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  • Dia 80

    Red Deer to Rockys

    20 de julho de 2023, Canadá ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Finally I hooked a WS host (Gloria) for Red Deer two days in advance - I've obviously been way too far off the beaten track since there's been no one for ages.... ahhh a shower, laundry and chance to recharge, brilliant! Except that Gloria only replied to my message with 'Yes' (to agree to me staying) and failed to supply her address despite me asking and re-asking so that by the time I'd arrived in town I had no way of contacting her so it was either wait around in hope or just get a campsite.

    Camping it was then..
    and costly camping too: $35 not including shower tokens. Grrrr

    On top of that I forgot to depressurise the meths fuel canister, which was hot from the days sun, and so it shot a half-meter fountain of flammable liquid all over my meat balls, bags and picnic bench. It had been a long day and I was shattered and I assumed it would have evaporated n second, so I lit the burner...which lit my fingers (still wet with 99% alcohol) so of course I dropped the burnin burner full of meths onto the bench, splashing everything with FIRE.

    If you've never seen meths burn you might be unfamiliar to the fact that it's an almost invisible flame... especially in bright sunlight.

    There was a whooosh and a wall of invisible heat hit me, but I couldn't see what was burning, only shadows of heat ripples on the bench and the smell of melted plastic and (before now still in their sealed plastic tray) meat balls frying.

    I paniced. Perry was leaning against the bench so I knocked him away, then instantly regretted it as he fell new-derailleur-side-down with a clunck. Luckily 4 freshly filled water bottles were at hand and I liberally soaked everything in sight.

    I somehow managed to escape with only minor burns and soggy meatball carbonara.


    Nice early skiddadle the next morning before anyone noticed the singed grass and picnic bench. As I was stocking up on food in "NoFrills"... the lovely till lady, who'd seen me cycle in, mentioned that her husband has 36 bikes! I was suitably impressed and remarked that they must have a huge garage. It turned out they didn't but he just kept them in the house...

    I replied, astounded: " In the house!? How can you let him do that...?"

    "Well at least he's not doing hookers and blow" she replied.

    No frills wisdom from Ang.
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