Panamericana adventure

September 2019 - May 2020
A dream comes true!! Starting in Vancouver, our plan is to go South until we reach Tierra del Fuego - World's end. Our chosen way of transport: 2 fantastic travel bikes. Follow us on our adventurous trip with all the expected highs and lows 🚵‍♀️😀 Read more
  • 202footprints
  • 12countries
  • 255days
  • 1.0kphotos
  • 0videos
  • 28.7kkilometers
  • 17.6kkilometers
  • Day 20

    Meikes Bday

    September 27, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    On Meikes' bday, we had sunny weather again. We helped Fred harvesting his garden as it's going to snow tomorrow.
    Afterwards, we cycled to Lava Butte, a lava cone closeby, where we had an awesome view of the landscape around Bend. A vulcano eruption formed a huge cave, so we had a 1 mile walk into the underground as well.
    Luckily, Meike could again celebrate her 30's bday with a huge dinner and a carrot cake.
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  • Day 23

    Heading further South

    September 30, 2019 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

    After a relaxing Saturday that we spent watching a cross country race and having a family dinner, the weather was good enough to head further South. So we packed up our stuff and left Bend. It was actually pretty cold (between 3 and 5 degrees Celsius), had snowed during the night and didn't get any warmer all day. The landscape was still nice and we cycled for about 100km before pitching our tent for the night, cooking dinner and crawling into our sleeping bags to warm up again.Read more

  • Day 23


    September 30, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

    Another cold day: 0°C... We put on almost all the clothes we have and continued our route South along snowy trees. We also had to go 30km on a highway today. Luckily, we had tail winds and it went slightly downhill, so we managed to cycle that part in just over an hour. And just before heading into a smaller road again, we stopped at a restaurant to warm up and regain some energy again. Herbert was definitely happy with his burger 😉
    In the end, we set up our camp next to the Pacific Crest Trail at an altitude of about 1800m. As water is scarce in this area, we had to melt snow for our afternoon tea. The sun came out for about an hour which was great to warm up before going to bed.
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  • Day 24

    Crater Lake - we made it!

    October 1, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    What a day...! The tortures of camping in below 0°C were totally worth it!
    So we woke up this morning, - 4°C, cloudy, tent frozen... Difficult to make breakfast as our hands were freezing cold... Luckily, we had to start with a climb of 500m which warmed us up a little. The North entrance road up to Crater Lake was closed, but we could pass anyways with our bicycles. This was actually pretty cool as we were all alone - no cars or people! - on the way up. And it started clearing up, so we rode through a winter wonderland 😀
    By the time we reached the top, the sun was out and we could enjoy stunning views of Crater Lake, surrounded by snowy cliffs of the crater. Absolutely amazing!!
    We met some National Park officers and expected some trouble. However, they didn't seem to care that we cycled on a closed road, waved and wished us a great day. So we continued our exclusive semi-circle around the lake and stopped at every viewpoint.
    Once we got to the historical Crater Lake Lodge, we got a coffee to warm up. We must have looked completely frozen as the waiter wouldn't let us pay for it. Nice guy!!
    We then rolled downhill towards Prospect with great views of some nearby volcanoes, Rogue River Gorge, rivers and lakes. Kind of crazy that it took us about 1.5 hours to lose all the metres we had climbed during the 3 days before... But we are actually happy to be in lower altitude again. At Lost Creek Lake where we camp it's about 13°C and sunny 🌞
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  • Day 25

    Cycling to Ashland

    October 2, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    When we got up it, was again pretty cold (5°C) but luckily the sun came out fast.
    We cycled through a calm and beautiful valley along some typical American farms. As marihuana is legal in Oregon, we passed lots of marihuana fields. On all fruit orchards we've seen before the pickers were from Mexico or some other Latin American country. Not so on the weed fields. All pickers were white skinned and more or less kind of surfer guys 🤔
    We arrived in Ashland early afternoon. After a short stop in the city center, which is really pretty, we continued our trip to our warmshowers host Geoff. He made a very delicious pasta dish and told us about his boat trip around the Eastern part of the US.
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  • Day 26

    The freeway adventure

    October 3, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    This morning started nice and warm (indoors) and Geoff spoilt us again with a Shakshouka for breakfast. Afterwards, we were ready to climb a pass along an old highway for about 20km. At the top, we ate some of the delicious homemade bread we got from Geoff. We could also see California already and - as we had heard before - the weather was indeed nicer and warmer!
    We then had a bit of an adventure ahead of us: we had to cycle on a freeway for about 10km as there was no decent alternative route South. So we courageously turned onto Interstate 5. Straight away, there was construction work going on and only one lane was open. So instead of taking the shoulder, we had to share the road with the cars and trucks. Luckily, it was all downhill (about 6%), so it was over quickly (we could go about 60km/h). What an adrenaline rush! We thought about likely radio news in Germany about 2 crazy suicide cyclists on an Autobahn. But here, the construction workers even waved at us happily.
    The rest of the day was relatively easy up and downhill with flat part and finally set up our camp in the National Forest near Weed.

    We also completed the 2000km today. So far:
    2035 km
    117h on the bike
    21304 m uphill climbing
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  • Day 27

    A short day

    October 4, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

    A short day for a change: we got up, decided to have a real basic breakfast only, and cycled the 23km to Mt Shasta - our stop for the night - straight away in order to have a big breakfast in town. Mt Shasta is actually a cosy little town people use as a base for climbing Mt Shasta, a beautiful mountain (as you can see on today's photos) right next to it. So the center has lots to offer from outdoor shops to cafés and restaurants.
    After breakfast, we checked out the local fish hatchery, beautiful Lake Siskiyou, went hiking on the local mountainbike trails and along an abandoned railway. All in all a pretty relaxing day that was only topped by a delicious Middle-Eastern style dinner made by our amazing hosts Mike and Jane.
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  • Day 28

    The waterfall route

    October 5, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    The weather was beautiful again today, so we had an early start after some waffles, yogurt, blackberries and a cappuccino for breakfast. After about 30km, we took a side road to the Highway 89 (which we are going to follow for the next few days) and visited McCloud Falls: Lower, Middle and Upper Falls which are actually quite nice but mostly ignored by tourists as there's the more famous McArthur Burney Falls in the area.
    Back on the highway, we had to climb on a rolling road (meaning up and down all the time) until we got to Dead Horse Summit, the highest point of today's ride. But after a climb comes a downhill - again on a rolling road and with a view of Mt Lassen, our next destination - to McArthur Burney State Park to see the waterfalls. We also decided to stay for the night and pitched our tent on the hike&bike campsite. Before going to bed, we were able to go for a swim in nearby Britton Lake, so could wash the sweat off 😉
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  • Day 29

    The uphill day

    October 6, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    This morning we got up in a cold but dry environment. All other days it was cold and wet. This means the tent was dry as well - first highlight of the day.
    After 3 km of riding we found fresh packaged bagels (plain and cheese flavor) on the shoulder - second highlight of the day.
    After that we had a very long uphill ride for pretty much the rest of the day - so no highlight.
    In the evening we found a very nice campspot at Summit Lake in Lassen National Park, with private shower (in the lake) and private restroom, as the campground was closed already - third highlight 😁
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  • Day 30

    Mt Lassen National Park

    October 7, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    When we woke up, again everything was cold and wet. As we pitched our tent next to a lake at an altitude of 2000m, this wasn't a surprise to us. But we were indemnified by a beautiful view on Mt Lassen.
    We had to climb another 600m to get to the highest viewing point of the vulcano. During the downhill ride we stopped at several spots to catch some nice views into the valley.
    After a long ride we arrived in Greenville where we stayed with Zac, a very pleasent guy who made an awesome stirfry for dinner for us.
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