• Combarro to Armentiera

    6 oktober 2024, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

    The topographic map of today’s hike was very intimidating. I decided this would be the day to taxi from start to finish. Plus there were some reports of thunderstorms expected.

    I was delivered to the 12th century monastery in Armenteira and found soft respite in the chapel with a benevolent Mary statue prominent behind the altar. The suffering cross was off in some shadow. I found myself doing Ancestral Lineage healing intentions, focusing on my maternal grandmother and her mothers back through time, thinking of the disempowerment of women, the suffering through childbirth and caring for others, the crap that women have gone through over the last number of centuries. And I told them of the great possibility of a woman president and of the growing personal expression, enfranchising, and empowerment of women. I felt the anchoring of the divine feminine out of the gravel of the pain, suffering, joy and continued growth of their lives. I felt them joining with the well, healed, and fully integrated earlier ancestors. It was good.

    My hotel was up a hill and my room was fully ready for me when I arrived at noon. The bed is great and I caught a couple more hours of sleep while the rain shook by in sheets.

    At the pub, a man I met yesterday said the last 2k coming up the hill were walking through a creek, first time he felt the need for his poles and I was smart to choose alternative transportation today.

    Inner journey: just feeling really blessed. Following my inner guidance and taking care of myself. And being reminded by my dear commenters that my journey matters to them too.
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