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  • Day 12

    The Scout and the Scribe

    September 10, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

    Los Arcos, Spain
    The weather forecast called for rain today, so we made the command decision to send our backpacks ahead and only carry daypacks. We knew the rain would slow us down and figured by lightening the load we might be able to split the difference. Our goal was to get over the hill and down the deep descent before the rain hit and made everything slick. We've learned to pay close attention to topography in addition to distance and weather. We got an early start, though couldn't help but stop at the famous Fuente de Irache, where red wine runs from one spigot and water from the other. Camino tradition is for pilgrims to fill their scallop shells and sip. Was 8:30 am here, but I'm sure it's 5 o'clock somewhere 😉. We didn't linger as the rainbow on the horizon confirmed that the weatherman got it right. When the rain hit, we dug out our handy dandy ponchos and persevered. After all the jokes made while cruising in the Caribbean about having a poncho, we were very glad to have them. The rain was accompanied by a stiff head wind, making the going a challenge. Fortunately the path was not overly slick and we arrived in Los Arcos with plenty of time for arrival beverages. We've settled into a routine when we reach our daily destination. First comes showers and laundry. Then Mike goes and scouts out the local area for a place to eat as well as the route for the next morning. He's been known to settle in for a beer while I chill in the room and write the blog. We make a great team and I'm very grateful that we're sharing this journey together.Read more