Wahoo Oahu

октября 2016
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  • The Hawaii Fund

    18 октября 2016 г., Канада ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

    In the middle of last summer Brenda's brother and his family were vacationing in Hawaii and Brenda's Dad asked us if we'd ever been there. Neither Brenda nor I had ever visited the Islands and, in truth, we had never really placed that trip very high on our bucket list. Nonetheless, Brenda's Dad said we should go and even offered to buy plane tickets for us.Of course we thanked him, but refused the generous offer. We told him we didn't want to go there in the summer because Vancouver is so beautiful at that time of year. In truth, we knew his time with us was limited and we wanted to spend as much of it with him as possible.

    But he was a very determined man. When he got an idea in his head, there was no changing his mind. Every time we would run an errand for him, clean his apartment or buy groceries, he wanted to give us some money. He accepted our refusals to take the funds, but would quietly slip some cash into an envelope he kept on his bookshelf. He'd tell us, "If you want to go to Hawaii, you have to save. If you put aside just one dollar every day, you'll have $365.00 at the end of the year." This dance went on regularly until he passed away on August 15th.

    While we were later cleaning up his apartment we came upon an envelope with Brenda's name and several Chinese characters written on it. Her Dad's Hawaii fund for us. We debated what we should do with it and finally decided we should respect his wishes and would celebrate our 10 year anniversary together in Hawaii. As it turned out, there was enough money in the envelope to buy one ticket and pay the taxes on the other that we picked up with Air Miles. And there was still a little left over for Champagne.

    And so on October 18 we flew out of Vancouver en route to Honolulu.

    Thanks Daddy, I'm sure it's going to be a great trip.
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  • День 2

    It's How Much?!?

    20 октября 2016 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Our plane left YVR about 20 minutes late at 6:05 PM and we landed in Oahu at 9:10 local time. Air Canada never ceases to amaze me with their cost cutting measures. Despite this being a nearly 6 hour flight, there was no complimentary meal offered and no free booze. OK, I've gotten used to that one already, but on this flight, there was no in seat entertainment offered. Unless you had the Air Canada app installed on your computer or smart phone, you could not access the movies they were streaming on board. However, they were more than happy to rent you an iPad for $10.00. What's next, pay toilets? Anyway, by the time we de-planed and made it to our lodging, it was well past 10:00. which was, of course, 1:00 Vancouver time. Needless to say, we didn't do anything that first night but unpack and go to sleep.

    We rented a small condo very close to Waikiki Beach which, as it turns out, has spectacular views from it's 41st floor balcony. We awoke to a beautiful sunny day, around 24 degrees, and decided to make a Costco run to stock our pantry and buy some Champagne for our anniversary celebration. On the way to Costco we walked through Chinatown and did a little shopping there. That's when the sticker shock hit us. Fruits prices here are the same, or ofen more expensive, than they are in Vancouver! And they're in US dollars!!! And the same thing applies to restaurants. We stopped in a little Chinese restaurant for a plate of Lo Bac and a plate of Chow Fun and the bill worked out to be about $20.00 CDN. We knew coming in that things were expensive here, but we didn't realize HOW expensive. As a matter of fact, what we're paying for 12 nights accommodations here would cover our entire 3 month stay in Thailand this coming winter.

    But what can you do? Ya can't take it with ya.

    After our lunch, we continued on to Costo, further filled our bellies with store d'oeuvres (several trips to the organic dried coconut chunk lady) and picked up a few staples. You know, Costco is Costco pretty much anywhere you go, but the most striking deals available here were in the booze with wines and liquor at less than half the price of what the would be back home. So they can import Veuve Cliquot from France and sell it for $38.00 but they charge you $5.00 for a locally grown pineapple. Go figure.

    Sticker shock aside, Hawaii reminds us of Thailand, but with money. The weather is great, the locals are very friendly and helpful and the overall vibe is fantastic. The infrastructure here is as good as anywhere in the world, which is where Hawaii has it all over Thailand. But alas, the comforts of home come at a cost.
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  • День 2

    A Whole Decade

    20 октября 2016 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Exactly ten years ago tonight, at Vineyard's in Ottawa's Byward Market, I met the wonderful woman who would knock me off my feet, turn my world around and steal my heart. I knew from the moment I saw her that I had to share my life with her. She wasn't so certain at the outset, but she eventually came around to my way of thinking. Four years later, October 20, 2010 (20/10/2010 so we will never forget the date), we were married.

    Since that memorable first encounter, we've traveled the world, run marathons together, bought, renovated and sold properties, moved eleven times, changed jobs and eventually retired. We've gone through health crises together and adopted a vegan lifestyle. So much has changed over 10 years, yet my love for her has grown exponentially.

    Every year we celebrate our anniversary in a new location and this year it's Hawaii. We've had some very forgettable meals in some pretty fancy restaurants and some fabulous ones in little Mom 'n Pop greasy spoons. This year, Brenda did some pre-trip research and booked us a table at Chef Chai. She had emailed the Chef and asked if he could modify his tasting menu to accommodate our vegan diet. He promptly responded saying it would be no problem and even sent her a proposed menu for her approval.

    Of course, even the best reviews can be misleading and end up leaving diners with a less that satisfactory gastronomic experience. We've had that happen to us too many times to count. But on this occasion, Chef Chai rose to and exceeded our expectations.

    The meal started with complimentery tofu satay served with Thai peanut sauce, pita bread and a shaved cucumber salad. That was followed by a mushroom and truffle risotto arancini in a tomato basil sauce. Then came an eggplant souffle (not quite vegan as there was some cheese in it) also served with the tomato basil sauce. Both appetizers were delicious and left us wanting more. The main course was a beautifully prepared vegetable terrine sitting in a spicy green curry sauce. As exquisite on the palette as it was on the eye. Dessert was a vanilla mousse wrapped around a raspberry sorbet covered in white chocolate and plated on a raspberry and guava coulis. As a bonus, they presented us with a Happy Anniversary fruit plate. Service was outstanding and, by Honolulu standards, reasonably priced. I wouldn't hesitate recommending this restaurant to anyone visiting Honolulu.

    Happily, Brenda's research and efforts made our 10th anniversary dinner one we will fondly remember for many year to come.

    Great job, Babe. My turn to find a winner next year.
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  • День 4

    Freebie Friday (and Thursday)

    22 октября 2016 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    It all began on Thursday afternoon. We had spent a couple of hours on the beach and were returning to our condo when a fellow got on the elevator with a pull cart laden down with boxes and food. I thought the box on the bottom of the cart was a huge case of Tecate beer and was trying to read the label when the man noticed my curiosity and boasted, "It's Kirkland Light. Best deal in town, 48 cans for $24.00! Have you tried it?" Of course we hadn't since we can't get it in Canada so he said, "Well, I'll give you a couple of cans. It's cold, wet and fizzy and does the trick at fifty cents a can." As he got off the elevator, he opened the case, generously handed us four cans and wished us aloha.

    Earlier this week Brenda had completed an online Jamba Juice survey and was rewarded with a buy one get one free coupon on any size beverage. Continuing on our Waikiki on the cheap theme, Friday morning we walked to the Ala Moana mall and cashed in the coupon. The 16 oz smoothie was big enough and substantial enough to hold us through lunch.

    As we wandered around the mall, we stumbled upon a Hula show that was being presented. No charge, of course.

    We then slowly sauntered back to Costco to replenish our pantry and took full advantage of the many store d'oeuvres they offered up. Love those little cinnamon French toast sticks!

    At the cocktail hour, we went to the HASR wine shop in Chinatown and did a complimentary tasting of six wines that the staff had identified as perfect matches with turkey for the upcoming US Thanksgiving. Two rosés, two Pinot Noir, one Beaujolais and one Cabernet Sauvignon that was thrown in for the big wine lovers. Some of these wines cost over $60 USD/bottle (Amalie Roberts Rose of Pinot, Kapcsandy Rose, Dupeuble Beaujolais, Latour Valmoissine Pinot Noir, Testarossa "Dos Rubios" Pinot Noir, Freemark Abbey Knights Valley Cabernet).

    After the tasting, we went back to the condo, cooked up some of our groceries for dinner, and washed it down with a freebie can of Kirkland Light.

    To cap off our thrifty Friday, our balcony offered us a spectacular view of the weekly Friday night fireworks demonstration put on by the Hilton.

    Who says you have to break the bank to have a good time in Honolulu?
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  • День 4

    The Punchbowl

    22 октября 2016 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    After climbing up Diamond Head, we decided to explore the other nearby crater known as The Punchbowl. Since 1948, this extinct volcano has been used as the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific and is the final resting place for thousands of Armed Forces servicemen.

    It was a very easy stroll up to the summit on a cloudy and sometimes rainy morning. At the top we were taken aback by the beauty of the installation and the pristine landscaping. The crater is filled with headstones that are aligned with customary military precision and which bear dates from 1943 to 2016. Once again our thoughts are of the tragedy that the loss of so many young lives represents. However, although these men and women likely experienced a violent demise, they have been laid to rest in a place of great peace and serenity.
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  • День 5

    Diamond Head

    23 октября 2016 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Everyone's seen the iconic tourism photos illustrating a world famous landmark, completely devoid of any humans that would spoil the picture.We all know these scenes are either photoshopped to edit out the throngs of tourists or the sites are closed to the public for the shoots. Nonetheless, we all dream of these idyllic circumstances when we visit these places.

    Brenda and I figured that if we arose at the crack of dawn on a Saturday morning and made our way to Diamond Head when the gates open at 6:00 AM, we'd be the only living beings foolish enough to be there to watch the sunrise from the summit.

    And so it was. Brenda set her alarm for 4:30 and we were out the door by 5:10. The 45 minute walk had us entering the State Park just before 6:00. But hey, wait a minute! As we round the corner into the park, we see a line of cars and tour busses at least a kilometer long! WTF!?! Who are all these crazy people? We were supposed to be the only ones here!

    JAPANESE TOURISTS!!! That's who! Throngs of them. Some hiking up the 763 foot high hill, others riding their tour bus most of the way to the top. All armed with cameras or smart phones with selfie sticks.

    So much for our serene sun worshiping.

    Despite the crowds, we were already here so we soldiered on and hiked up the long extinct volcano in about 33 minutes, arriving at the summit three minutes after the sun crested the horizon.

    Despite the unexpected company, the experience was worthwhile and provided us with some spectacular vistas and a little bit of knowledge.

    Diamond Head was born by a single volcanic explosion about 150,000 years ago, creating an almost perfectly round crater measuring over 3500 across with a floor area of 175 acres. The peak is 760 feet high and was used in ancient times as a place of worship to the god of wind to protect against strong updrafts that could extinguish the navigational fires of the ancient Hawaiians.

    The crater is known as a tuff cone and was formed as the ash fell back to earth following the eruption. Layer upon layer of ash accumulated on the rim of the crater and built up to form the ridge that remained once the lava had cooled. The leeward side of the crater is much higher than the windward side since more ash would have been blown in that direction. Huh! Ya learn something new every day.

    On the way home we stopped at two local Farmer's Markets and sampled the offerings. Strangely, there are very few farmers at these events that are comprised mostly of artisans and food stalls. We came across one stall that completely blew us away. At the smaller of the two markets there was a kiosque operating under the name "Not Just Desserts". The owner/chef, a woman who had trained in France and Italy, has created gluten free products that are indistinguishable from their wheat based cousins. Using a variety of home ground flours, root vegetables and a secret ingredient, she has made by far the best tasting and textured GF foods either of us have ever tasted. We left her stall with a piece of carrot cake and bread pudding (almost weighing in at one pound) for only $6.00. She'll be publishing an eBook shortly that we will most certainly purchase in the hope she divulges her secret ingredient.
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  • День 5

    Pearl Harbor

    23 октября 2016 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    My Mom worked for many, many years as a bookkeeper for a company in Old Montreal. As a very young lad, my Dad would sometimes take me to visit her at her office and we'd all go out for lunch together. I always loved going there because her boss, Mr. Meyers, had a fabulous wooden ship in a display case that I would admire each time we visited. It didn't matter how often I went there, I always spent many minutes firmly planted in front of the display case taking in the beauty of this marvel. During the war, Mr. Meyers had worked in one of Canada's internment camps for Japanese citizens. The story goes that he was so well liked by the Japanese, they carved this ship and presented it to him at the end of the war. It was a replica of the USS Missouri that had a small brass plaque on the rear deck engraved with the words, "JAP SURRENDER". It was aboard the Missouri that the peace treaty ending the second world war was signed.

    As a high school student, I would work there during my summer vacations and continued to cherish the moments I could take out to gaze upon the wooden Missouri. In the mid-seventies, the business started having financial difficulties and one day Mr. Meyers called me into his office. He told me that he was going to have to close the doors of the company in the very near future, but before his assets were seized, he asked me if I'd like to take the Missouri home. It was an offer I couldn't refuse and I still own and treasure this memento of my youth.

    I grew up in the sixties, which was really only 20 years after the end of WWII. At that time, I watched a slew of movies on the theme of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor; From Here to Eternity, Tora, Tora, Tora and Midway to name a few. Coincidentally, I just finished reading Bill O'Reilly's new book, Killing the Rising Sun.

    Viewing all these films and reading O'Reilly's account of the event didn't prepare me for what I experienced today.

    Today I made my pilgrimage to Pearl Harbor to see where it all happened and, at the same time, catch a glimpse of the Mighty Mo.

    Of course I was awestruck by the size and beauty of the real Missouri, but nothing prepared me for the emotion I felt as I toured the Arizona Memorial.

    Our visit started with a short film that detailed the events that led up to the attack, the errors committed by the US forces that resulted in such a catastrophic outcome and the ferocity and precision of the Japanese assault. The film contained motion pictures from the actual attack including footage of the Japanese bomb that struck the forward magazine of the Arizona, setting off hundreds of tons of explosives. The blast was so devastating that 1100 sailors on board were killed that day with 900 of them entombed on the ship. Since the bombing, another 277 shipmates have decided to make the Arizona their final resting place as, in accordance with their last wishes, urns containing their ashes are dropped into the wreckage. Today there remain only five survivors from the Arizona's crew, all of them well into their 90's. Two of the survivors who are residents of Oahu regularly work at the memorial signing autographs for tourists.

    It was a chilling feeling standing atop the grave of 1100 young men who lost their lives without ever knowing what hit them. Being at this place, seeing the names of all the servicemen that lost their lives that day and feeling the pervasive sadness that envelops the memorial, one cannot help but ponder the futility of war.

    Will we ever learn?
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  • День 7

    Driving Miss Brenda

    25 октября 2016 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    On Tuesday we rented a car with the intent of driving to the North Shore to see the sights there. Before leaving, Brenda came across an App that acts as a tour guide and indicates points of interest along the way. We coughed up our $6.49 CDN and downloaded the Oahu Shaka Guide onto my smartphone. It turned out to be one of the best investments we made here. The guide took us way off the beaten track to places we never would have seen, pointed out recommended eateries and filled the trip with interesting stories of Hawaiian kings, legends and gods.

    The first stop the guide recommended was to a small gift shop that offered samples of different flavours of Macadamia nuts and Kona coffee. We knew from that point on that we had made a wise purchase!

    As we headed north, we saw Chinaman's hat, learned about the formation of the rugged and beautiful Koolau mountain range and made a quick stop at the very tourist oriented Polynesian Cultural Center.

    At the northernmost tip of the island is the town of Laie where we visited the largest Mormon temple outside of Salt Lake City. There is a huge Mormon population here. We also saw another of Mother Nature's works of art in the form of a sea arch that, according to legend, is actually the remains of the tail of a giant lizard that was killed by the legendary warrior Kana and his magic spear, cut into three pieces and thrown into the sea. Hmmm...I think the ancient Hawaiians may have been into the Maui Wowee.

    Our first glimpse of surfers came at Sunset beach where 10-15 foot tall waves were breaking along the shoreline. We were very impressed until we made our next stop at the Banzai Pipeline where the waves were even bigger and actually formed tubes that the surfers skilfully dove in and out of. In the winter months, waves here can crest at 30 feet! And if the thought of wiping out under that many tons of water isn't enough, there is a jagged coral reef beneath the surface where the waves break. I'll give it a pass, thanks.

    We were then guided inland and up a steep hill to the remains of an ancient temple, in Hawaiian a Luakini Heaiu, in which sacrificial ceremonies and even human sacrifices were performed to help ensure warrior's success in wars. The volcanic rocks that formed the 400 year old temple were hauled up the steep hill from the valley below.

    Back to the seashore and our next stop, Laniakea Beach where we saw a couple of sea turtles frolicking in the waves. The water was too rough for swimming, so we didn't stay there too long.

    Like visiting the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Coliseum in Rome, one must have a Shave Ice when in Hawaii. In the town of Haleiwa we visited the iconic Matsumoto's Shave Ice and, after waiting n line for 20 minutes, we were served our treats. Brenda had ordered the Matsumoto special that was flavoured with pineapple, lemon and coconut. When she got her order, she thought they had given her the wrong one. It was coloured blue, yellow and red. She went back to the counter and they confirmed they got it right. The pineapple syrup is blue. Go figure. Anyway, the overall effect was very pretty and reflected the abundance of rainbows here. Mine was passionfruit, coconut and papaya with a sprinkling of condensed milk over the top. Quite tasty, but I don't really need to have another anytime soon.

    Our next to last stop was at the Dole plantation. With my love of pineapple, I was very anxious to arrive there, sample some of the fruit and maybe even buy a few pineapples for the coming days. I figured the price here would have to be better than in town, right? No middleman, no transport costs, no carrying fees etc, etc... WRONG!!! They were selling boxes containing two large pineapples for over $15.00 US. Robbery. Needless to say, we spent very little time there.

    Our last stop was an "off the beaten track" visit to the geographical center of Oahu which symbolizes the human belly button. The birthstones of Kukaniloko are located here and it was believed that women birthing here could do so with ease and no pain because of the magical powers emanating from the stones. Kukaniloko means "to anchor the cry from within". The women would squat atop one of the stones and had to push their babies out without flinching. These babies would often grow up to become chiefs and leaders of their villages.

    Overall it was a very entertaining day and I would recommend the Shaka Guide to anyone visiting Hawaii.
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  • День 8

    Koko Head Crater

    26 октября 2016 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Koko Head Crater rises 1368 feet above the eastern side of Oahu. During the second world war, American forces installed bunkers atop the hill and a steep inclined railway to transport supplies to them. Today, the military installations are abandoned but the railway ties are used as stairs for adventurous (stupid) tourists to climb to the summit.

    Brenda had mentioned she might like to make the hike up, but I was initially a little apprehensive as the photos of the trail I had seen made it seem as though it may not be the safest tourist attraction out there. There are a total of 1050 ties to climb before you reach the top. With the thousand of visitors the site attracts, many of the ties are rounded and others have rotted with age. Although repairs have been made by the Parks Department, hardly any of the steps up the climb seemed of equal distance and often the ties are covered with a thin layer of dirt. With the frequent showers we've been having this week, I was fearful the climb and descent could be slippery and treacherous. However, at the recommendation of Brenda's niece, Zenna, we decided to take the hike on Thursday morning.

    If Zenna can do it, I can do it.

    And so we set out Thursday morning and found our way to the entrance to the park. After a short walk we arrived at the base of the railway track that rose in a straight line to the top of the crater. It appeared from that vantage point to rise almost vertically as it neared the summit. If you zoom in on the left side of the mountain in the picture above, you can see the line cut into the vegetation where the railway runs.

    Off we went. The first couple of hundred steps were relatively easy with only a 5% or 6% gradient. Nonetheless, I was carrying all our beach supplies and water on my back and I quickly began huffing and puffing as Brenda sped up the hillside. Not one of the steps is the usual seven inch rise you have on standard staircases. Some were only three or four inches while others felt like they were eighteen.

    By the time I was halfway up, I had a pretty good sweat going and I could feel the lactic acid starting to build in my quads. From that point on I was taking a break every hundred steps or so, which allowed me to catch my breath and to take a look at the already magnificent view. By this time, Brenda was so far ahead of me she was out of sight. The gradient now was up to about 10% and the fun was about to begin.

    Just before the railway really goes vertical, there is about a 100 foot long section that is suspended 40 feet above a ravine, with nothing between the ties but air. One wants to simply get across those hundred feet as quickly as possible, but the ties are uneven, some rotted and some rounded, so you have no choice but to tread very carefully. Much to my surprise, I caught up to Brenda here as she had gingerly crab-walked her way across the opening.

    But alas, once she was over the ravine, she once again scooted away from me. The last third of the climb was the most difficult with the gradient ranging, i would guess, between 20% and 40%. I was stopping every twenty five steps to wipe my brow, drink some water and catch my breath. During one of my rest breaks, I met up with a man who was descending with a walking stick. He told me he found the descent just as difficult as the ascent. He then surprised me when he informed me he had climbed to the top to celebrate his 85th birthday! "It doesn't matter how old you are, if you want it bad enough and are determined, you can do anything." Well, that was all the incentive I needed to get my sorry ass in gear. I wished him a very happy birthday and many more to come and went back to my attack on the summit.

    The climb was so steep here that I had to carry my backpack on my chest to help maintain my balance. But, after a couple more stops along the way, I finally reached the top and was rewarded with a 360 degree view of the southern and eastern shores of Oahu. Truly breathtaking views and a cool breeze made every step up worthwhile. Brenda and I stayed up there for about half an hour, had a little snack and then set out on our way back down the hill.

    With a lightened load on my back and gravity working in my favour, I found the descent much easier than the climb up, although it was a little jarring on the knees from time to time. Traversing the ravine was also a challenge since the ties naturally slope downwards causing you to accelerate unless you're careful. I had to adopt a semi-squat position and tread very carefully over the half rotted ties to ensure I didn't make a misstep. I was very glad to arrive at the part of the track where the gradient became more horizontal as I could feel a slight quivering in my legs from the constant battle to maintain balance on the upper portion. By the time I stepped off the last tie, my legs were like jello.

    As I write this blog two days later, my legs are still killing me. Those long bike rides and runs couldn't prepare me for the intense Stairmaster workout I went through on Wednesday, although I don't regret for one minute having made the climb.

    But Zenna, I owe you one.
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  • День 12

    Aloha Hawaii

    30 октября 2016 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Our visit to Honolulu is drawing to a close as we await our red-eye home to Vancouver.

    The last couple of days have been spent lounging on the beach and re-visiting some of our favorite moments of the time we spent here. Friday we went for a ninety minute catamaran ride along Waikiki Beach out to Diamond Head and back. The strong winds made for great sailing weather and the rolling waves had the bow of the boat riding and falling, drenching the passengers seated up front. But the waves weren't the only source of water hitting the deck. We all got a pretty good soaking from a sun shower that lasted about ten minutes. It all made for a really enjoyable ride.

    Our last meal here was at Duke's on the beach where we treated ourselves to the best salad bar on Oahu. The selection was outstanding and all the produce was first rate. Hopefully it will keep our bellies filled for the six hour flight home.

    The trip has done us a lot of good. It's been a bit of a stressful time in our lives since Brenda's Dad passed and this brief vacation has allowed us to forget about the issues at hand and just chill out for a couple of weeks. We took each day as it came and did only the things that really appealed to us. It's been great.

    We really enjoyed Hawaii, although it's doubtful we'll ever return. It's a beautiful part of the world, the locals are super friendly and the weather is pretty darn nice. But it's a little too touristy for our tastes. That being said, there are things here that we adored. The Hawaiian license plate proclaims this as the Aloha State and is adorned with a rainbow. When we first arrived, we wondered why, but we soon discovered the reason. The trade winds blow moisture laden clouds over the islands. As the clouds cross the mountain ranges, the moisture falls from them in the form of brief, but sometimes intense showers. You can be walking down the street in bright sunshine while, at the same time,and get soaked by the falling precipitation. Of course, the combination of sunshine and rain produces spectacular rainbows. I'd have to say we saw at least one rainbow every other day. In fact, just before I began typing this entry, a high school marching band was rehearsing on the football field not far from our condo. Suddenly, the skies opened under the bright sunshine and a rainbow formed, starting at the entrance of our building and spreading across the football field and into the mountains. The band happened to be playing "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" at the time. Freaky.

    Brenda's Dad was supposed to come to Hawaii a few years ago, but at the last minute his health precluded him from taking the trip. I guess he regretted never having visited here and felt we shouldn't live our lives without at least one trip to the islands. The generous Hawaiian fund he started for us spurred us on to make this trip and we will always be grateful to him. Although he never made it to Hawaii while he was alive, he was here with us in our hearts. Thanks for a wonderful vacation, Daddy.
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