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  • Dia 16

    Party Prep - for the Second Celebration!

    6 de agosto de 2020, Canadá ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    And so ... is there anything more heartening than an 11 year old girl wanting to create the best 40th birthday celebration ever for her Mama?!? It is absolutely sublime to witness her enthusiasm and eager excitement for making this a most memorable birthday for her Mama.

    My sweet grand-daughter is an excellent planner and had already nailed down her ideas of how she wanted to honor this significant milestone birthday for her mom. I picked her up and we headed for Party City!! She already knew the color scheme she wanted. Lime green (because its her Mom's favorite color) and grey "with a pop of gold, white and black". And so, the plastic table cloths were purchased in grey. The cups and cutlery were in lime green. We picked up a few other things … but … it was beautiful to see her vision coming into reality.

    We opted for a sleep over at Grammy's house because we knew we had more planning to do. Talaya drew up the blueprints so the rest of us could capture her vision for how the backyard would be configured for the party . The beverage table, the food table were on the blueprint. We even talked about whether or not it would be fun to have a photo booth.

    Grammy offered a few suggestions … but … her grand-daughter was very selective about what she opted FOR or AGAINST, I was getting a clear sense that she envisioned a lovely level of elegance to be part of the energy of the day!

    She had already asked a very good friend of her mom to send out the invitations. And so, she crafted up a little commentary to send out to Janine regarding the invitations. Here is what she said:

    "Hi J9
    We are thinking to tell people we are having a surprise 40th for mom on Saturday Aug 29.
    Please have them come between 3pm and 3:30pm because my Grammy will bring my mom just after 3:30. They can also bring their kids. Please ask people to bring their own drinks but we will have a place for them to put them on ice if they need ice. We will eat at around 5pm. We are thinking of pulled pork but we’re aren’t for sure on that yet.
    Can you tell them to confirm if they are coming by August 20th so we can know how much food and stuff we need.
    Thank you for sending the invitations."

    Isn't that just the sweetest? We chuckled a bit about her mom's nickname being 'Boss T'. We agreed that my grand-daughter came by her 'take-charge' attitude honestly! We chuckled about how she could easily be called 'Junior Boss T'. It is always beautiful to see a young girl who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to ask for it. 🙌

    We felt pretty darn good about our accomplishments and I caught a cute pic of my delightful grand-daughter relaxing for a bit outdoors. We played an never-ending game of War and then I taught her how to play a card game called Golf. She was well in the lead for about 6 holes … but then … Grammy took the lead and won the game! Not that I am competitive! Wink. Wink.

    We enjoyed our supper of chicken pot pie … and … we also had our first feed of Taber corn for the season! We watched a funny movie together and hit the hay. It was a good day and I could just feel how excited my sweet little gal was to see her dreams for her Mom's birthday coming to fruition.
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