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  • Day 16

    Lovely L'Albir ... 😍

    May 7 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    We had a much better sleep last night ... but ... we (and I use the term loosely!) didn't figure out the air conditioning until this morning so it was a tad bit hot in our room. The mattress and pillows are soooo comfy though ... we are expecting to have a really great sleep tonight.

    I awoke about 7:00am ... the sunlight was coming through the window. I popped out of bed to see if I had missed the sunrise. Lucky for me ... there was still a trace of it rising over the water. It was so windy though!

    The Weather Network says it is only gusting from the East at 16 - 23kms. 🤥
    I must humbly beg to differ!! As a Southern Albertan ... who is somewhat seasoned in terms of windy days ... I would say it is easily upwards of 40kms.

    However, and as much as I usually gripe about windy days ... I am not complaining now. It's 22 degrees Celsius and sunny! People are laying on cots on the beach ... one fellow is wind surfing ... a sailboat just passed by as well. People are enjoying all that this quaint little resort-like town has to offer,

    By the way ... I am not sure if I mentioned it or not, but ending up here was a mistake. I was looking on Airbnb for places in the TOWN of Alicante, not the province of Alicante. When I realized my mistake, I almost cancelled this place ... but then ... some little voice inside me suggested it might provide a nice quiet reprieve in a sea of busy sightseeing and moving about.

    I'm so grateful that I heeded that little internal nudge to keep this place. L'Albir itself is a little town in the province of Alicante. The actual population here is 9,482 residents (2020). The houses you can see from our our deck are actually in the township next to us. It is called Altea. It's population is about 22, 000. They actually run right into each other.

    L'Albir boasts 600 metres of crystal clear turquoise blue water and it is loaded with shops and restaurants and bars and stunning views. The beach is comprised of little smooth, polished stones and rocks so it has been named "Pebble Beach". There is also a long promenade alongside it. It is entirely marble ... and ... has stars with names in it just like they do in Los Angeles. We are not sure who has been honored here in the marble and for what ... but ... they are stars in L'Albir!

    We took a walk down it after we had breakfast at "Coco Loco" overlooking the water. We actually walked into Altea and found one of the restaurants that was recommended to us by our Airbnb host. We made a reservation to eat there on Thursday.

    We stopped for a snack and some refreshments on our way back at a cute little place on the beachfront! I opted for the spring rolls but the old boy had the cuttlefish. I feel the need to clear my conscience here. There was a nice bowl of condiments in little wee packages on the table. We pilfered several of the mayonnaise. We had bought a jar in Seville and used it up. We bought a second jar in Malaga but ended up throwing much of it away. We didn't want to waste more, so we opted to pilfer instead. Judge us if you will ....😉

    It was such a nice relaxing day and we were both feeling lazy so we decided to head back to the room and settle onto our lovely deck! We played a round of Clever. I collected my third loss in a row now! After I post this, we will have one more game. Wish me LUCK!!

    We opted to just get something light for supper and eat it on our lovely deck as well. So, we will get some baguettes or pizza from the down the street and bring it home. We'd love to tuck in early tonight. As I shared, the old boy got the air conditioner working so we expect to sleep even better tonight.

    And, maybe ... if I can stay awake late enough, I can catch the sunset from our deck as well. Hope you are all having a great day! Warmest smiles and warm hugs from Spain, k&j ❤️
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