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  • Dag 69

    Day 3 - Cusco

    10. juni 2017, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Today was our last day before leaving for Machu Picchu so we decided not to set an alarm and slowly get up for breakfast.

    Once ready we headed out with a long shopping list in preparation for the 4 day trip. Key things on the list included a medium sized rucksack to replace my broken smaller bag, a GoPro attachment for my bike helmet and suncream/bug spray. When we had everything we needed we dropped back all the goodies and headed out for lunch.

    The central market is by far the cheapest and most local way of eating and drinking. We headed to the juice stand and ordered some drinks which came in a tall milkshake style glass for 13 soles (roughly £3). This was more than usual but we realised why when we finished and were topped up another one and a half times! We then headed to a sandwich stall for a chicken, cheese and avocado roll. Whilst nibbling on our sandwich we noticed a HUGE marble cake so opted for 2 slices of that too coming to a total of 10.50 soles, not a bad lunch for a total of around £2.50.

    After lunch we decided to hit two free museums. The first was the Choco Museo (Chocolate Museum) where we learnt about some of the history of chocolate. This included a reference and picture of the Frys factory from back in the day. We then learnt about the production process from plant to bar. Walking down the stairs I spotted a tasting stand. Without hesitation we made our way over and tried some white, white with coca, milk and dark. All were delicious. We then got to try some chocolate jams and liquors which were also yummy.

    After the chocolate we headed to the coffee museum. Much like the chocolate it taught us about the history and process but unfortunately there were no freebies here.

    All museumed out we walked back to the hostel to pack for the big trip. We opted for the hostel BBQ for dinner which was a large plate of food and beer for 20 soles. We then got an early night before the big trip.
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