360° Contradictions

The trip started with flying from Berlin to Podgorica, the capital of the small country of Montenegro. When I landed, the day had just started and the spring sun made me start joyfully exploring theRead more
The trip started with flying from Berlin to Podgorica, the capital of the small country of Montenegro. When I landed, the day had just started and the spring sun made me start joyfully exploring theRead more
The next day, I left my hostel early after not sleeping well. I made my way to the bus station getting into a bus to Ostrog. The scenery was green and grey and wide. I jumped off the bus and lookedRead more
The next day, I left my apartment going toward the Old City Centre. The atmosphere there is so gigantic. It's so rustic and full of lost life, it's hard to describe. It feels vibrant and then againRead more
The next morning, I didn't feel particularly good. To be quite frank, I felt very ill. But I wanted to go to Sveti Stefan today, which is a little offshore island. So, I packed my backpack, put my GPSRead more
The next morning, I took the next bus to Kotor at the very famous Kotor Bay.
I still felt rather weird, so the first thing I searched for was my apartment. I found it in a small garage that wasRead more