Last hour in America

Two years in the making, and we are an hour out from Gap Year. Flying through Panama, and then down to Santiago. Major thanks to our friends who made time to see us before we left and to Best FriendsRead more
Two years in the making, and we are an hour out from Gap Year. Flying through Panama, and then down to Santiago. Major thanks to our friends who made time to see us before we left and to Best FriendsRead more
First day was tough after a red eye, but we got to see so much!
Hostel: Merced 88
Archbishopric of Santiago
Plaza de Armas
Parque Metropolitano de Santiago
Restaurant:Read more
Pescado y vino (fish and wine) was the mission today. Had incredible ceviche at the central fish market and took a tour of vineyard Concha y Toro. Not pictured was the 1.5 bus ride and 60 minute hikeRead more
We finally arrived in Patagonia National Park and it should be on everyone’s bucket list. Everywhere you look is volcanic features, glacier lakes, and wild flowers. I do apologize in advance for theRead more
Super amazing & tiring day hiking to Cerro Castillo which is 16 KM, 8 hours, and 1,100 m elevation gain from where we parked.
Our incredible guide met us at the car. It was weird when he hopped intoRead more
Everyday can’t be awesome. Fun fact: you need a paper copy notarized letter 72 hours in advance from the rental car company to cross borders between Chile and Argentina, which is frustrating becauseRead more
We backtracked from Chile Chico to Puerto Rio Tranquilo and found some hidden gems along the way: Cascada El Maqui waterfall. Also, had the famous local dish Cordero al Palo (Patagonian lamb) and itRead more
Today was a great day meeting new people. We started with kayaking the Capillas de Mármel and met Canadian Devin Protzko (real name Craig). He loves skiing, mountain biking and hiking soRead more
Very relaxing day driving through the mountains and visiting Puerto Cisnes on the Pacific Ocean. Cannot express how tall the mountains are in this region; it always feels like another planet andRead more
We attempted to hike the Laguna Los Pumas which started with 200 meters of steep switch backs and took 6 hours. We had to cut back early because we had an appointment at natural hot springs, where weRead more