The 2022 Motorcycle Adventure

Februari - Oktober 2022
No whining! The purpose of this trip is to enjoy motorcycling the US while seeing old friends, making new old friends, and accomplishing a whole bunch of mostly crazy goals. Baca lagi
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  • Back to Daytona via Jacksonville 😜

    8 Mac 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌧 73 °F

    I tried to beat the traffic this morning by leaving my friend's at 07:00. I failed. It was terrible, and I'll leave it at that.

    I hit some dealerships, then met another friend for a bite in Orlando. I met Kersten while living in Germany. She's German and married an American, then his work brought them and their adorable son Eli to the US.

    After we ate, we went to the dealership where Eli got on the bike with me. He is going to be a heartbreaker.

    On my way over, the GPS popped off my bike and the car behind me ran over it. I pulled over and got it out of the street, but the screen is shattered. It sort of works, but it gets confused about where it is and loses the satellite connection. So, now I'm using my backup GPS: pen and paper. Luckily they're both Rite In The Rain products because it poured down while I was headed back to Daytona.

    I scooted up to Jacksonville to hit the main dealership. I just went the other day, but in addition to my dealership challenge photos, Daytona Bike Week also had a challenge to hit 8 different dealers. I only repeated 3, then went back to the Daytona International Speedway to claim my prize. I picked an LED light that is a flashlight, an area light, and a red strobe light with a magnetic base, a hanger, and the HOG logo on the side. So worth paying $5.499 a gallon for 93 octane 😳.

    I hug out a little while with Bob and Chief, then said the final goodbye and rode back to the campground. It is supposed to rain tonight, so I've packed as much as I can so I can break down faster in the morning in case it's still raining. Wish me luck.

    So long [for now], and thanks for all the fish! ✌️

    Day 23 mileage: 374.5 (total 5951.1)
    HD Dealerships: 6 (total 129)
    National Parks: 0 (total 19 in 12 states)
    10 Rides for 2022: 0 (total 1 of 10)
    MCGTTX Stops: 0 (total 0 of 50)
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  • New Parameters & Old Friends

    9 Mac 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌙 77 °F

    Last night, as I was writing down directions because my GPS is shattered, I realized that I have rarely been accomplishing the very first goal I set for myself way back on Day 0 February 13th: Enjoy the ride!

    First, I left my heated gloves on the back of the bike and took off. Another time I left my bungee cords dangling and lost most of them. Recently, I left my swing arm bag open but didn't lose anything because a passing car hollered at me. Then the GPS snafu yesterday. All of these are and were easily preventable, but I've pushed so hard to get my photo at the next dealership or hit a national park visitor center before it closed or check into a nonrefundable campground reservation that I've lost focus on what's important: Enjoy the ride!

    So, today I'm making some changes. I'm NOT going as far south as Miami, not even for the HDs and Hard Rock. I'm NOT going through Alligator Alley to the national park campground I reserved for tonight (nonrefundable). And I AM going the speed limit the rest of the time I'm in Florida. Fingers crossed I don't get run over.

    With these new parameters, I packed up camp (it didn't rain 😁) and headed south to Canaveral National Seashore. I had a long breakfast along the way, grabbed my stamp, and slowly continued south.

    I am so fortunate to have made and kept so many terrific people over the years. Today, I had lunch in Port St. Lucie with Larry and Terri, whom I rode with when stationed the second time in Germany. He's retired Air Force now and turned his Flight Engineer experience and some schooling into a pilot's license. They temporarily live in a wonderful RV park that's sort of in the country but only 15 minutes from a state park beach. It was wonderful to see them again!

    After a nice chat, I made my way to the dealership just a little further south in Stuart, then turned westward. I had a lovely ride down Martin Grade Scenic Highway before swooping over the top of Lake Okeechobee and passing through LaBelle.

    Read more here:…

    I managed to miss the rain until around 14:00 when I hit quite a downpour. It didn't last long though, and I dried out quickly in the heat of the day. Now I'm in a hotel in Fort Myers for the evening enjoying the hot shower and cold air conditioning. And I am very happy to say that today I enjoyed the ride!

    So long [for now], and thanks for all the fish! ✌️

    Day 24 mileage: 376.6 (total 6327.7)
    HD Dealerships: 2 (total 131)
    National Parks: 1 (total 20 in 13 states)
    10 Rides for 2022: 0 (total 1 of 10)
    MCGTTX Stops: 0 (total 0 of 50)
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  • Friends To The Rescue

    10 Mac 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

    After a restful sleep and lazy morning in Fort Myers, I finally hit the road around 08:00 headed north to see another friend, Sonya. I cruised through the dealerships in Port Charlotte, Sarasota, and St. Petersburg before I hit the weather. Ugh.

    At 13:00, it began to rain. First it was "little bitty stingin' rain" that made me wish for my fingered gloves. Then it turned into "big ol' fat rain." By 14:00, it was "rain that flew in sideways." Plus, the temperature must have dropped more than 20°F because I was shivering by the time I arrived safely in Ocala around 16:00.

    Sonya and Gary were amazing to me. Gary grabbed my soaked leathers and started hanging things even though everything was dripping all over their floor. Then he loaned me sweats and a shirt, and Sonya started washing my clothes. A hot shower and then it was finally time to catch up with Sonya and actually meet Gary for the first time 🤣.

    Great conversation, great wine, a great Mexican restaurant, great lovings from the two dogs and two cats, and a great night's sleep. Thanks so much, you two!!

    So long [for now], and thanks for all the fish! ✌️

    Day 25 mileage: 253.5 (total 6581.2)
    HD Dealerships: 3 (total 134)
    National Parks: 0 (total 20 in 13 states)
    10 Rides for 2022: 0 (total 1 of 10)
    MCGTTX Stops: 0 (total 0 of 50)
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  • Friends To The Rescue...Again!

    11 Mac 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌧 66 °F

    I waited to leave Ocala until around 09:00 hoping the worst of the storm had passed. It hadn't. 15 minutes later I was putting on my rain gear and riding in torrential rain, going 25 mph on I-75 and not much slower than the rest of the traffic...except the tractor-trailers who don't slow down for anything or anyone.

    When I got to Gainesville HD at about 10:30, I went inside, took off my gear, ordered DoorDash for lunch, and sat down on the sofa with hot coffee until 14:30 🤣.

    Even though it was still raining hard, I had 100 miles left to reach my best friend Micki's in Georgia, so I pulled out at 15:00 cringing from the thunder and lightning. If I had left much later than that, I would have been riding in the rain AND the dark. Not a good combination on a motorcycle.

    I got to Naylor just after 17:00, still daylight, and surprisingly I wasn't too soaked through my rain gear. Again, my friends came to the rescue. Mike hung up my leathers and gear while Micki loaned me clothes so I could wash all of mine at once.

    We spent a little while trying to figure out when Mike and I last saw each other (we couldn't), and Micki and I tried to catch up on the past year. Time really flies, but it's like I saw Micki just last week.

    So long [for now], and thanks for all the fish! ✌️

    Day 26 mileage: 160 (total 6741.2)
    HD Dealerships: 2 (total 136)
    National Parks: 0 (total 20 in 13 states)
    10 Rides for 2022: 0 (total 1 of 10)
    MCGTTX Stops: 0 (total 0 of 50)
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  • Laptop, Toes, and Farkle

    13 Mac 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌙 45 °F

    Micki and I have been having fun the past two days. Saturday, we had breakfast from Zacadoos, picked me up a new laptop, had pedicures, and ate a delicious lunch at Friends. Then Mike took us to Chophouse for dinner. Fried green tomatoes, filet mignon, and garlic mashed potatoes. Yum!

    Sunday was mostly setting up the new computer (me), playing Arc with her son and friends (Micki), and uncovering plants from Saturday night's 30°F low (Mike). Mike picked up Chinese food for dinner, then we played several rounds of the dice game Farckle. I don't know who won, but we had a blast. Love you both so much!!

    So long [for now], and thanks for all the fish! ✌️

    Day 27 & 28 mileage: 0 (total 6741.2)
    HD Dealerships: 0 (total 136)
    National Parks: 0 (total 20 in 13 states)
    10 Rides for 2022: 0 (total 1 of 10)
    MCGTTX Stops: 0 (total 0 of 50)
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  • More Friends

    14 Mac 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

    I absolutely LOVE that I am seeing so many of my friends on this leg of my trip! But first things first.

    I rolled out of Micki's at 08:00 this morning in 38°F, but the roads were dry and the sun was shining. I squiggled to several dealerships, then arrived in Panama City Beach to see Molly. I forgot about going back to Central Time, so she was still at work when I got to town. So I went to the beach by Tussell-Fields Pier

    I had a scoop of creamy, chocolatey, coconutty heaven from Kilwins Ice Cream and Fudge. Ohhh my, it was sooo good. I stood on the boardwalk/sidewalk overlooking the beach getting weird looks because I was still in my leathers, but I didn't care. The sun was warm and the ice cream was cold. It was a great 30 minutes.

    Then I was off to see Molly. We met in Germany and I hadn't seen her since 2015. After a short chat and a couple of hugs, I left to see another friend, two actually; they're married.

    I also met Chris and Lauren in Germany, and Chris and I were in Afghanistan together in 2017. I was surprised to be greeted by Brewster, Lauren's 14-year-old Australian Shepherd, whom I also knew in Germany. It is very possible he remembered me because she said he started acting like a pup while I was there. Aaww 🤗.

    I was also so happy to finally meet their beautiful five-year-old daughter Annabelle and their foster daughter Tamaya. Despite both Chris and Lauren being active duty Air Force, they have opened their home and hearts for foster children. I don't know how they do it, but they do. I am very lucky to have these amazing people call me friend. And, yes, I forgot to take a selfie with them 🤦. Love you both so much!

    So long [for now], and thanks for all the fish! ✌️

    Day 29 mileage: 434.3 (total 7175.5)
    HD Dealerships: 5 (total 141)
    National Parks: 0 (total 20 in 13 states)
    10 Rides for 2022: 0 (total 1 of 10)
    MCGTTX Stops: 0 (total 0 of 50)
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  • Camping Again

    15 Mac 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌙 59 °F

    After a lovely visit with Chris and Lauren, I rolled out of their driveway just before 08:00 in a light rain. The temperature was fine and not too hot in my personal ziplock bag, I mean, rain suit. But it didn't take long before I hit the nasty stuff again. Buckets and more buckets. I toughed it out until I got to my friend's home in Pensacola.

    Melissa and I met in Okinawa in 2010 and took a train trip to Berlin in 2011 during my R&R from Iraq. She was in the Netherlands when I moved to Germany in 2013, so we saw each other there several times, including at her wedding and son's birth 🤗. Now we're back in the US and I try to see her every time I'm near the Florida panhandle. A three-continent friend 🤣!

    I had planned to get to Melissa's at 09:00, but didn't make it until almost 10:30 because of the weather. Fortunately, she is another awesome friend who fed me lunch and let me hang out until 15:00 when the sun finally started to peek out. We had lots of laughs catching up, and she really laughed when I pet her Savannah cat because the cat tells people it doesn't want them to pet it by making their hands and arms bleed. People like Melissa's parents 🤣.

    With all of my skin intact and the weather abating, I finally decided to leave. I took a chance and didn't put my rain gear back on, and it paid off. I had a pretty much dry 35 miles to get to my campground, Styx River RV Resort. Earlier this year I bought an RV membership and this is one of the properties. I figured I'd check it out for a couple of nights on my long way back to Texas.

    This evening I met and spoke to Ralph. Well, he spoke to me. For about 3 hours while his wife played a game, something using 10 decks of cards. He talking about his 9 siblings whose names all begin with L except his, 2 kids, 1 wife, multiple jobs, getting old, getting sick, getting well.... You get the picture. Nice guy but wow, could he talk. I thought about making an excuse to escape, but then realized I wasn't doing anything or going anywhere, so talk away, Ralph 😁. The one-sided conversation finally ended when I was rescued by a phone call. Thanks 😘!

    So long [for now], and thanks for all the fish! ✌️

    Day 30 mileage: 128.2 (total 7303.7)
    HD Dealerships: 2 (total 143)
    National Parks: 0 (total 20 in 13 states)
    10 Rides for 2022: 0 (total 1 of 10)
    MCGTTX Stops: 0 (total 0 of 50)
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  • Long But Good Day

    17 Mac 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

    I didn't post yesterday because all I did was Adult: catch up on emails, make phone calls, pay bills, work routes, etc. All. Stinking. Day. Since I stayed two nights at Styx River, it was the perfect opportunity, and fortunately I got most of it done. More fortunately the campground had a restaurant, so I didn't have to leave for food 😁.

    I didn't sleep well last night, so I began breaking down the camp site around 04:30. It was only about 40°F when I left at 06:00, but I was once again in my heated gear, so the cold wasn't a problem.

    The moon was huge as it set on the western horizon. I got to Mobile, Alabama, just as it was dipping below the high rises. Beautiful.

    At a little before 09:00, I stopped at the William M. Colmer Visitor Center in Davis Bayou for a Gulf Islands National Seashore stamp. The park is heavily wooded and right on the water, with picnic areas and paved walking trails. The visitor center was surprisingly interactive and quite interesting despite being targeted towards children. It's a nice stop if you're travelling I-10.

    At 10:30, I met Will for coffee in Ocean Springs. He worked for me in Germany and is also now retired with a real estate business. It was great to catch up with him. And yes, I forgot to take a selfie again 🤦.

    He had to get back to work, so I headed to the Biloxi Hard Rock Casino for a couple of pins before making it to Abita Springs RV Resort. It has a lovely lake and there is at least one walking trail that will apparently take you all the way to Slidell, wherever that is. The Canadian geese are nesting here, so I'm on the lookout for goose poop. Seriously, it's nasty stuff.

    After setting up camp, I rode to Mandeville and had dinner on the deck overlooking the Lake Ponchartrain north shore at Pat's Rest Awhile. Chicken and corn chowder, hush puppies, white fish almondine with green beans, and biscotti cake with caramelized bananas 😋😋😋.

    When I got back to the campground, a guy working here told me I could go under the pavilion if I needed to take shelter from tonight's storm. Wait. What? Turns out, there's a doozie of a blast coming in tonight. It should hit around 02:00. Wish me luck 😳🤞.

    So long [for now], and thanks for all the fish! ✌️

    Day 32 mileage: 223.8 (total 7527.5) [no riding on Day 31]
    HD Dealerships: 3 (total 146)
    National Parks: 1 (total 21 in 14 states)
    10 Rides for 2022: 0 (total 1 of 10)
    MCGTTX Stops: 0 (total 0 of 50)
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  • Another Storm

    18 Mac 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌙 63 °F

    I was in another storm this morning, but I got lucky. It was supposed to hit around 02:00, bringing high winds and possibly hail. At 04:00 the wind woke me up as it was trying to flip me out of my tent. Despite the lightning, it wasn't raining yet, so I jumped up and broke camp as quick as I could.

    Just before 06:00, I pulled the bike into the center of the open-sided pavilion, and not five minutes later, wham-o! The first deluge hit the campground with a ferocious hunger, dropping tree limbs from their perches and blowing away anything not tied down. The video doesn't really do it justice.

    Because the storm came in waves, I took advantage of a break just after 07:00 to hightail it four miles down the road to a cafe for breakfast. Five minutes after I got inside, another wham-o. I stayed until 09:30 to wait out the rest of the storm.

    The roads were wet but the rain had stopped, so I got going. When I made it to Hammond HD, a guy out front asked if I was just in Abita Springs. Yep, at the cafe. He turned out to be the dealership manager Zack and had seen me as he was driving his cage to work 🤣.

    The rest of the day was uneventful, even navigating the New Orleans French District without a GPS.

    After setting up camp at Hideaway Ponds RV Resort in Gibson, LA, I met Thomas, a Marine and his cat Chester. We chatted for a good while, then I played bingo with some other campers. The ladies hung around and taught me crazy card game played with 10 decks using three hands.

    This is a small campground, and the club house, indoor pool, and jacuzzi are out of commission because of a hurricane last year, but the folks are friendly once you get through the think Cajun accents 🤣.

    So long [for now], and thanks for all the fish! ✌️

    Day 33 mileage: 248.7 (total 7776.2)
    HD Dealerships: 4 (total 150)
    National Parks: 0 (total 21 in 14 states)
    10 Rides for 2022: 0 (total 1 of 10)
    MCGTTX Stops: 0 (total 0 of 50)
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  • Back To The Barn

    19 Mac 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

    As I packed camp this morning, my neighbor Thomas brought Chester the cat over to say goodbye. Thomas also brought me a T-shirt, a metal cross on a necklace, and a plastic shiv 🤣. Just what every girl needs 🤣. He was a nice guy despite what the ladies last night had to say about him, and he lives in the park, so maybe I'll get to chat with him again some day.

    The weather was chilly but beautiful all day, so I decided to go all the way back to the Barn and got here just a bit ago. Time to adjust my pack and get ready to head out again on Monday for the next HOG rally that starts in California 😁.

    So long [for now], and thanks for all the fish! ✌️

    Day 34 mileage: 541.4 (total 8317.6)
    HD Dealerships: 3 (total 153)
    National Parks: 0 (total 21 in 14 states)
    10 Rides for 2022: 0 (total 1 of 10)
    MCGTTX Stops: 0 (total 0 of 50)

    Leg 1: 34 days, 8317.6 miles, 11 states
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