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  • Day 168

    Camp #72 - Pino Dulce

    February 13, 2023 in Guatemala ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    120 Guatemala quetzales (around £12) for the two of us tonight.
    At 2,400m altitude it's a little colder than we've had the past few months. At 4pm when we turned up, it was 13°c. All day it had been around 28c until we started to climb, so it will be a cold night for sure. The blankets are out and in the tent ready for the night.
    It's a big park, but it shuts at 4pm, when we got here there was some people still here but they all left shortly after we arrived. Maybe we smell?

    The road here was interesting. Google sent us a way which saved 2 minutes. But it really was a 4x4 track, climbing up steep incline, gaining altitude and overtaking all the slow people. It was reassuring that most of the vehicles we saw and overtook on our way up were also Toyota. Confidence that we are in the right vehicle for sure.

    Including some photos of the suicide showers.
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