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  • Day 39

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    August 29, 2020 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    It's the final part of the celebration today! The idea for this part of the event was inspired by my grand-daughter. All the members of the family received the following text from her on July 19th:

    "Hey every body it's Talaya I made a group chat with all off the parents in are family and Hailey but not my mom because it will be my moms 40th birthday on August 26th and I am planning a huge birthday party for her and I was hopping you guys could give me some ideas to add to her party. It won't be on her actual birthday because her actual birthday is on Wednesday and I will be inviting her friends so I want every body to have a fun time and drink so it will either be on August Friday 28th or Saturday 29th depending on if people work on Friday. And don't worry I am going to be asking all of you for some advice and fun things that I could put in her party because I don't want it to just be me that is making all the plans I want it to be all of us.I will give more details when it get's closer to her birthday and yes I know her birthday is still like a month. but it is her 40th so I want to be amazing. This is a surprise birthday but I did tell her that we are doing something for her birthday because I didn't want her to think that we all forgot about her birthday. On her actual birthday you can still say happy birthday and stuff just don't tell her about her surprise birthday party. And if you are gonna tell your kids just make sure that they know that it's a surprise. And again I will be asking all of you for more ideas because I don't just want it to be just me I want it to be all of us and make it super special. And we might also be able to have a little family get together on her actual birthday or something like that because the surprise birthday that I want to plan with you guys of course I will be inviting her friends.

    And just to be clear I am not trying to be rude trying to plan this so if you think I'm being rude in any type of way planning this please know that I'm not

    I will call everybody separately and write down their ideas so I can add them to the party "

    Isn't that just the most precious evidence of love ever?!? I reassured her that I did not, in fact, think she was being "rude" but rather than it was heartening to see her so committed to bringing the party to her Momma's 40th birthday!

    And so ... I agreed to be her sidekick and accomplice. And, as you have previously learned, we had lots of fun pulling things together. And ... now ... today is the day it all comes together!

    I picked up the birthday girl at noon and whisked her off for our traditional birthday lunch and shopping! One never fails to enjoy the most lovely lunch at Plum ... but ... when Tiana ordered the pulled pork ... it took every ounce of me to silence my instinct to say " Sweetie ... order something different ... we'll be having that for supper!" 😏

    We followed up the lunch with some browsing and I sneakily tried to contact the folks back home if they needed more time for set up or not. Talaya wanted everything to be exactly perfect before we arrived ... but ... by 4pm the guests had been waiting and we got the go ahead "the adults say you can come".

    All the decorations that Talaya and I had purchased warmly welcomed the birthday girl!! And, although it was a bit windier and cooler than anticipated ... the party was ON again!!

    It's always a joy to see your children smiling and connecting with people who love them.
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