• Gün 12

    Auburn (KAUN), CA

    14 Mayıs 2016, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    1.6 hour flight. Refueled. Temperature was 15C cooler here than at my last airport. Now in PDT time zone. Done for the day. Flew 4.8 hours and 951 km (532 nm).

    This was the most impressive airport. It is completely embedded in the community with city streets entering airport at various places. No fences. The regular public, encouraged to wander around, were never in the way even when I was there on a very active Saturday. The occasional sounds of the peacocks in the bird sanctuary a block away was surreal but strangely comforting.

    A local airport business owner drove me to a three places before we found the Red Lion Inn had a vacancy.

    I thought Auburn might be an interesting place to live until I learned its summer temperatures were frequently higher than body temperature. Nope.

    Auburn also had the most memorable ad line in a newspaper, “We do not believe bearing arms is a right. It is a responsibility”. The ad was for a firearms training company.

    For the first time I just might be able to make it across the continent with no days lost to weather. But it will require long flight legs tomorrow before reaching Vancouver in the evening.
    Weather was going to be an issue. I had planned two possible routes through Washington to BC, one on each side of the mountains.

    As it turned out weather was an issue. I the next morning checking the weather,
    The west side was socked in all day in Washington. The east side looked a little better but a system was moving south east towards my route.
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