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  • Day 42–44


    May 19 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

    Yesterday Paul put some extra little bits of insulation in the caravan and boy were we glad of that this morning! We had a good solid frost! The stream behind us was frozen and the grounds white! Beautiful sunny sky which always makes us happy because it charges up our solar!
    After breakfast Helen and David and Paul and I went to watch our great nephew playing hockey which was a real treat! Good to see Sarah, our niece, as well.
    Next up was lunch with our long time family friend, Brian. We had a good catch up and recalled lots of fun times!
    Lunch done, we all went to the cemetery to visit Bernard and Katharine (my sister and brother in law). I still struggle a bit to think they're both gone. I try hard to remember the good times and all the fun we had.
    We went back to our camp where Helen and David left to go home and we packed up to move to Gore.
    Dinner tonight was at Sarah and Paul's and we had a fantastic time. Played with the dogs, loved getting to know Ryan (the hockey playing nephew) better and enjoyed generally talking and catching up. Special mention must be made of the yummy roast dinner!!
    Tomorrow we'll idle around Gore and see what we find!
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