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  • Jour 67

    Lost Penguins

    11 février, South Atlantic Ocean ⋅ 🌬 8 °C

    Our ship's captain announced this morning that weather conditions in the Falklands are rapidly deteriorating, with winds gusting to 50 knots and 7 meter high waves. Because there is no dock for cruise ships, passengers are tranferred ashore on forty-passenger tenders. For the safety of the passengers, crew, and ship, we will sail past the Falklands and their hundreds of thousands of penguins and will head straight to our next port of call, Puerto Madryn.

    On the positive side, there are still penguins, elephant seals, and sea lions to be found there, so we can't be too disappointed. The most disappointed passengers on board are the Argentines, who, since the 1982 war with Britain, can only access the island via cruise ship.

    The ship is already rocking side to side and bouncing up and down, so the next two days should be an interesting ride. I just hope the satellite transmission of tonight's game isn't interrupted, especially in the fourth quarter.
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