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    • Day 33

      Kenya Safari, Nairobi and Amboseli Camp

      June 9, 2024 in Kenya ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      As you can see, the footprint is growing.
      A good flight to Istanbul and just a 3 hr layover before onwards to Nairobi. A slow customs process unfortunately took us 1 1/2 hours to exit airport, but an awesome hotel soon had us putting that behind us.
      We transferred to Nairobi Park Tented camp, just 6km or so from the city, which has experienced 2 months of unusual wet weather. The mostly clay tracks were a 4wd experience in themselves, next level for most guests arriving at 2am, as remainder of our group experienced. We're now 4 couples strong on a 22-day safari through multiple game parks.
      The wildlife is as we remembered, but we've already experienced different things from our trip here 12 years ago. As usual, photos don't begin to do it justice, so if you like them, you'd truly love Kenya.
      A walk through the Downtown (poor) part of Nairobi ( Nairobbery) was an experience, a privilege, and an education. No social welfare here, no refrigerator ( for example) for these people, and 60% unemployment in youth. I hope NZ doesn't go any further down this path of rich and poor extremes.
      Posts will be rare as the internet in the outback is very limited.
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    • Day 35

      Porini Amboseli Camp, Kenya

      June 11, 2024 in Kenya ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      We're 30 minutes of flight time sth west of Nairobi, and the weather here is dry, 15 to 30 degrees approx. It's winter, and the dry season has just begun. ( Nairobi has been experiencing climate anomalies this last 2 months)
      We're now a group of 4 dairy farmer couples from Cambridge experiencing eco tourism. This means tourism with protection of the environment as the priority, so campsites can be moved with no residual impact or observable changes on the area. Three course meals are the norm, with drinks all inclusive on a prepaid basis. I wouldn't say it's 5 star, but it's a comfortable four.
      Monkeys sharing the shower water probably limits the review upside, but it's a fun experience.
      Game drives commerce with a 30 min wake-up call, and you're out on the tracks, eyes peeled by 5.30 - 6 am, pre sun up. Back for breakfast at 9 am or, as in the case yesterday, an 11 hour round trip game drive to Amboseli National Park with views of wetlands, elephant, and wildlife, and Mt Kilimanjaro ( background).
      Plenty of time to harangue the guides with mindless tourist questions and endless banter about all manner of things.
      The only problems are a lack of internet ( bare with us) and trying to pick your best representation of photos.
      Would love to send more video clips ( internet limited) as these can reflect the proximity and scale better often imo.
      We'll be changing camp every 3 days, due tomorrow. Each camp has a cross section of wildlife but typically a strong feature animal. Elephants are this camps drawcard with a group of 90 crossing a road in front of us yesterday, a real spectacle.
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