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    • Día 94

      Tequila Tour and tasting

      5 de mayo de 2023, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      🇨🇭: Wer het scho ned ehn absturz mit Tequila gha ….?! Mir sind gad in Guadalajara und sbeste wo det chasch mache isch eh Tequila tour! Die Tour führt is zu de Stadt Tequila selber, de Ursprung vo dem Alkohol.
      Mir sind am 9:30 morgens abgholt worde und sind direkt zude Destillierie gfahre und hend de ganz Prozess chöne ahluege. Mega spannend. Eh Agave wachst 8 Johr bis die riif isch zum ernte. Hend au eh Stuck chöne probiere, mega süess. Noch de Füehrig isches direkt zum tasting gange hehehe min lieblings part😋
      Hend diversi Tequilas chöne probiere, het mega spass gmacht!
      Nochane is witter gange zu de Agavefelder. Die eint isch sogar grösser gsi wie ich😂
      Aber ufpasse die pickset! Döt hemmer au ehn chline break gmacht, was gesse und trunke. Üsen Tisch het denn au 14l Tequila bstellt (aso gmischt verstoht sich)😵‍💫
      Zum schluss hemmer no 2 Stunde ide Stadt selber gha. I glaub ich han no nie so heiss gha i mim lebe wie det, sind glaubs 39 Grad gsi. Aber sehr cooli Stadt. Han mir selber no 2 Fläsche Tequila kauft.

      🇺🇸: the best thing u can do in guadalajara is a Tequila tour! At 09:30am in the morning they pick us up and drove us to the distillery. The tour in the distillery takes 1h and 20min. In this time u will see the whole process. Was really interesting. A agave needs 8 years to grow befor they can be harvested. We also can try a small piece of the agave, it was really sweet. The next part was my favorite: tasting! We can try a lot of diffrent Tequila, was super delicous was interseting to listen about some random facts. 😋 after this we went to the agave fields. One of them was higher then me 😂 We make a little break there, eat and drink something. Out table order 14l Tequila (was a mix)😵‍💫
      At the end we had 2 hours time to visit the city. I never had so hot in my life hahah i‘m swear it was 39 degres. But was a nice city i and bough 2 bottles of Tequila.
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