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    • Day 58


      September 18, 2023 in Montenegro ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Our trip to Dabrota. I reckon this was one of my least favourite change overs of the whole trip so far. First off we had to walk 50 minutes, a lot of it uphill with suitcases and backpacks on a hot morning to the bus stop. So starting off great!Then the bus driver was corrupt so he made us pay 2 euro each so he could put our bags in the bus. At the border we had to get out of the bus twice because Montenegro is not a part of the EU so it’s more strict on its border control. Once we got off the bus we ate lunch which was all good. But then the Airbnb person who said they would drive us to the Airbnb backed out so we had to walk 50minutes to the place. 10 minutes into the walk we were texted saying that her driver can pick us up so we had to walk back to the original destination. Plus there were a lot of noisy motor bikes and cars. The guy got there and it was extremely squishy and he charged us 5 euro extra because apparently we were too heavy. Slightly offended!! But luckily our accomodation was great looking over the sea and it had a pool and an awesome couch.

      We woke up and went to the old town and had a tour around the place. It was much smaller than dubrovnik and more colourful. I think that’s why I like it more. Then we went for a swim on our way home and chilled at home for the rest of the day.

      For our 3rd day we walked around the wall of the town and got ice cream. We explored the streets abit more and tried to find one that the tour guide suggested that only one person could fit down but becuase none of the streets had names it was abit hard.

      The 4th day was a complete relax day to get ready for our biggest travel day yet. But overall our time in Dabrota was good. I really liked the old town but everything around us was abit too loud.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Dobrota, Доброта, Q1008132

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