Wanda’s First Adventure

октября - ноября 2021
This is our first road trip and test of Wanda in all weather conditions Читать далее
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  • День 9

    A night in Larnas

    11 октября 2021 г., Франция ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    This morning we got up early ready to explore the medieval city of Cremieu and from 6am the cars just kept on piling into the car park where we spent the night. Exiting Wanda we were greeted by a very excitable Frenchman who was telling us what was going on before lunchtime and that he had a camping car, but we didn’t really understand him except for the odd word so Ellie smiled and that worked and he drove off. We started in the town before heading to the old ramparts but almost all of the shops were closed except for the cafe’s and considering the cars that had blocked Wanda in and the traffic on the nearby road the town was dead. We climbed the steep stairway to the old ramparts and we were the only ones up there which was great for us to look around and take a few pictures.
    We left Cremieu about 10:30am heading for Lyon which was an hour away and when we got there the place was heaving with traffic, we didn’t want to chance getting stuck down some side road or having a fender bender so we decided to drive straight through Lyon and onto the next destination. Rochmare which again was an ancient medieval city with a castle and ramparts but we wanted to see the huge 200ft suspension bridge.
    It was only a 10 minutes walk from our parking spot and the bridge seems bigger in real life than in pictures and it was also really windy which made crossing it and the selfies even more fun.
    From there we were looking for our camp spot in the walled city of Saint montaine and TomTom decided to take us right through the middle of town. It got tighter and tighter and we turned left to head up a pass a motorcyclist stopped us and said we wouldn’t do it in Wanda so we had to turn around and go back out.
    We used park4night to look for an alternative tortoise spot and we found one on the edge of a field but when we reached it the track leading down looked a little to steep and if it did rain we could have been stuck there indefinitely so we skipped that. Then after all the messing around Ellie found us a camp sight a couple of miles away but when we got there it was to late to check in at 18:20hrs.
    By now we were all tired and hungry and I was convinced I could get us to the original camp spot by going an alternate route so I replanned our route and away we went again.
    30 mins later we had arrived at a little car park behind the town hall in a little village called larnas where they welcome motorhomes, we dumped our grey water and toilet and then filled our fresh water tanks before settling in for the night and watching the sunset.
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  • День 10

    Pont du gard

    12 октября 2021 г., Франция ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Leaving our camp spot in the little village of Larnas at 9am we headed into town. Today was our first washing day and we googled the nearest laundrette but luckily found one on the outskirts of town near an intermarchè and a mr brickolàge. We used google translate for the instructions and in an hour our 18kg load was washed and dried.
    Next stop was le Grotte du Saint-marcel and we had our own, private guided tour, and to our amazement we were the only ones there.
    We descended the 260 steps to reach 150 meters below the ground into what I can only describe as a chamber of beauty. Stalactites hung from the ceiling like chandeliers in a grand hall and stalagmites grew up from the floor and formed giant stalacnate columns joining together and they were lit up beautifully. Especially the flowing rock pools, all of different colours.
    From the caves we picked up the route of the grand gourges through the ardechè which I had plotted thanks to the Tour de France and we saw the riders names sprayed on the road again, the road had road works and for the most part we had it to ourselves and it really was a beautiful drive. We passed the balcon de gorges, and stopped at pont du arc before heading to our final destination, pont du gard.
    A 2000 year old Roman viaduct spanning the river and we got there just in time to watch the sunset behind it. It really was a most spectacular site with the glowing viaduct and orange and pink clouds.
    In the car park leaving we used park4night again to find our camp for the night and found a self serving motorhome airè just a mile away. We pulled up at the barriers, paid €13 on the debit card the barriers lifted and we had our parking spot with electric, water and video surveillance. Bargain.
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  • День 11

    Nimes to carcasonne TDF Route

    13 октября 2021 г., Франция ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    Today we are driving the exact route of the 2021 Tour de France

  • День 11


    13 октября 2021 г., Франция ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Our second visit here and it didn’t disappoint, no crowds and plenty of photo opportunities.

  • День 11

    First Paid nights Sleep

    13 октября 2021 г., Франция ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Leaving our camp in pont du arc couldn’t come soon enough, at 5am the traffic started and it was like sleeping next to the M25 by 6:30am, so after 3 super strong coffees at 8:30am we hit the road.
    The initial plan was to head into Nemes to see the Roman amphitheatre but on looking at the maps and reading some reviews on park4night about motorhomes being broken into, we skipped Nimes and carried on.
    I had already plotted a route into TomTom that followed the exact route of the 2021 Tour de France and the route didn’t disappoint. Right out of Nimes we hit the hills and there were the Names of Julian Allaphillipe, Wout Van Art, and Mark Cavendish sprayed on the road. We were following in the footsteps of legends. 160km of the most beautiful roads in the south of France and next was Carcassonne.
    We had found an Airè on park for night and arrived at 2pm to park up and then go and explore the city. A beautiful river walk led us into the old town and then into the walled city of carcassonne which for our second was even more amazing as there were a lot less people and we also hadn’t had the stress of parking.
    After a brief tour of the walled city we ventured down into the new town and took some photos overlooking the old bridge with the walled city in the background which we missed last time, from there it was back along the river, reaching Wanda at 4:30pm so we could sit inside and relax with the windows and skylight open with blue skies above us and a gently breeze blowing, this was the first time in months we had felt completely relaxed in months, but that’s not to say that we haven’t enjoyed this trip, it’s just that blue skies, sunshine and heat always make it feel like your on holiday. Now we just have to wait for the sun to set to see what adventures tomorrow will bring.
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  • День 12

    Back in Carcassone with a water leak😩

    14 октября 2021 г., Франция ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

    Today was a non productive day of getting up late, milling around this morning before heading out in the late morning towards the new carcassonne town. We took the beautiful river walk watching the ducks and herons before arriving at the old bridge and crossing over into the city centre. First stop was the market for some french street food for €1 euro each, none of knew what it was but it was battered and it was tasty. Then we walked the city’s back streets admiring the old doorways and shutters on the windows before heading back to the city square for a jambón & fromagè panini. From there we took a slow walk back along the old back streets to Wanda set the co-ordinates and off we went to Carcassonne airport.
    Yes, today was the day Ben left us as he was missing his girlfriend and mates, and his car and he had decided to go back home. He’ll move his girlfriend into our house and live there and look after the dogs, leaving Russ’s dad free to go home, and we both cried when he had gone. Wanda seems a little empty now, without his hat and back pack taking up a seat, his 2 pairs of shoes in the middle of the floor and leads draped from one end of the motorhome to plug his computer in. On the plus side we now have no need to go home so our trip could last longer and we’ll be able to see the things we wanted to see with no time restrictions.
    Getting back to Wanda after the airport our first real problem on this trip happened. Water dripping from underneath the hot water tank and on closer inspection we realised it was the over flow pipe.
    Russ, can fix most things, or atleast have a go. He’s good at electrics and we have all the necessary tools to fix electrics, we also have a set of screwdrivers, sockets, Allen keys, and spanner’s. We have pipe cutters, plumbers tape and electrical tape and even gaffer tape and we have spares of lots of things for that just incase moment. What Russ isn’t good at is plumbing, He hates it and will freely admit both facts, stating that he always gets wet!!
    And trying to fix the leak he did get wet......very!
    We first stopped at Mr Brikolàge, the french equivalent of B&Q, picked up an end stop and some hose clips to put on the leaking overflow pipe. Russ popped underneath, it took him about 30 minutes to get the end stop on laying in the wet patch on the gravel that had formed while we shopped, with water running down his arm and into his armpit and pooling. When he came out from underneath the air was blue and the leak still wasn’t fixed.
    We returned to the campsite we had last night at it was now 5pm, parked up, put Wanda on the chocks and resorted to plan B. Take the end stop off, fold the pipe in half and screw a hose clip around it. This took around 5 minutes and immediately Russ thought he had fixed the leak. And standing there covered in wet gravel, with a wet patch running down his back from his shoulders to his knees he said try the pump.
    We turned the pump on, the pipes then forced water out of all the joints flooding the floor because the water couldn’t go out the overflow because Russ had just sealed it.
    Yes, Russ still hates plumbing.
    After doing a little research (about 2 hours), we realised the pump might be set to high so Russ turned a screw on the top of it and hey presto..... it seems to have fixed it, so far.
    To calm down we went for a walk back along the river just as the sun was setting, took some great photos of carcassonne lit up and then went back to Wanda for a well needed drink. Let’s hope tomorrow is better as we will be attempting our first foreign LPG refill.
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  • День 13

    Le grotte de mas Aźual

    15 октября 2021 г., Франция ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Initial plan was to explore the caves of Mas D Aźual but they are closed Monday and Friday now so it’s of through the tunnels after a quick diesel stop to Spain.

  • День 13

    First night in Spain

    15 октября 2021 г., Франция ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    We left Carcassonne at 8:30am, filled up our water which is a 100 litres tank, emptied the toilet waste and our grey tanks and set off. It took a while to escape the city traffic during the rush hour but once we were away from the city we were moving freely doing a steady 50mph through the back lanes to Grotte le Mas D’azil. We had been there before but time and bad weather were against us, so this time the plan was to explore the caves, but to our disappointment the caves are shut on Monday and Fridays during low season.
    We made breakfast and had a cup of tea before setting off for the Tunnel de aragnouet, we drove through the Pyrenees and some of the most spectacular landscapes with mountains, rolling hills and beautiful villages. We both agreed this was probably the nicest stretch of road we had been on so far, and the alps was spectacular.
    We had to wait about 10 minutes for the light to go green at the tunnel and when it did we were through those 3km in no time and into Spain. Russ had seen this route on La Vuelta and had wanted to drive it for ages and it didn’t disappoint, huge rivers of crystal clear water with golden and white rocks, surrounded by pine trees and the back drop of the Pyrenees mountains. Vultures soaring overhead, while all the time we were descending at a steady speed of 45mph and taking it all in.
    Our first stop would be an airè we had found on park4night next to a castle, we had no idea what it would be like or if we could even get to it but pictures had shown other motorhomes at the site so that was our plan.
    It took us about 45 mins of slow driving but we soon came to the little town of Ainsa, the castle was just up the hill and although the road was narrow we got to the car park and it was great, mountain views one side and a castle the other. There were also about 30 other motorhomes in the car park and maybe 20 camper vans but it’s big enough for all of us and there’s more than enough room for everyone to have there own private area should they want it.
    The first thing we did was check out the castle, it’s mainly ruins but there’s a few things in display and exhibitions about the Pyrenees and it’s all free. The best part of this site is the town itself. It’s a traditional medieval village with all original doorways dating back to the 17th and 18th century, the streets are all original with the old cobbles and it really does look like something from a film set but it’s all real.
    We spent ages looking around, had some dinner in Wanda and then went back in the late evening to get some night photos, this so far is an amazing place.
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  • День 14

    Molina De Aragon

    16 октября 2021 г., Испания ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Today has been eventful day of driving. Leaving our camp at 8am we set straight off for the HU-631 mountain pass of the Pyrenees. This was a route Russ had seen on La Vuelta and it was every bit as thrilling as we expected. Huge winding roads, and massive mountain passes with great views, kites and vultures. It was a great opportunity to get some drone shots of Wanda.
    From the Pyrenees we followed a pre-plotted route to Molina De Aragon, A couple of motorways and then into the quieter roads. Our final destination on the pre-plotted route would torrevieja but that was still some 500 miles away so we wouldn’t be reaching that today.
    About 30 miles outside Molina de Aragon we spotted about 30 griffin vultures in a field and it was just as we turned into a side road and as luck would have it there was also a lay-by. We stopped, grabbed the camera and jumped out.
    Griffin Vultures are huge with a wing span of about 8 foot, we never thought we see one in the wild let alone 30 so for us this was a real treat. We walked slowly towards the vultures down a farm track and just as Russ started to take photos next to an old pig shed we heard a meow........... we looked around and next to the pig shed was the smallest kitten we had ever seen. It fit in the palm of Ellie’s hand, it’s ears were still folded forward and it’s eyes were still shut. There were a few other cats around and Ellie tried palming the kitten off with one of them but they weren’t interested. There were also no other kittens around, or a mum. But there were lots of Vultures. So now we had a choice to make........
    Yes we went back for the kitten....... there’s no way we could leave him for the vultures which is obviously what has happened to the others, so we brought it back to Wanda, Russ cleared a beer box and we wrapped it up and put him in it. Then we started looking for vets. They were all closed except for the one 180miles away so then we decided to look for supermarkets. Luckily there was one in Molina de Aragon so we drove the 30 miles, found a supermarket and bought some cat milk. Then we emptied one of Russ’s 10ml e-liquid bottles, washed it out, filled it with cat milk and fed the cat, then Ellie burped it, and then she helped it do it’s business, and 6 hours later the cat is still alive and looking pretty good.
    Tonight we are camped right at the the foot of Castillo Molina de Aragon, we have had a walk through the old streets and the town, although a little run down, is stunning. The castle is also beautiful and huge. Tomorrow we will be back on the road, continuing the long drive to torrevieja.
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