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    • Day 41

      A highly recommended Aire

      June 4 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      We decided to return to civilisation and pay for an aire for a change, seeing as so far we’ve only stayed at one place that we had to pay for before, it didn’t feel too frivolous. The aire is listed on the Park4night app and has across the board amazing reviews. Not only is it very great value but the owners are apparently sweet lovely people. We arrived tired after a long hot day of driving through countryside that was typically very beautiful. Through several villages that we weren’t sure we’d even fit through but we did...just. At one point in the middle of nowhere we had to stop as a dog was laying in the middle of the road nursing her young pups. She looked surprised to see a vehicle, it’s so remote here. Anyone who knows me will know that I wanted to get out and play with them and maybe even take them home, but of course I didn’t.
      Anyway... we arrived at the aire and were immediately greeted by Fatima, the Portuguese lady who owned the place. She didn’t speak any English so luckily there was one van staying owned by an English man called Alan and his Dutch husband who came over with their gorgeous white shepherd dog and helped explain everything.
      There were toilets, showers and a Pool, which looked very inviting to us at this moment as it was so hot. Bliss immediately made friends with the white shepherd and after a little play settled down in the shade under the outdoor washing up area. Fatima offered us a free drink of anything we wanted so of course we chose a red wine. It was unlike any red wine I’ve ever had, it tasted more like a very sweet cherry liqueur, lovely, and it immediately went straight to my head as I hadn’t eaten anything since yesterday. We wasted no time and took turns going in the pool as one of us had to bliss-sit to make sure she didn’t get in too! After my swim I enjoyed an extra long warm shower, which was amazing but oh boy do I miss my bath!
      We went back to the van,it was so hot outside and hadn’t parked very well so we moved to a shadier spot which made all the difference, only downside to this place was the millions of flies that were so annoying and so persistent. We spent the rest of the evening trying to stay cool whilst relaxing outside and watching Bliss with her new boyfriend “Igor” playing together sweetly. She misses her 4pawed friends at home too, and Igor is a particularly gentle sweet natured doggie who was clearly head over paw pads with Bliss.
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