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    • Day 165


      July 15, 2023 on the Philippines ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      🇨🇭: min letzte Tag ide Philippine…
      Det sind mir nach Sagada gfahre für 1 Nacht.
      Unterwegs hend mit no ehn Halt bi ner Töpferei gmacht wo ich au da selber han chöne usprobiere. Dennoch simmer zerst gezmittag esse bevor mir id Unterkunft sind.
      Kurz dennoch isches direkt wiiter gange mit de Tour zude hängende Särg.
      So werdet traditionel gmäss die ältiste vo nem Gewisse Stamm beerdigt!⚰️
      Nochdem sind mir ih eh richtig grossi höhli, wiite abstieg gsi zum chlettere echt cool haha, badet hend mir det im kalte Wasser au.
      Zrugg bini kurz gedusche und han mit de Iheimische ahfange trinke hahaha sehr lustig gsi. Sehr spot zrugg uf Manila cho und ich han denn erst am 3 ide Nacht chöne id Lounge i checke. Maan bini müed gsi, aber isch scho bald witter gange mit mim Flug uf Sri Lanka. Philippine hend mir super guet gfalle und i hak einiges erlebt und lustigi lüt kenne glernt.

      🇺🇸: my last days in the philippines…
      After Buscalan we drove to Sagada for 1 night. On the way we make a stop by a pottery, i also could try it. Was really cool. After this we take a break and eat something for lunch. Than we go to our hostel and check in. A little bit later we continue our tour. With the start by the hanging coffins. That was the traditional way to burry the people from the tribes. ⚰️
      After this we climb in a really big cave, that was really cool. We also swimming in side the cave, in really cold water hahaha. Back to the hostel i took a short shower and start drinking with the local peoples there, was really funny. Next day we went really late back to Manila, and late to the airport. At 3am i could check in. I was so tried but i had to catch a flight to sri lanka. I really liked the philippines i had a great time and i meet a lot new people hahaha
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    • Day 29

      Tattoo Village

      February 7 on the Philippines ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

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