Carolina - Las Mercedes - Mburukuyá

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    • Day 66

      Allein in Paraguay

      May 29, 2023 in Paraguay ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Hallo Ciudad del Este/Paraguay!
      Von nun an mache ich mich allein weiter auf den Weg in Richtung Bolivien und Perú. Ich entschied mich, den Weg durch das weniger bereiste Paraguay zu nehmen.
      Nicht nur ein Paradies für Ornithologen, sondern auch ein sehr interessantes Land in Bezug auf die (indigene) Kultur.
      Paraguay ist zum Beispiel das einzige Land in Südamerika, welches sich eine sehr enge Bindung zur Indigenen Bevölkerung behalten hat und die Sprache (Guarani) in der Schule lehrt sowie sie als erste Landessprache führt.

      Hier gab es außerdem den zweitgrößten Staudamm der Welt (Itaipu) und weitere Wasserfälle (Cataratas Monday) zu sehen.
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    • Day 13

      Iguazu / Ciudad del Este

      July 11, 2022 in Paraguay ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Big day today. Anxious to visit world famous iguazu falls. I saw them from the Argentinian side in January and am excited to revisit and see what the brazillian view is like. Have heard its very different. Some say better.

      I hired an uber driver and he told me the falls are closed on mondays. 😥 i talked to my hotel guy and he said the same thing. Oh no, this is a big reason i flew here and today is the only day i could visit the falls because i have an itinerary with more flights. My hotel called to be sure, and its open! Phew!! That would have been fairly devastating

      Arrived at the park and had to board a park bus to get through the jungle to the waterfall trail. Once off the bus, coati were everywhere and almost pet-able. I was pretty impressed by being able to view more of the falls than from the Argentina side but also much futher away. In Argentina you are practically in the falls. Brazil has the panorama and argentina has the up close experience. Both awesome.

      I don't know how to describe the falls. I will let the pictures do the talking. But i will add that the falls stretch over several kilometers. Sooooo maaaaany waterfalls. Otherwordly situation of waterfalls. Speechless and awe struck. I can only attach 2 vids per blog entry so here's my two favorites.

      After i left iguazu i got back to my hotel, grabbed my bags and got an uber to the bridge to paraguay. Started walking across the bridge, got my brazil exit stamp (so sad) and eventually my paraguay entry stamp. Surprisingly both these things were optional. No joking i could have walked past both offices and right into paraguay without talking to anyone except thr people trying to sell stuff to me. I was literally asking people where the migration office was to make sure i entered legally and got the passport stamp. Weird. So different than back home.

      A guy on the other side bought my remaining brazillian real for paraguay... pesos? I dunno yet haha. But they come in big quantities! 5000 to 1 Canadian dollar

      After checking into the really nice howard johnson downtown i chatted with alexa and then ubered to another waterfall in the city. Gorgrous and up close. Ciudad del este is not a nice city so i decided to hang out at the waterfalls all day as they had a nice bar setup over the falls. And beer was 2 dollars. Wrote my blog and almost solved world hunger. Hopefully i have more time next visit :)

      Ubered to an awesome craft beer place playing 80s music all night with great beer selections. Was going to switch locations but a big storm hit and powered out the city. So just relaxed on the dark with my beer and music. Back on now... but interesting scenario. Best 80s compilation of music ever with great ipa beers. I was the only customer all night but it was too good to desert :) shout out to my nice bartender vanessa who patiently answered all my questions.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Carolina - Las Mercedes - Mburukuyá, Carolina - Las Mercedes - Mburukuya, Barrio Mburucuyá

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