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  • Day 40

    And Fun Was Had by All ...

    August 30, 2020 in Canada ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

    I just happened to notice that this story I have been penning in honor of capturing Tiana's 40th Birthday on the page has spanned exactly 40 days!! Ha ha ... too funny!

    And speaking of funny ... check out Papa's post party hair!! As we were sitting and having our coffee the morning after the final celebration, I could not resist snapping a picture of Papa. As we were sitting there reflecting upon it all, we could not get over the amazing job that Talaya did in terms of making sure her Mom's 40th was as magical and memorable as possible. Well done Sweets!!! You knocked it out of the park! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    And so, I will close by sharing that I decided to put all these memories together in this way using the Find Penguins App because they will take these posts and bind them into a beautiful book that Tiana can keep as a token of this milestone birthday during the Covid-19 pandemic. I know it wasn't what she was imagining her 40th birthday would look like ... but ... I am hoping that as she greets 50 and 60 and 70 and 80 and maybe even 90 (who knows!) that she will be able to look back fondly on the moments captured in the pages of the book.

    Happy 40th Birthday Sweetie! We couldn't love you more ... and ... feel like we received the most remarkable gift when you were born 40 years ago! We cannot imagine our life without all the moments magnificently marked by your spirit, sparkle and shine! Oh ... and ... your mad karaoke skills!! 🥰

    Yep. You brighten this world by your mere presence in it Sweetie! We are all so much better because of you!! xoxo
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