• Day 11

    Larnach Castle

    March 31, 2023 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

    Took an excursion to Larnach Castle

    William Larnach was doing quite well and needed to move his family of 7 (5 children) out of the small apartment in city centre to the countryside. He was doing quite well for himself in the financial district and wood industry (hence the hardwoods and ceilings in the house). The castle didn't stay in the family though, and after several decades, a couple on their honeymoon bought the house in 1967 and have worked on restoration of it since.
    On the very top is a turret to get a walk around view of both the Pacific Ocean and the harbor aka Port Chalmers where the cruise ship entered and docked. The stairs to get up to the top was a narrow spiral stone stairway but definitely worth the climb.
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