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  • Rhandirmwyn campsite end of day 19

    July 10, 2018 in Wales

    Tuesday: Shortly after I left Llandovery campsite I passed Llandingat church at 09:20. Notice outside advertised once a week service on Tuesday at 09:30 - what are the chances! The Lord moves in mysterious ways! ...and there was a power socket beside my pew which congregation were happy for me to use to charge my device - total glee. After the Church service and breakfast in Tudor restaurant set off on anticipated 7 miles on straightforward route. Some quiet road walking, then tracks. Navigation was straightforward. Just the job to ease me in to the long walks ahead. Some pictures below from the day.

    Camped at Rhandirmwyn campsite £6.50. Nice site although ground very hard. Neighbouring camper Ken lent me a hammer to knock in pegs as I could not push them in. Reasonable showers (warm but low pressure), used laundry and one of the two rotary drying lines on which there were plenty of pegs. Accepted offer of Strawberries from another neighbour, Jane, picked from her Shropshire garden.

    Walked steep climb 3/4 mile up road to supper at the Red Lion. 2 sheep ahead of me all the way up the hill. Bar maid said they usually find their way back on their own. Excellent convivial welcome from bar maid Julie in smart polka dot dress, and great Gammon steak supper with exceptionally good chips cooked by Chef and Red Lion owner Chris. Bought supplies for tomorrow's lunch from shop attached to pub. Once all dining tourists had left a gang of local friends began to arrive. One was a parishioner from morning Church service. He insisted in buying me a pint - it would have been rude to refuse! So another pint of Brains Happy Daze Cider finished off the evening.

    Pitch dark on way back to campsite. Was glad I had remembered my head torch.

    9 miles from Llandovery to Rhandirmwyn completed over 3:43 of walking (excluding stops) at average 2.3 mph at end of 19 day of walking. Weather - hot sunshine until 3pm then began to cloud over and cooled a little.
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