• Gün 12


    9 Mart, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Today was a lazy day. We had no plans until the scheduled turtle watching trip later in the evening.

    We had a lazy start with breakfast after a coffee in the room. After breakfast and a shower we headed out for a bit of a walk, not too far, first left along the beach from the hotel and then back right past the hotel to a small cove.

    It was very hot and so after about an hour we returned to the hotel.

    We spent the rest of the day variously playing cards, having lunch and then late in the afternoon a trip back to the small cove where we'd heard that some turtles were swimming around in the water. We were really lucky and spotted one large, we think leatherback, just around in the shallows in the fading light.

    We then had some food and met the restaurant group at 8:15 for a short bus ride a turtle watching project. We waited around for a short amount of time before we heard that there was a turtle on the beach heading up to lay eggs.

    We were taking with a larger group along the beach and we waited until she had dug her. Once she had done this we were able to watch her first laying eggs and then covering the eggs. Unfortunately she managed to get herself stuck underneath a root and so with some help from the guides she was released.

    She then spent the next hour or so first covering the eggs and then disguising her whole by making another one before she slowly made the journey back to the sea where she disappeared into the waves. It was a pretty special thing to see.

    We arrive back at the hotel at gone 11 and it was time to head to bed.
    Okumaya devam et