Comuna Racoviţa

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    • Day 67

      The bear foot trail

      August 4, 2020 in Romania ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      When we woke up today, we decided to have breakfast at the next minimarket as it was really windy and cold at the campground and there was no corner to hide from the wind. At the market, we had a coffee and wanted to eat our bread, but it was moldy. The market didn't have bread, so we had to continue to the next one. Here, we were lucky as the bread delivery van had just arrived.
      Afterwards, we took a trail through the forest. On the map, it looked like a hiking trail, but we don't mind a bit of pushing and definitely prefer 8km on a quiet forest trail compared to 40km on the busy main road. The first part of the trail was ok. We had to push a couple of steep sections, but could cycle most of it. We had to pass a pasture through a gate, but like in the Alps, this is not a big deal. When we met the cowherd, he explained to us how to get to the village on the other side of the hill. But as he spoke Romanian, we didn't understand much and trusted on our GPS.
      Then, the "fun" part started. Our GPS showed a trail, that didn't exist in reality. We followed some traces that looked like a trail, but didn't exist on the map. We also just pushed and cycled between the trees to kind of match the GPS trail. At some stage, we arrived at a path we could cycle for 1 or 2km, so that's what we did. But it got worse and worse with more and more sections to push or even carry the bikes. We saw lots of signs for bears like footprints and bear poo, but no sign of civilisation. The trail ended at a meadow with a deserted hut and really high grass. We looked for a way out, but no chance. So we had to go back the terrible way we came. Once back at a known intersection, we tried a different turn. This time, we were more lucky. Not a good trail, but after some more pushing and carrying the bikes we got back on our trail in civilisation. Instead of 8km, we spent 20km in the forest and about 4 hours! We were totally exhausted and hungry.
      However, even though there were houses, we couldn't find a store to buy food. So we continued on our route. We had to climb 250m on gravel first, but were then rewarded by a really long downhill through some remote villages and a beautiful valley. Afterwards, we had a 10km section on a main road. The scenery was spectacular, but the road was way to busy to be able to enjoy it. When we could finally turn onto a smaller road, we were happy to find a supermarket where we had our "lunch" at 4pm. As we were tired, we started looking for a place to stay for the night and found a camping sign just at the end of the village. It was actually a festival ground on the weekend, but the manager let us camp there and use the facilities.
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    • Day 5

      Transfăgărășan und kurbeln, kurbeln....

      August 26, 2019 in Romania ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Was für Tag...Rumänien zeigt uns wahnsinnig viel...Sighissoara, Schloss Bran und dann der lange Ritt von Norden über Kerc zur Transfăgărășan...! Leider hatten wird durchgehend Mistwetter, dass sich erst am Ausgang dieser fantastischen Bergstraße am Stausee besserte...!!

      Die Transfogarascher Hochstraße (rumänisch Drumul Transfăgărășan oder einfach Transfăgărășan) ist eine Gebirgsstraße in Rumänien. Die Straße verbindet das Argeș-Tal in der Großen Walachei mit dem Olt-Tal in Siebenbürgen, wobei sie das Făgăraș-Gebirge – eine Gebirgsgruppe in den Transsilvanischen Alpen – überquert. Die Transfogarascher Hochstraße ist Teil der 151 Kilometer (149,82 km[1]) langen, in Süd-Nord-Richtung verlaufenden, Nationalstraße DN 7C.

      Weiter gehts nach Bukarest...!
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    • Day 22

      Hier riechts nach Vampiren, Transsilvan

      March 20, 2023 in Romania ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C
    • Day 7


      June 27, 2018 in Romania ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      By the seventh day, Mario had finished the cycling he had been doing; so on the seventh day, he rested from all his cycling.

      CycloGenesis 2:2

      Truth to be told, I was stuck in that same spot, for a day longer than had planned or liked, under that tree with a lush treetop, because of the rain. I need it to stop so I can dry and pack up the tent and move on.

      I went to a nearby hamlet looking for a grocery store and a power outlet. I was in luck, a young girl was working in her mom and pop store and she spoke some English, so I installed myself on their little shop porch, bought some sodas, snacks, and candies and started recharging my batteries, literally and figuratively.

      When her younger brother came around with some other kids they started drooling all over my bike.
      Seeing a built-in digital speedometer, alarm and some other sundries, they assumed it was an electric bike. The inevitable question was 'How much did it cost?' Without thinking much I sad 'One hundred thousand..' at which point their jaws dropped. Wait, shit, what did I just say?! I meant to say one thousand! However, even after I corrected myself, stating basically that it doesn't cost 200, but only 2 average monthly salaries in Romania, my brain stopped floating in sugar and caught up with my mouth talking Romanian. Too late. Wait, fret not, The Brain will take over now!

      "Where are you staying?", continued the youngster. The Brain grinned and said out loud "at the monastery", all proud of its improv. God dammit Brain, that's a nun convent! Much theme porn?! (nah, we're keeping it PG, so "The Little Hours"). But the kids were happy with the answer. I mean, it all made a perfect sense. A guy riding a bike, instead of a car, comes through their village, instead of taking the highway, paid his bicycle as much as others pay their cars...him staying in a nunnery is the least weird he uttered in his broken Romanian.
      And here I am, sleeping in the open, with my bike next to my tent, during a rainy and windy night, during which my bike alarm went off several times due to wind and vibrations...or a chubby kid was stealing my bike while I was asleep! 🤨 And definitely, no nuns checking on me! 💃🏻
      Oh, mystery solved, there was a dog wandering around, trying to eat an empty can of mackerel. Chewed through the tin lid, poor beast.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Comuna Racoviţa, Comuna Racovita

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