clearing. They were on a 4 lane highway, however for about 2 miles one lane was under reconstruction, so they just drove on the smooth pavement behind the orange barrels.

    As we were driving through a winding 2 lane road, Neil stopped by Free-Will Baptist Church of Dorton, KY. They got an interview with the Pastor, and then Neil asked if he could speak one of the newest believers. That was cool. At 11am, it was time to begin their service so the #ConversationsCoasttoCoast continued on as the church service began.

    I had to go to the rest-room, so I followed Christine to the bathroom, which was just inside the entrance of the church. They were singing a familiar Christian song.

    Most of the day, our route was following a creek. Homes across the creek had individual bridges to the property. At times our road would cross over to the other side. It was a nice beautiful drive.

    We calculated that the next town would be Jenkins, KY and that would be a good place for lunch. Giovani Pizza. Closed. So we chose Las Penasa Mexican restaurant near the city swimming pool. Glenn and I shared enchilada dinner. Glenn talked with our waiter. He is from Mexico, DF and came to the states when he was 18 years old. Neil wanted to do an interview/conversation with him, but since it was a Sunday afternoon, he was extremely busy and didn't have the time.

    After lunch, the ride was immediate steep. Up Up and Up. Til finally we arrived in Virginia. We cut off and went through a tiny road that had bunches of switch back. A sign: Rte 633 not recommended for trucks over 30 ft in length. Glenn thinks the van is probably 30 feet in length. When we were making the switc-back, the front of the blue box scraped the ground. All day was beautiful. The ride was one of the best. I did take a cat-nap when I was mesmerized by watching the cyclists work so hard to climb up a steep mountain.

    In the afternoon, the cyclists "crashed" out of exhausted. We stopped at a Valero gas station for a potty break and the cyclists were thirsty for water. I noticed a Magna ice-cream bar and then offered to get anyone one of these delicious bars. Neil, Christine and someone else took me up on the offer. Delicious. Brings back fond memories from Bolivia days.

    We ended up the day in St. Pauls, Virginia at Western Front Hotel. Nice place. Glenn and I have a very unique room. Decorations are awesome. Neil immediately had a conversation with someone in town. I stood around to have him sign the release form, but I didn't know how long that would take, so Glenn encouraged me to go and check into the room and take a shower and get ready for dinner. Glenn finally came up to the room at 6:20pm.

    We walked around the corner to Sugar Hill Brewery. Good food. But the service was terribly S.L.O.W. Glenn and I shared a meatloaf meal and we enjoyed talking and getting to know Matt. We returned to the room at 9pm. Now to finish this blog and get to bed. Now, suddenly the fire alarm goes off. Ugh. Blaring lights and fire trucks. We walk downstairs....outside for only 5 minutes. And we're back in our room. Good night.

  • 日31

    Day 30 Wythesville,VA - Daleville, VA

    2019年6月25日, アメリカ ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

    Day 30 Wytheville, VA - Daleville, VA
    Miles - 102
    Turtles rescued - 1
    Black bear and baby cubs spotted - 3
    Emergency repair on Wes's bike - 1

    Down to just a few days left in this amazing adventure. People are getting gitty, anxious and nervous all at the same time. Its been a L.O.N.G. 30 days. It has gone bu fast - and it has gone by slowly.

    This morning, I woke up at 4am to finish my blog. Last night, I could barely type and decided to finish up this morning. I finished up around 5:30am just in time to get ready for the day and then go down and help Glenn load up the van.

    It was kinda overcast in the morning but cleared up before breakfast. We all went over to the Cracker Barrell for breakfast. Glenn and I shared the Old Timer's breakfast. Just before we left, I checked to see if there were any letterboxes in the area. There was one at the Best Western Parking lot - and that was on our way out of town. So, with Wes's permission, we followed the clue and did a letterbox. Very easy. Glad Glenn did this for me. We also drove by a tiny tiny church. I got a picture.

    About 20 minutes up the road, one of Neil's friends that lives in North Carolina drove up so he could cycle with the team. What a kind friend to do that. He was all decked out in the cycling outfit and he rode probably an hour or two before he has to ride back and get his vehicle.

    Just right after this, Wes' chain on his bike kept breaking or was creating problems for him. He would ride for 3 minutes, then stop. Do that again several times, til finally, he had some screws out and was really working on it. It looked like he had it repaired. And we started to drive to meet the team. They had only gone 1 mile up the road where they started to have a conversation with a man and his wife or girlfriend. They were in a Sprinter van. Once we rolled into them, Wes decided he needed to find a bike shop. He searched the internet and found one just 20 minutes up the road.

    We asked the other bikers to get their stuff that they would need like food items. Then we quickly left. Glenn drove on I 81 towards Blacksburg. Then off the interstate to a bike shop in a Kroger's shopping center. While they were getting that repaired, I walked over to Kroger and bought a case of water. I think we were there for 45 minutes. And then we called Jeff and they were just sitting down to eat lunch at Fatz.

    25 minutes later we were at the restaurant also. I had soup and salad. Glenn had chicken. Now it was time to roll again. Heading North on the side streets on the rolling hills through farmland. We didn't seed corn like we used to see in Kentucky and Missouri.

    We went through one tunnel and I saw one covered bridge. We stumbled upon a barn and Jon took some photos of the blue bike against the old barn.

    As we were driving towards the Super 8 motel tonight, Neil saw 2 ladies trying to get a couch through the front door. Glenn, Wes, Matt, and Caroline helped this family. Then afterward, Neil was able to have a conversation. Glenn and I went on to the hotel to get checked in. Tonight, Glenn and I are together.

    We met Neil's cousin, Monty. He lives several hours from here and drove down to see them. We went to a Chinese restaurant for supper tonight.

    We got back to the hotel room by 9:45pm. Another late day. We get to sleep in 30 minutes later tomorrow.

  • 日32

    Day 31 Daleville, VA - Bellemonte Fishin

    2019年6月26日, アメリカ ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

    Day 31 Daleville, VA - Montebello Fishing and Camping Resort, VA
    Miles - 72 miles
    Turtle Rescued - 1
    Train tracks - 2

    Its the normal routine. We get up before 5am and get the van already. Even though the time for folks to have their luggage out by the van at 6:15, we are always there by 6:00 am, cause there will inevitably be someone needing a glove, shirt or whatever. But we are happy to be there to help there. Usually, Glenn is cleaning out the trash from the day before, and I get into my "junk drawer" which is under the first row of seats. It this junk drawer, we have scissors, pens, paper, and my whiteboard. I have habitually been taking the "day" picture at the beginning of each day. This has been very helpful for me to recount this stuff for that particular day.

    We have breakfast at Cracker Barrel in Daleville. Daleville is like a northern suburb of Roanoke. I think I had breakfast with Jeff that day. Glenn didn't eat breakfast as he was helping the riders get ready for the day. I did order biscuits and gravy for him and we got that in a "to-go" bag. At the end of the day, the gravy was thrown away, and I think Neil had the biscuit at one of the breaks.

    The cyclist was ready and left on their RidewithGPS course. The first stop was the Appalachian Trail. Vela and I got out. She made a video of her actually "walking the Appalachian Trail". She started in Daleville and ended in Daleville.

    This particular day was beautiful. We followed the Bike 76 route. We came to a train trussel and I took some pictures. Then we continued on, it wasn't until 10 minutes later that I realized that we were "off course". Just after the train trussel, the 76 sign turned left, and we missed it. Ugh. We finally made our way back to Jeff and the camera car and the cyclist. Then the cyclists had a photo opp and Jeff told us to stand back. Hold back. We pulled over into the shade. And waited and waited and waited. We never heard a call. We were out of cell phone coverage and definitely out of two-way walkie-talkie. Finally, Glenn backed up and we got a text message from the camera car for us to come on up. I think this was one of the darkest times in our journey, where there were some miscues and unfortunate circumstances that we couldn't hear the camera car and we waited maybe a little bit too long. The ride was beautiful once we started going.

    We stopped in one town that had a swinging suspension bridge. Vela, Jeff and I walked across it and the vehicles came to the other side. At this time, the weather was getting pretty hot, I remember.

    We rode into Lexington, Virginia. This is the home of Washington and Lee University (where Wynn B) went to college. Glenn and I remember having a picnic lunch with him several years ago while visiting him. We had lunch inside at Macado's Restaurant. Great place. Glenn and I shared a Ruben sandwich. Most of the folks ate lunch outside on the porch.

    As soon as lunch was over, there was a crowd waiting to talk to Neil. One was a gal. Another was a guy sitting on the porch steps. And then the last was a mother and son that I struck a conversation with and they were just curious about what was going on. Neil talked to all 3 groups. He later recounted that there were no conversations as they were eating lunch on the porch, but rather once they got their bikes out and were ready to roll. I think Wes talked mostly with the young gal. Again, I don't know the conversations, but it was neat how these 3 groups of folks all came together. Divine Appointment. Glenn, Vela and I talked with the mother-son.

    As we drove out, we drove through and under the Virginia Military Institute campus. Quite impressive. The ride continued on to Vesuvius, Virginia and here the cyclists took a water break. Glenn parked under the tree and we filled empty water bottles and replenished their thirsty mouths. I walked to the 1 room US Postoffice and struck up a conversation with the Post Master.

    I said "So you are the Post Master" and her reply was "No, I'm the Post Mistress". I laughed. I had a lengthy conversation with her. She grew up in the area. Married her high school sweetheart and has only been a few other states. Never been on an airplane. It was fun to talk to her. She only had 1 postcard stamp, but she had several postcards with stamps on them. Glenn and Vela rode 3 miles up the road to a lonely mom and pop's place, Girdys to buy some much-needed ice. I stayed in a small store and wrote 3 postcards. One to mom and dad, one to David, Emily, Lucy, and the baby and my final card to Brighton and Violet. I quickly drove a picture of the USA and x marks the spot for California and X for Maryland. Glenn came back after having passed up the hole in the way.

    We got up to Caroline. The guys were on ahead. Man, this was a steep climb. Ugh. Several times on the curves, I would yell out the window to Caroline to encourage her along the way. Sometimes it looked like she was standing still. But faithfully, she would climb and climb and climb. I don't know how she did it. It was impressive. She rode up to the top of the Blue Ridge Parkway.

    We finally get to the Montebello Camping and Fishing Resort spot. A cute store that stocked all the supplies you need. Vela, Jeff and I realized that we needed to cook out for dinner. We bought all the supplies to make hamburgers, pickles, tomatoes, even charcoal to cook out on. I walked across the street to the pond where Wes, Caroline, and Neil sat - totally exhausted. They wanted ice-cream. I can still picture them in my mind, sitting on the bench in front of the lake and the ice cream in their sweating hands.

    Once we got the cabins, Neil started to put the food on the grill. However, just before that, he decides to cut his hair. I think he was very tired at this point. Then we realized that we forgot to pick up the charcoal at the counter. Glenn drives down to the store to see if anyone is around, talks to a stranger and brings back a cord of wood. In the meantime, Jeff walks down the gravel road and talks to a family that was camping and returns with 1/2 bag of charcoal that we could use. In exchange, I think we gave them some shirts and maybe some other food items.

    For dessert, we all wanted smores. But we didn't have any marshmallows. However, we had a bag of small cinnamon cake donuts that I bought several days ago. Neil put the donut on the grill topped with Hershey chocolate and I layered that on top of a granola bar. Pretty delicious. Afterward, we sat around and shared some experiences so far on the trip. The journey was coming to an end soon. Jon and Christine had to drive to Charlottesville to get a battery or something, so they were not around. Glenn and I had our own cabin. Cute and very tasteful and adequate. Just not enough time to enjoy it fully.

  • 日33

    Day 32 Bellemonte Fishing - Fredricksbur

    2019年6月27日, アメリカ ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

    Day 32 Montebello Camping and Fishing Resort - Fredricksburg, VA
    Miles - 88
    How many times I opened the 2 side passengers doors to pee on the side of the road - at least 33 times (you gotta do what you gotta do)

    Good morning. It was kinda difficult and challenging to get the Van loaded up with folks staying at 3 different locations. Fortunately, we just took in a small backpack into our cabin. We rearranged the stuff in the 2nd and 3rd seats. As soon as it was time to leave, everyone loaded in the van. Neil started to walk down the gravel road. We picked him up there. It was decided that we would drive out and onto the main highway to start the morning off. Jeff offered to drop the cyclists off, but we drove on ahead. There was a small town of Afton, but only a few houses, no stores or restaurants. We splurged on ahead. The drive down the Blue Ridge Parkway was quiet and peaceful. The mountains were blue and rolling.

    It was then decided we needed to go to Charlottesville, and then find an IHOP. Finally, Breakfast. I know it must have been terribly disappointing not to ride down the Blue Ridge Parkway. I would have been. But that is the way it goes. Things happen for a reason.

    Once at IHOP, we had to wait for a long time. I know Neil was wanting to have a conversation with an employee, but like it has happened so many times, it is just difficult for the employee to get the time away from the job.

    Jeff and Wes sat at a different table to figure out a route for them to take. They got their food first, so to allow time to plan. The route was pretty. Lots of rolling hills and side streets. The route was along Anna Lake. We passed over some railroad tracks and by golf courses. Caroline had an adjustment to her bike. Wes is always right there to repair things.

    We stopped at a convenience store to refuel, go to the bathroom and buy some ice. This location was quite unique. In the public bathroom, there was a shower tub and shower.

    A few hours later, we stopped at the entrance to Lake Anna State Park to get some water. Wes asked for the blue towel that Vela had for Neil. Where you soak it in water, and the cloth becomes very cool. Wes wrapped it around his head. Everyone was HOT and tired. Interesting fact, when they stop, the cyclists are very thirsty, but they don't seem to be breathing hard - like I would. Some sit on the back of the Nissan.

    As they were riding along a two-lane road, Neil stops to have a conversation with a lady that was sitting on her porch. I think she had a dog in her lap. I don't know her story. Glenn, Vela and I were "hiding out" around the corner until he was finished with the conversation.

    Just a few minutes down the road, Neil takes a stumble. He flipped over his bike and down on the shoulder of the road. I mean, I thought the bike was going to be twisted up. Thankfully, Neil tucked and rolled. We stopped immediately to see how Neil was doing. Just a few scratches.

    Our next stop was a convenience store just outside of Fredricksburg. The gals went inside to use the bathroom. Others went in to buy a drink or chips. Glenn started talking to the cashier and asked if he could talk to Neil. Yep, he was available. Glenn walked outside to ask Neil if he had time. Sure enough camera folks got inside quickly and talked with this man from Northern India.

    While they filmed, I stood in the shade tree and made a phone call to Ken R. Ken is having surgery in a few days and I wanted to let him know that we were praying for him. I also told Ken that I appreciated his influence and impact on my life. Of the top 3 things that I have done in my life, this #ConversationsCoasttoCoast along with the summer of 1977 traveling through Central America have been the most challenging, most rewarding and most stressful things I have experience. I could sense his smile through the phone line.

    Next stop was Fredricksburg. It was here, where I first saw the Street direction sign of Washington DC. Yikes it's getting real. And getting close. The CoachWagon drove on ahead and stopped at Walgreens to purchase some Epsom salt for Neil, then we got to the Best Western Hotel.

    The cyclists come riding up with another cyclist. He is semi-pro and enjoyed being with Wes, Neil, and Caroline. Vela met her college friend at the hotel and they went out for dinner. Jeff stayed back and did laundry. The rest of us went to eat Chinese food.

    After dinner, Glenn and I decided to drive 1 hour into the city and get the boxes that we shipped from California out to Virginia at the DeWitts house. Then take those boxes into the hotel at Silver Springs Maryland, where we'll be staying on Friday night. And then drive back. We knew it would be a late night, but you never know what wrench could be thrown in on Friday night. We didn't get back to the hotel until 1:30am, and in bed by 1:45am. Short short night. I had to call the hotel to make arrangements for all this and then Jeff C. had to call the manager since the room reservations are under his name. It all worked out good.