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  • Day 5

    Miscou Island Lighthouse

    September 6, 2023 ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

    Neat, easy-to-reach lighthouse.
    History time here... (*notice the Champlain connection). The French explorer Jacques Cartier navigated along the shores of Miscou as early as July 3, 1534. He named the northern point of the island Cap d'Espérance (Cape of Good Hope), believing he had found the route to the East Indies through the bay that extended westward inland. On July 9, 1534, he named this body of water Chaleurs Bay.

    In 1600's, Miscou Island, with it's well sheltered harbour, was busy trading center for fish and fur and played an important role in the early occupation by Europeans of the northern part of the continent.

    The name Miscou was first mentioned by Samuelle de Champlain in 1623. The name then followed several variations such as: Muscoe (1680), Michkou (1685), Petite Île Miscou (1686), Isle de Saint Louis in Jesuit relations, then again Miscou in 1744.
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