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  • Adulting Day

    May 30, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

    Today was adulting. I don't like these days, but they must be done, whether at home or on the road. After breakfast, I went to a laundromat to do laundry because the hotel's washer is kaput. They didn't have a bathroom, so I had to change out of my dirty clothes into my swim shorts and OCP uniform shirt right there. Oh well. It wasn't the first time I've changed clothes in public. Probably not the last either 🤣.

    I spent the rest of the day organizing photos, working with the GPS, repairing my tank bag, and cleaning my helmet. After yesterday's dust storm, I could taste the dirt when I put my visor down this morning, so I took out all the pads, dunked them in soapy water, rinsed them until the water wasn't colored any more 🤢, and hung them off the shower curtain rod to dry. The little hair dryer really impressed me by running on high for over 4 hours until I turned it off. Because of it, the pads will be dry by morning now. Rock on, little dryer.

    So long [for now], and thanks for all the fish! ✌️

    Day 80 mileage: 8 (total 19154.0)
    HD Dealerships: 0 (total 186)
    National Parks: 0 (total 35 in 18 states)
    10 Rides for 2022: 0 (total 5 of 10)
    MCGTTX Stops: 0 (total 23 of 50)
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