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  • Hari 5

    Last Day in BC Together ............

    26 Juli 2020, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Sunday was our last day celebrating our daughter's 40th birthday in Vancouver. We spent the morning trying to clean up the evidence of all the fun that was had during out time together. We certainly didn't want to leave Sharon with a mess … especially given that she was immobilized and relying on crutches to get around. Clearly, she was going to have one heck of time simply doing the essential parts of living her life … never mind cleaning up after a weekend of nine extra people staying in your home. The laundry was a big enough job in and of itself. So ... we did our best to pack up and leave things somewhat tidy before we sent Tiana off in an Uber to the airport.

    She was delighted to be heading to Germany to visit a very special person in her life. She and Steffen had not seen each other in person since March, but had been connecting daily since they met in Lethbridge while Steffen was working here in Canada. We were all so excited that she was finally going to be reunited with him.

    And … she let us know that she took Janine's advice on how to get a great sleep on her 10 hour flight … and we were delighted to hear that she arrived safe and sound. Their smiles speak surely to the sweetness of their reconnection. 💖

    As for those of us who were departing a bit later from the airport ... we took the opportunity to head back to White Rock for a nice oceanside lunch before departing from our wonderful time celebrating in Vancouver.

    It was a really hot day and everyone must have thought the same thing! White Rock was hopping!! The beach was filled and so were the restaurants. We lucked out and got a table on the covered patio at the Washington Avenue Grill! It was our last chance to have a succulent morsel of fresh seafood before these prairie people were headed back to the land locked communities in which we all live!

    It was tough to decide what to order … but … the special of the day was incredibly tasty and was selected by a few of us (pictured below)!! We had a beautiful view of the ocean … and low and behold … there was a Cannabis store right under us. This was a lovely discovery for some of our party goers!

    Our 8:00pm flight was delayed leaving Vancouver because the family seated directly in front of us in seats 16D, E and F were ultimately deplaned after the flight crew discovered that their little 8 year old daughter was vomiting before take off. 😰

    UHMMMM ... from our front row seats (I mean directly back row seats) we could see that the WestJet crew handled the delicate situation with ultimate professionalism. However, it was determined after a 40 minute re-assessment of their 'fitness to fly' given the family had been travelling all the way from the Philippines ... it was determined that they should be deplaned in the best interest of all travelers on board.

    I have to admit that it left all of us feeling a wee bit more vulnerable to contracting Covid-19 knowing that we had been on board with these folks. Once again I was grateful for our N95 masks.

    I have attached a few pictures that I received of our partiers with our party girl. Unfortunately, I didn't have one of Tiana with everyone.

    UPDATE: As of 3 weeks later … none of us contracted Covid-19 in our travels. Tiana is back from a wonderful time in Germany and is currently in the midst of her two week mandatory quarantine.

    And … we are currently planning for part two and three of the surprise 40th birthday celebrations. Stay tuned … 😍
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