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    • Dag 6

      Beirut bei meiner Schwägerin

      29. september 2018, Libanon ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Ade Broummana! Ich habe mich da wohl gefühlt, die Bergluft tat gut. Mittags ging es wieder nach Beirut . Mein Schwager Jihad mit Frau Shahnaz waren da. Es gab leckeres Essen. Leider habe ich keine Fotos.Les mer

    • Dag 13


      3. desember 2021, Libanon ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Lebanon's largest city and capital is, like most cities in this region, a former important Phoenician city and port. It has been inhabited for at least 5,000 years, and had been known as the Paris of the Middle East.
      In recent years the history had been far more tragic, from 15 years of civil war to the bombing of the marine barracks to the explosion at the port just a few months ago. Yet even with all that, it is still a lovely city in a beautiful and safe country. I can continue to say that have not felt threatened or unsafe anywhere in my travels.
      The 1st picture is St. George's Maronite Cathedral that dates to the late 19th century. It is based on Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome. While there, I heard the afternoon Muslim call to prayer. The 2nd picture is taken from the door of St. George's, looking at the mosque next door. This is Lebanon today: Muslim, Christian, Druze and even a small population of Jewish people living together. I love it.
      The mosque was financed by Rafik Hariri before he was assassinated and then completed by his son.
      The 3rd picture is Martyrs' Square, the central square of Beirut. It is named for those killed by the Ottomans in world war 1.
      The 4th picture is the I love Beirut sign with an ancient Muslim prayer hall in the background.
      The 5th picture is Pigeon Rocks, a well known formation located at the western extreme of the peninsula Beirut is located on. The picture is taken from the corniche, the very beautiful seaside walk. One legend says that these rocks are the remains of the sea monster Perseus killed to saved Andromeda.
      The 6th picture is a glance at the devastation resulting from the explosion on 4 August. This was taken from the road along the coast and doesn't capture the damage across the road. I admit, it's ugly.
      In spite of all that, Beirut remains a vibrant city. Like all of Lebanon, it is worth a visit
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    • Dag 11

      Barcelona vs. Eintracht in Beirut

      14. april 2022, Libanon ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Da ich die Reise schon einige Zeit vor der Auslosung gebucht hatte, wusste ich da noch nicht, dass wir in der Europa League gegen den FC Barcelona spielen würden und so habe ich nur 5 Tickets für meine Familie gekauft und konnte im Gegensatz zu gefühlt all meinen Bekannten (auf meiner Snapchat-Karte waren mehr Leute in Barcelona als in Frankfurt) selber nicht zu diesem historischen Spiel. Nachdem ich das Hinspiel in einem Restaurant in Al-Mishtaya in Syrien sehen konnte, habe ich in Beirut den Halbfinaleinzug miterleben können. Neben den Toren war auch ein Highlight, dass mein Bruder gegen Ende 2x sehr deutlich in der Live-Übertragung zu sehen war 😄. Was für ein Zufall :DLes mer

    • Dag 5

      5. Day Beirut VII

      6. september 2022, Libanon ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      The invention of the Phoenician Alphabet, the prototype for all alphabets in the world, is the most significant contribution that Lebanon has made to the whole of humanity. The new system, immediately adopted by all nations, gradually gained ground in all fields in the human sciences, including religious matters, in science and in culture. As one Lebanese thinker has said, today's digital inventions would not have been achieved without the alphabet.

      Owing to their cultural and economic links with the two major powers at the time, Egypt and Mesopotamia, Phoenicians used both of these nations' writing systems (hieroglyphs and cuneiforms) at the same time; in the thirteenth century B.C., they proceeded by analogy to invent their own alphabet, which then spread quickly throughout both the western and eastern worlds.
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    • Dag 5

      5. Day Beirut IX

      6. september 2022, Libanon ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Saint George is a church building of the Maronite Church in Beirut. It is the cathedral of the Archdiocese of Beirut and thus the seat of the archbishop.

      The Maronite Cathedral of Saint George was built between 1884 and 1894 in the classicist style. The church was opened on Palm Sunday 1894 and was built as a basilica with a nave and two aisles separated by two rows of columns. The interior of the church was modelled on the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore.

      During the Lebanese Civil War from 1975 onwards, the church was considerably damaged and looted. After the end of the war, the church was extensively renovated. Several works of art that had been lost through looting were recovered. After years of renovation, Saint George's Cathedral was rededicated by Patriarch Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir on 24 April 2000.
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    • Dag 5

      5. Day Beirut X

      6. september 2022, Libanon ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      The Place de l'Étoile is a square in the city centre of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. It is surrounded by important political and religious buildings.

      The square was laid out in the 1920s when the French decided to destroy the old, unhealthy souks and build streets to make the city centre a healthy, modern area. Today the square is entirely pedestrianised. In the middle stands the Clock Tower, built in 1934. The square is 500 metres from the port of Beirut. Six streets, including Maarad Street, give access to the square, to the north, west and south, forming a five-pointed star. There is no street to the east. There is the St George's Orthodox Cathedral, seat of the Greek Orthodox Metropolitan, built in 1772. A museum is open directly under the cathedral. To the north of the cathedral is the Italian Embassy. The west side is bordered by the Lebanese Parliament. Shops and cafes and the Art Deco building of Assicurazioni Generali, topped by a lion statue, also face the square.

      Saint George's Cathedral is a church building of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch in Beirut. It is the seat of the Metropolitan. An archaeological museum has been established below the church. The Greek Orthodox Church of Saint George is the oldest church building still standing in Beirut.
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    • Dag 5

      5. Day Beirut XII

      6. september 2022, Libanon ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      The vibrant areas of Gemmayzeh and Mar Mikhaël are home to some of the best restaurants and bars. I went there in the evening with my cousins and drank a lot, laughed and had a good time together.

      Oh, and typical for Beirut, the electricity is of course out for a short time.

      The bill on the last picture is an example of the extent to which inflation has reached in Lebanon. What would have been a bill of over $1,000 four years ago is now a bill of €60.
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    • Dag 3

      Beirut I

      14. april 2023, Libanon ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Sursok Museum
      City Centre

    • Dag 28–30


      28. juli 2016, Libanon ⋅ 🌙 33 °C

      Da ein weiterer Monat in Qatar keinen grossen Sinn macht für uns, entscheiden wir, in einem Land nicht zu weit weg, ein Workaway-Volontariat zu machen. Wir finden Raed im Libanon, der gerade noch Erntehelfer braucht. So ensteht eine spontane Reise in den Libanon.
      Für einen Monat benötigen wir nämlich auch kein Visum. Unsere Velos dürfen wir im Hotel in Doha einstellen. Danach kommen wir ja wieder zurück, wo dann unsere Reise weitergehen soll.
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    • Dag 50–53


      19. august 2016, Libanon ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      Zurück in Beirut treffen wir uns mit unserer Mit-Volontärin Kate um einen Tagesausflug bei den Jeita-Grotten zu machen. Die Gesamtlänge dieser Tropfsteinhöhle beträgt 9000m und ist in der grössten Halle 108 Meter hoch.
      Um dorthin zu kommen, haben wir uns für ein Taxi entschieden.
      Wichtig: wenn man in ein Taxi steigt und einfach sagt, wohin man möchte, kostet das ziemlich und man verhandelt um den Preis. Steigt man jedoch ein und sagt, "Service", kriegt man alles für ca. 2 Franken. Kann zwar sein, dass noch andere dazusteigen und aussteigen und man nicht auf direktem Weg dort hin kommt. Aber diesen "service" haben wir uns natürlich nicht nehmen lassen. ...und der Taxifahrer hat extra noch nachgefragt, ob wir wirklich "service" möchten :-)
      Einen Tag machen wir noch eine geführte, alternative Tour durch das "unsichtbare" Beirut. Der Krieg ist immer noch sehr präsent. Checkpoints, Militär, Strassensperren, Einschusslöcher in den Gebäuden.
      Dennoch: der Libanon ist der Wahnsinn.
      Nach den Tagen in Beirut geht es zurück zum "Umsteigen" in Qatar.
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